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From the conspiracy theorists


From the conspiracy theorists
« on: December 16, 2008, 06:56:00 PM »

Originally, I would call total BS on this (not mine, just a rumor flying around in emails)... why would Auburn even want Tuberville gone and hire Nutt? After seeing Chizik hired, possibly Jacobs did want Nutt. I'm not buying it, but it's certainly more believable today than it would have been a week ago.



The night of the Alabama-Auburn game after Auburn gets drilled 36-0 a
prominent Auburn booster and board member (not the bank owning one, the
yellow cowboy hat wearing one) calls Houston Nutt to inquire what it might
take for him to come to the turdliest village on the plains. Apparently
stealing Ole Miss coaches is a pasttime in Auburn.

Well, as we may recall Tubbs got a somewhat unique non-interference clause
in his last contract following Jetgate. Auburn pledged to Tuberville that
neither the school president nor athletics director or anyone acting under
their authority "shall discuss or negotiate directly or indirectly Auburn's
prospective employment of any other person as Head Football Coach of Auburn"
without giving Tuberville prior notice. In non-lawyerese it basically means
that if Auburn got caught monkeying around with a new coach behind Tubbs'
back again he gets paid alot.

Unfortunately for Auburn, Nutt's agent is Jimmy Sexton. Tubbs' agent is
Jimmy Sexton. Whoopsie.

Tubbs walks in the following Monday discussing his intentions to resign and
wants his money now that he knows his contract has been breached. Multi-day
discussions ensue and end with Tuberville's official resignation on December
3 and Auburn paying him the buyout anyway because it "is the right thing to
do." Yes, its the right thing under the contract, otherwise who pays buyouts
for resignations right?

Now, guess who Gene Chizik's agent is? Right, Jimmy Sexton. Nutt gets a
salary bump (more money for Jimmy) and an extension. Now, how does Auburn
keep Jetgate II from hitting the front of ESPN in an embarrassing manner?
Hmmm, perhaps by hiring a Sexton client who needs to get out of his personal
football coaching hell known as Iowa State? How else is he going to go
anywhere with that 5-19 record.

This seems to explain the inexplicable way in which this all went down.
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Re: From the conspiracy theorists
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2008, 07:39:32 PM »
Dude, anything is possible, do I believe it, nope, but like I said anything is possible and I don't think we will ever know the true story.
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Re: From the conspiracy theorists
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2008, 08:24:01 PM »
None are real.  Here's the one I heard -

The BOT wanted Muschamp more than they wanted Petrino in 2003.  However, because of Muschamp's contract, he wasn't allowed to talk to any other school and definitely not interview.  Muschamp sent word to the BOT that he would come to AU in a heartbeat if they got rid of Jay Jacobs.  The BOT told Sexton that Muschamp was their guy.  However there was still a contract to work out....

Cue Jay Jacobs.  He got word of the deal and realized that it was going to be his ass on the way out.  In order to sabotage the deal, he leaked the information to Mobile.  When Mobile reported it, it screwed Muschamp.  If Texas found out what was going on, he was screwed at Texas.  Therefore, Auburn had the upper hand with negotiations.  So, Muschamp looked at his options and said screw Auburn. 

Jacobs, not knowing how to handle Easy Mac, phoned Pat Dye.  They discussed their options and decided to go after Turner Gill.  As always, Auburn was just being Auburn and handed Turner Gill a list of acceptable coaching hires.  Gill decided not to take the Auburn job.  Gene Chizik expressed interest and agreed to all of Pat Dye's requests.  Once he did that, Jacobs made the quick hire. 

You may be asking where was Gogue during all of this?  Well, there are "sources" that say Gogue figured out real quick who was really in charge at Auburn.  He decided to step aside and let the search take its course. 

- None of this is real if you ask me.  This might all be a practical joke.  Gene Chizik is really an animatronic robot with Tuberville in control.  Tubs got tired of being outside so much. 

- The story I just told could be possible plagiarism of a post from The Bunker.  TIFWIW IYAM SIAP. 
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Re: From the conspiracy theorists
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2008, 11:55:14 AM »
Originally, I would call total BS on this (not mine, just a rumor flying around in emails)... why would Auburn even want Tuberville gone and hire Nutt? After seeing Chizik hired, possibly Jacobs did want Nutt. I'm not buying it, but it's certainly more believable today than it would have been a week ago.



