Car dealers are going to go off of a number in their "black" book, not Kelly's, or any other book you can find online. If you have gone to the bank, chances are they consulted a yellow NADA book. That will be close to the "black" book, but not quite.
Nothing wrong with what tiger88 said, except I strongly disagree with the payment information, if that is a concern. Payments can be worked out over different terms, but you AND your salesman are going to be very frustrated if you go through the selection process and THEN figure out you can't get a payment within reasonable distance from your goal. You can go all internet on them if you want, but that'll just annoy most car salesfolks, and generally doesn't impress them much. So, unless you have a witch doctor ready to shrink some heads like on TV, do your own legwork, with people they can see, talk with, and locally compete against..
You'll win in the end.