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The Worst Part of the Hire

The Worst Part of the Hire
« on: December 13, 2008, 11:55:32 PM »
Gene Chizik doesn't have a chance.  His window to succeed is slim to none.  Coming into this situation, he's going to be under the microscope of every Auburn fan, booster, ticket holder, and student.  Since we have all condemned him to mediocrity, the vaguest negative sign will be grounds for termination.  Fans have already screamed their vocal cords into writhing pain, but don't worry, the hoarse screams from Toomer's Corner can still be heard loud and clear. 

Chizik will not be able to recruit this year.  It's too easy to recruit against him.  He won't be able to make any flashy hires on his staff because it already appears to be a sinking ship.  The media will grab our future by the balls.  It's exactly what they wanted; Nick Saban has now become the true sheriff in Alabama.  The one man that could stop him lost his mojo and quit/fired or fired/quit. 

Chizik must win by coaching the players he already has.  How many juniors bolts to the league is unknown at this time, but I have a feeling it will be many.  Without leadership, without talent, without experience, our outlook for 2009 is bleak, and in that lies the biggest problem.  Chizik must win in 2009.  He must win at least 9 ball games to prove he can coach.  Anything less will flame the fans' fire.  Anything less will enable the media to label him inferior to the rest of the SEC coaches. 

Get ready for an abysmal offseason.  I think it'll be key for Chizik to start 4-0 and beat West Virginia.  That may get the train rolling, but we've got 9 months to wait. 
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole


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Re: The Worst Part of the Hire
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2008, 02:17:13 AM »
Gene Chizik doesn't have a chance.  His window to succeed is slim to none.  Coming into this situation, he's going to be under the microscope of every Auburn fan, booster, ticket holder, and student.  Since we have all condemned him to mediocrity, the vaguest negative sign will be grounds for termination.  Fans have already screamed their vocal cords into writhing pain, but don't worry, the hoarse screams from Toomer's Corner can still be heard loud and clear. 

Chizik will not be able to recruit this year.  It's too easy to recruit against him.  He won't be able to make any flashy hires on his staff because it already appears to be a sinking ship.  The media will grab our future by the balls.  It's exactly what they wanted; Nick Saban has now become the true sheriff in Alabama.  The one man that could stop him lost his mojo and quit/fired or fired/quit. 

Chizik must win by coaching the players he already has.  How many juniors bolts to the league is unknown at this time, but I have a feeling it will be many.  Without leadership, without talent, without experience, our outlook for 2009 is bleak, and in that lies the biggest problem.  Chizik must win in 2009.  He must win at least 9 ball games to prove he can coach.  Anything less will flame the fans' fire.  Anything less will enable the media to label him inferior to the rest of the SEC coaches. 

Get ready for an abysmal offseason.  I think it'll be key for Chizik to start 4-0 and beat West Virginia.  That may get the train rolling, but we've got 9 months to wait. 

Auburn will finish 2009 with a 3-9 record.  I hope they hang Jay Jacobs from the tree at Toomers Corner.

Tell me this.  When has a face to face meeting with that FUCKING ASSCLOWN ever had a positive resolution for Auburn?

Dave Marsh sits down with Jacobs. A day later he resigns. 

Gene Chizik goes to talk to him after the 2004 season. Two days later he's sidestepping to Texas.

Muschamp sits down with him to talk about his future. It blows up. Muschamp leaves.

Tuberville goes to chat and figure out 2009 and the direction for the next five years.  A day later he's out.

Slater goes to talk to him. That losing fucker gets to stay. 

Lebo?  Can there be a shittier basketball program?

I don't want to hear a cartload of excuses from Chizik.  We had the talent to be picked to win the West this season.  Virtually none of that talent graduates.  Fuck some excuses. 

I want Jay Jacobs fired.  I want him fired TODAY.
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Re: The Worst Part of the Hire
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2008, 07:18:21 AM »
If Chizik doesn't win 8 games with the talent we have coming back next year, he needs to be fired at mid-field after the Iron Bowl.
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Re: The Worst Part of the Hire
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2008, 03:43:28 PM »
If Chizik doesn't win 8 games with the talent we have coming back next year, he needs to be fired at mid-field after the Iron Bowl.

Too harsh.  It's not his problem.  I'm not going to blame Gene Chizik one bit for this debacle.  He could go 3-9, and I still won't have ill feelings towards Chizik.  The guy was handed a winning lottery ticket. 

The real culprit is Jacobs.  I don't give a shit if he's a puppet of Bobby Lowder.  It's HIS job to make these hires and work out the problems.  Because of Jacobs, it won't matter how good of a coach Chizik is.  He won't have time to be successful because the Auburn fanbase has pitchforks and torches in their hands.  Jacobs had the opportunity to make the right hire.  I would have taken a poor season next year with a guy like Turner Gill.  I would have been patient to see how Muschamp develops as a head coach.  I would have waited for Paul Johnson to bring in the right recruits to run his system.  That's not going to happen with Chizik.  He has to win now, and it's not going to happen. 
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole