Two terms each at all levels... That's it. Gubm'et "service" was never meant to be a career. Career politicians are professional crooks. Clowns on both sides have been milking this for decades.
I used to not be that way. I didn't think nothing of set term limits for the HOR, Senate, state house....etc...etc.. Of course I was younger then and didn't pay all that much attention until I got out of school and started earning a paycheck. I agree, give them two terms and tell them to get the hell out. Also that is two terms worth of retirement as I see it, it doesn't mean that you are fully vested in a retirement system somewhere. If I am not mistaken, our wonderful state legislators are fully vested in the RSA after one term. Piss on that, if that is case. Career politicians piss me off for the most part. Too many have been in office so long that they have forgot what it is like to have to get up and take their happy ass to work everyday.