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I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF


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I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« on: December 17, 2008, 04:33:51 PM »
Holy freakin' crap, people.  If you didn't hear Dye, it's a MUST listen.  I don't care what you believe or don't believe, but what this man said (And I thought previously, the man was senile) makes more sense than any damn thing I've heard.

He was live in the studio.  Dude, he blew it up.  Although the Mullet wearing knuckledraggers will never admit it, he made PF look absolutely stupid.  I don’t believe I’ve heard anyone in his position tell it like it is in a long, long time.  He was calm and didn’t get belligerent but told it straight up.  What he said made more sense than any damn thing I’ve heard and he called EVERBODY out…from Finebaum to (And especially) Jimmy Sexton.  He even called out Saban.  A couple of quick points if you didn’t hear it.

We NEVER offered or had any negotiations whatsoever with Houston Nutt or Will Muschamp.  All put out there by Jimmy Sexton.  Tuberville NEVER interviewed with Arkansas or Texas A&M.  Dye called Broyles and Slocum personally.  ALL agreed it was Jimmy Sexton.

The process of interviewing and selecting a coach was strictly up to Jacobs with the exception of when the selection was made, Gouge wanted to personally interview him before they gave final approval. 

Dye ripped into Finebaum, Scarbinsky, Barnhart and others in the media for the racist crap.  Asked PF if he interviewed Gill..NO…Did you or any of the others interview ANY of the 9 candidates that JJ did in fact interview…NO!!!  Then why is it racism when they not only pass on Gill but also pass on Patterson, who on paper is infinitely more qualified?  Dye wants to know.  He called out Finebaum for his “Plantation mentality” remarks.

If you didn't hear it....WOW!!!  This was the old Pat Dye
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War Eagle!!!

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Re: I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2008, 04:36:30 PM »
So what you are saying is he was sober?

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Re: I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2008, 04:38:36 PM »
Holy freakin' crap, people.  If you didn't hear Dye, it's a MUST listen.  I don't care what you believe or don't believe, but what this man said (And I thought previously, the man was senile) makes more sense than any damn thing I've heard.

He was live in the studio.  Dude, he blew it up.  Although the Mullet wearing knuckledraggers will never admit it, he made PF look absolutely stupid.  I don’t believe I’ve heard anyone in his position tell it like it is in a long, long time.  He was calm and didn’t get belligerent but told it straight up.  What he said made more sense than any damn thing I’ve heard and he called EVERBODY out…from Finebaum to (And especially) Jimmy Sexton.  He even called out Saban.  A couple of quick points if you didn’t hear it.

We NEVER offered or had any negotiations whatsoever with Houston Nutt or Will Muschamp.  All put out there by Jimmy Sexton.  Tuberville NEVER interviewed with Arkansas or Texas A&M.  Dye called Broyles and Slocum personally.  ALL agreed it was Jimmy Sexton.

The process of interviewing and selecting a coach was strictly up to Jacobs with the exception of when the selection was made, Gouge wanted to personally interview him before they gave final approval. 

Dye ripped into Finebaum, Scarbinsky, Barnhart and others in the media for the racist crap.  Asked PF if he interviewed Gill..NO…Did you or any of the others interview ANY of the 9 candidates that JJ did in fact interview…NO!!!  Then why is it racism when they not only pass on Gill but also pass on Patterson, who on paper is infinitely more qualified?  Dye wants to know.  He called out Finebaum for his “Plantation mentality” remarks.

If you didn't hear it....WOW!!!  This was the old Pat Dye

I didn't listen, but what in the hell could he have possibly called Saban out over?
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Re: I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2008, 04:43:07 PM »
PF tried to gig Dye on some comments he made a day or two ago in the paper about how Bama people weren't too happy with Saban when La. Monroe whipped their ass.  (Yep, that's what he said).  Dye asked PF if he could find one member of the Bama nation that was happy with Saban after Monroe whipped their ass.  He said, "Hell, I don't imagine Nick Saban was too happy walking out of that game either."

He goes on to ask PF, "Do think anyone in the Auburn family was happy after Vanderbilt whipped our ass?" :rofl:
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Re: I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2008, 05:17:04 PM »
I didn't listen, but what in the hell could he have possibly called Saban out over?

Well, let's see...

He's a sack of shit douchebag who has the credibility and integrity of a sea slug.  You can start there.
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Re: I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2008, 05:36:30 PM »
With regard to Saban, Dye gave him his due.  Said he was coach of the year and earned.  Not in dispute.  But he also said we all know how CNS feels about Auburn.  He stated that plainly on TV for anyone paying attention.  And he is Sexton's fair haired child and has no problem with anything Sexton does to create controversy which ultimately puts Auburn in a bad light.

