My pops ran into Coach Lolley last Friday (one week ago) in the Atlanta airport. Said he was easily recognizable due to being completely decked out in Auburn gear and because of the blinding reflection of the 2004 championship ring that he was wearing.
He said that Coach Lolley looked tired and wore out. He approached him and exchanged a "War Eagle" with him. Coach told my dad that he had been hitting the recruiting trail hard and was wore out. He was heading back to his home in Columbus.
Said that, during the week that just passed (Dec. 8th-11th) he had spent all his time in North Georgia and Tennessee recruiting various high schools.
The week before that (Dec. 1st-5th) , he spent time recruiting in Miami, Orlando, Dallas, Fort Worth, and Austin.
He said that his sole purpose for being out was to "salvage what we still had" and make sure that all was right with those kids that had committed. It really wasn't a trip to get new committs as much as it was to keep the ones that were interested, interested.
My dad asked him when we were getting a new head coach. He replied "it will all be taken care of in a few days." That following Sunday Chizik was hired.
So, even a dumbass could figure out that the folks that are still part of the staff have realized the importance of keeping the recruiting trail hot, and have been acting accordingly. Pair that with what Chizik has been doing here recently, and I just can't help but be satisfied that they are doing their damndest to make everything right. Those involved knew that, before the hiring of Chizik, they would have their work cut out for them, and they've been apparently busting their balls even before the announcement of his hiring to keep the kids committed.
Onwards to February!