The night of the Alabama-Auburn game after Auburn gets drilled 36-0 a
prominent Auburn booster and board member (not the bank owning one, the
yellow cowboy hat wearing one) calls Houston Nutt to inquire what it might
take for him to come to the turdliest village on the plains. Apparently
stealing Ole Miss coaches is a pasttime in Auburn.

Well, as we may recall Tubbs got a somewhat unique non-interference clause
in his last contract following Jetgate. Auburn pledged to Tuberville that
neither the school president nor athletics director or anyone acting under
their authority "shall discuss or negotiate directly or indirectly Auburn's
prospective employment of any other person as Head Football Coach of Auburn"
without giving Tuberville prior notice. In non-lawyerese it basically means
that if Auburn got caught monkeying around with a new coach behind Tubbs'
back again he gets paid alot.

Unfortunately for Auburn, Nutt's agent is Jimmy Sexton. Tubbs' agent is
Jimmy Sexton. Whoopsie.

Tubbs walks in the following Monday discussing his intentions to resign and
wants his money now that he knows his contract has been breached. Multi-day
discussions ensue and end with Tuberville's official resignation on December
3 and Auburn paying him the buyout anyway because it "is the right thing to
do." Yes, its the right thing under the contract, otherwise who pays buyouts
for resignations right?

Now, guess who Gene Chizik's agent is? Right, Jimmy Sexton. Nutt gets a
salary bump (more money for Jimmy) and an extension. Now, how does Auburn
keep Jetgate II from hitting the front of ESPN in an embarrassing manner?
Hmmm, perhaps by hiring a Sexton client who needs to get out of his personal
football coaching hell known as Iowa State? How else is he going to go
anywhere with that 5-19 record.

This seems to explain the inexplicable way in which this all went down.
This actually sounds incredibly plausible to me. Explains a lot, and is pretty logically sound.
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Re: From the conspiracy theorists
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2008, 12:10:01 PM »
townhall's conspiracy ignores the basic timeline of the search, because Gill's name had already waxed and waned before Boom's name ever came up at Fox 10.  Plus, it gives JJ way too much credit for being able to manipulate the situation.

The first conspiracy makes sense up to the point where Sexton extorts the university to hire Chizik.  George Lucas could write a more plausible ending to that story.

The best conspiracy theory I've heard is this one:
1) What if JJ has been telling the truth about everything? The SACS situation scared AU enough that they really were going to handle things the right way - AD recommends to President who makes the decision without interference from trustees.

2) JJ really did intend to give Tubs another year and was shocked and unprepared when he quit.

3) JJ really did intend to conduct the coaching search thru the front door. That meant that nobody except assistants and mid-majors would be willing to interview.

4) The rag-tag assortment of coaches that he actually interviewed was the best he could do.

5) The final choice came to down to Chizik or Gill. He asked each one what would be his dream job. If Gill said Auburn, JJ knew he was lying. I think Chizik is telling the truth when he says its his dream job.

6) Scarbinsky says Lowder didn't like the hire, adding further support to the theory.

7) This was JJ's hire and Gogue didn't even want to come to the introductory press conference. JJ will take the fall if it doesn't work out.

8) JJ recognized this hire would define his career and chose the guy that he actually thought would be best for Auburn in the long run. Gill would surely have been better in the short run, but that would end after the first game.

9) Maybe there has been so many conspiracies at AU that all of us are conditioned to expect them. Is it possible that this time things are just as they were presented?

I'm not saying they are, just asking.

I just think we shouldn't chalk up as conspiracy what we can chalk up as sheer incompetence.
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Re: From the conspiracy theorists
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2008, 01:44:05 PM »
The first conspiracy makes sense up to the point where Sexton extorts the university to hire Chizik.  George Lucas could write a more plausible ending to that story.
Agreed. I feel 99% positive though that that's why Tubs "resigned" yet still got his $5.1 mil. That's the only rational explanation. Also explains why we were so hell bent on conducting this search "the right way" through the front doors of the Athletic Departments of these coach's current schools.
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Re: From the conspiracy theorists
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2008, 02:45:48 PM »
Take this for what it's worth, but I have heard the following. It is not in a mass e-mail but came straight from the mouth of an influential man in sports in Alabama.

It goes like this:

Tubs and JJ had agreed that Tubs was going to be coach next year. When he met with JJ and Gouge, they all agreed that the best thing for all parties involved was for Tubs to stay around. That is why all of the coaches were out of town recruiting because they all thought everything was going to be fine. Tuberville met seperately with the BoT (minus Lowder) and basically asked them if they wanted him to be in Auburn, yes or no. They tried to dance around the issue but Tubs said, tell me yes or no....nothing else. The BoT said "NO". At that point TT said ok, I am out of here, give me the money and I will leave. This happened in ONE meeting. Matter of fact, Hugh Nall was in Atlanta and was going to go to TX for a recruiting trip. He talked to Tubs before he got on the plain and Tubs said everything was going to stay the same. While Nall was in the air is when the meeting took place and when Nall landed there was a message saying, come home and pack your bags. JJ and Gouge didn't know anything about this and that is why they did not have any big time candidates before TT was fired.
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Re: From the conspiracy theorists
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2008, 01:25:53 PM »
Some bama douchebag on bleacherreport.com is getting a ton of mileage from this.  The fuckstick is claiming that it was given to him as "inside information" from an Auburn source.  He's a cocksucker and his inside source is al.com's message board. 

What sickens me is that I heard the asshats on WJOX and the guys down on WNSP discussing this and giving the fucker credit for getting the real story.   He didn't get shit.  Fuck, rebmus had it two or three days before he posted it and I got this same exact email on Sunday -- and dismissed it as fantasy.

Now the same fucking douche who posted the thing and is even fucking on tigerland as a credible article had done a followup where he claims somebody from the Auburn athletic department was calling his cell phone and asking him questions about how he got all this inside information, but they wouldn't identify themselves. 

Somebody PLEASE come help me rape this fucker and tear him a new asshole.  PLEASE?

Or maybe just ignore the fuck and don't give him any more attention than he's already getting?  Tell me what to do.

Originally, I would call total BS on this (not mine, just a rumor flying around in emails)... why would Auburn even want Tuberville gone and hire Nutt? After seeing Chizik hired, possibly Jacobs did want Nutt. I'm not buying it, but it's certainly more believable today than it would have been a week ago.



The night of the Alabama-Auburn game after Auburn gets drilled 36-0 a
prominent Auburn booster and board member (not the bank owning one, the
yellow cowboy hat wearing one) calls Houston Nutt to inquire what it might
take for him to come to the turdliest village on the plains. Apparently
stealing Ole Miss coaches is a pasttime in Auburn.

Well, as we may recall Tubbs got a somewhat unique non-interference clause
in his last contract following Jetgate. Auburn pledged to Tuberville that
neither the school president nor athletics director or anyone acting under
their authority "shall discuss or negotiate directly or indirectly Auburn's
prospective employment of any other person as Head Football Coach of Auburn"
without giving Tuberville prior notice. In non-lawyerese it basically means
that if Auburn got caught monkeying around with a new coach behind Tubbs'
back again he gets paid alot.

Unfortunately for Auburn, Nutt's agent is Jimmy Sexton. Tubbs' agent is
Jimmy Sexton. Whoopsie.

Tubbs walks in the following Monday discussing his intentions to resign and
wants his money now that he knows his contract has been breached. Multi-day
discussions ensue and end with Tuberville's official resignation on December
3 and Auburn paying him the buyout anyway because it "is the right thing to
do." Yes, its the right thing under the contract, otherwise who pays buyouts
for resignations right?

Now, guess who Gene Chizik's agent is? Right, Jimmy Sexton. Nutt gets a
salary bump (more money for Jimmy) and an extension. Now, how does Auburn
keep Jetgate II from hitting the front of ESPN in an embarrassing manner?
Hmmm, perhaps by hiring a Sexton client who needs to get out of his personal
football coaching hell known as Iowa State? How else is he going to go
anywhere with that 5-19 record.

This seems to explain the inexplicable way in which this all went down.
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Re: From the conspiracy theorists
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2008, 01:56:41 PM »
Maybe rebmus is the source.

Out yourself, rebmus!
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