I'm telling you, CPD pulled no punches today. 
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Re: I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2008, 05:39:33 PM »
I'm cool with it, but I think seriously Auburn needs to consider at this point, not allowing a single coach, player or anyone else associated directly with the university to participate or be caller fodder for that clown any further.  Allowing it is the ONLY thin piece of string that tenuously keeps hold of his "neutral" tag in the national media.  That assbag has NO business being ANY kind of representative for the sports nation in Alabama, and CERTAINLY not Auburn.  Period.
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Re: I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2008, 05:42:29 PM »
I'm cool with it, but I think seriously Auburn needs to consider at this point, not allowing a single coach, player or anyone else associated directly with the university to participate or be caller fodder for that clown any further.  Allowing it is the ONLY thin piece of string that tenuously keeps hold of his "neutral" tag in the national media.  That assbag has NO business being ANY kind of representative for the sports nation in Alabama, and CERTAINLY not Auburn.  Period.

Okay, so Auburn hired yet another Sexton client. 

We is smart.   :blink:
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Re: I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2008, 05:46:25 PM »
He may be wrong but Dye said emphatically that Chizik is not represented by Sexton.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Re: I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2008, 05:51:07 PM »
He may be wrong but Dye said emphatically that Chizik is not represented by Sexton.

I've heard he used to be, but is no longer. 
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Re: I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2008, 06:14:10 PM »
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Re: I Now Have A New Perspective..DYE on PF
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2008, 10:33:45 AM »
from Jay Tate's blog

Dye comments on Finebaum
This is too good to avoid.

"Nobody had any part in this hiring except Jay (Jacobs)."

"The Houston Nutt thing was put out by Jimmy Sexton, his agent."

He said someone told him Nutt had been offered $4 million. "That's a lie. I knew (Jacobs) wouldn't touch Nutt with a 10-foot pole. Jay said: `I haven't even thought about (Nutt).' I asked Frank Broyles about it and he said: `That's Jimmy Sexton. He did the same thing when Houston was out here with the Nebraska job. He did the same thing with Tommy last year with Arkansas and Texas A&M.'"

Dye said he called former Texas A&M coach R.C. Slocum about Tuberville's alleged candidiacy last year: "Tommy's name hadn't even been mentioned out here."

On Jimbo Fisher and Will Muschamp: "We ain't talked to them. That's Sexton."

On Tony Barnhart reporting that trustees talked with Fisher and Muschamp: "They can talk to him all they want. Jay Jacobs is doing the hiring."

"There's a lot of misinformation out there. It gets everybody stirred up."

What is Sexton's motive?: "Money. Getting Nutt a raise at Ole Miss. Getting Jimbo a raise at Florida State. Getting Muschamp a raise. Getting Tommy (Tuberville) a raise. Money!"

"It's Floirda nation. It's Alabama nation. It's the Auburn family. They're screwing around with our family. The press! They're calling us racists and saying we have a plantation mentality."

"I probably would have gone and hired Rodney Garner or Patrick Nix -- two of my former players."

"If you're going to coach at Auburn and everything is equal, I think it would be smart to have someone who loves Auburn on your staff. That would be a tremendous advantage. That's Gene Chizik's decision. I haven't recommended one person to him."

On Chizik: "He's a polished guy. His players love him. For Carlos Rogers to fly to Atlanta and rent a car and drive to Auburn to be there for his coach -- that shows you."

He mistakenly believes Travis Williams appeared at the press conference. It was Antarrious Williams. Totally different guy.

"Kurt (Crain) called me this morning and wanted me to recommend him to Gene. I told him: I'm not recommending anyone."

Watson Brown as OC?: "That ain't happening."

"We really don't need to worry about what's being said on the radio. If they want to listen to you, fine. It doesn't bother me what you say. I know you talk about me when I get off the air ..."

He claims to have written the note you read here yesterday (and Tigers Unlimited people read the day before).

Chizik: "I like it and I do like it. War eagle."

So why write a letter?: He gets up early. "I had a spell come over me while I was riding around on the farm. I felt like I needed to talk to the Auburn people. I didn't know how to do it -- if it should be an editorial. I don't know how you all do this electrical stuff nowadays."

Is Harper Lee behind this?: He wants to see her in January. "I've got some unfinished business we need to talk about."


On Barkley: "People don't need to get bent out of shape with him. He's an Auburn man. He did not have enough information and he over-reacted. I've done the same thing (in the past). On this issue, he's wrong. He needs to call Jay and talk to him or call Turner Gill and talk to him."

On Nebraska's 41-7 win against Auburn in 1982. Gill was Nebraska's quarterback that day: "That was a good, old-fashioned, country ass-whooping."

Advice to Paul: "Ease up a little bit. If you get away from Birmingham, come on down to the plantation."

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