You know, I love how if anyone doesn't want to jump off a fucking bridge here, it's puppies and fucking unicorns. I never said I was happy and this was a dream come true, but if I'm not with pitchfork and fucking fire and brimstone mad, and posting fifty fucking posts to out pissy the last post, I'm a fucking hippie.
You can all say screw you, call me Jay of all fucking things, but ALLLLLL I've said was is that some of you need to calm the fuck down. I get the WTF status, does that mean every single one of us must dance the dance of war and fuck me I'm dying because of it? You talk about putting good intelligent writing on the front page to attract posters, but I can tell you the second any of them get past the "intelligence"... THIS constant whining and BS is ALLLLL they are going to see.. Forgive me if I choose not to flip the fuck out for days on end....
I haven't given a single sunshiney response to shit yet ANYWHERE, so spare me the unicorns and puppies... I'll just say again, that I hope at some point this gets back to intelligence with attitude, not uncontrolled retardation and continuous blithering that I've seen. Fuck...