I’m a sappy, nostalgic, sentimental old fart.
This isn’t great. It’s overly dramatic. It’s silly. It’s goofy at times. It’s unrealistic. It was occasionally uneven.
But I love it.
It’s over now. Final six episodes on the Netflix. Will never be classic television like Breaking Bad or Sopranos. But it understood what it was. Understood it from day one and never really wavered.
It hit so many right notes along the multi season span. People may say it wasn’t necessary. But it was. Johnny’s redemption arc may be the greatest comeback story ever told.
The final five episodes wrapped the entire saga up very well - and there was a lot to wrap.
It makes me feel kinda dumb for liking it but I do. No. That’s inaccurate. I love the show.
Cobra Kai. Never die.