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The Three R’s


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The Three R’s
« on: January 16, 2025, 02:04:11 PM »
I was writing the post in the Hall thread about the new author of the Mitch Rapp novels it got me thinking about the political thriller type books and the protagonists who drive them I most enjoy and what those have in common. 
Mitch Rapp (from the series begun by Vince Flynn), Jack Ryan and Ryan, Jr., and James Reece (Jack Carr) all have very similar characteristics.  Principled men fighting the forces (and hidden threats) aligned against us while simultaneously battling the corruptive forces of a self-serving bloated federal bureaucracy, the interests of which are often in opposition to the American values in which I still deeply believe. 

It occurred to me that my fervent wish that there really is a Rapp, a Ryan, or a Reece out there fighting for the American ideals I love is tempered  with with the overpowering suspicion that our political elites and governmental agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc) are completely compromised.

The globalist/socialist/communist agenda that grew out of the hippie movements of the 60s has taken root in Washington as those godless former flower children spruced up their appearance, hid their true intentions and interjected themselves into the political realm.  They are traitors to the very principles on which this country was founded. They don’t love it. They hate it and all it stands for.  It’s not party specific although most are democrats. Pelosi. Schumer. Schiff. Waters. Clyburn. Clinton. Obama. McCain. Romney. Pence.  Their hateful, divisive, anti American rhetoric has spawned an entire generation of offended and offensive brainwashed, unintelligent perpetual victims who blame America for everything. See AOC.

My hope that there might still be a few Rapps, Ryans, or Reeces in the world is what originally drew me to Trump and has kept me loyal since.  The more they came after him with hysterical hyperbole and fraudulent legal maneuvers, the depths to which they sunk to steal the 2020 election (obvious to anyone with at least two currently functioning brain cells), and the coordinated media assault on Trump (like something straight out of the USSR or Nazi Germany) did nothing but convince me they are terrified of his potential to expose a) their rampant corruption and b) the perversion and depravity that exists among their ranks. 

Trump, in a way, became a Ryan/Reece/Rapp stand in,’ fighting to re-establish American optimism and ideals that had been slowly being strangled since the end of Reagan’s term. Not only were our enemies on foreign soil but they were also arrayed against him in Washington.

He won’t, because he is at heart a pragmatic negotiator and truly does not want to bring the entire government down, but I wish he would go scorched earth. Leave none standing.  Put Biden in prison where the grifter belongs. Expose and bury Pelosi, Swallowell, Schiff, and rest of that evil cabal.  Open the books on the Epstein client list.

My hope is he will at least do some of that. Be the hero we need.
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Re: The Three R’s
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2025, 04:52:01 PM »
is it possible to round up both the illegals AND the trans weirdos trying to sabotage women's sports - at the same time? Asking for many friends.
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Re: The Three R’s
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2025, 04:57:03 PM »
I am just looking for him to keep his word.  Get rid of wars and illegals.  Champion policies that help Americans first.

I am very excited for life to become more affordable again.  Grocery prices, gas prices, energy prices, interest rates, and inflation overall have been a mild form of imprisonment to the average middle/lower-class American.

Returning illegals back to their countries of origin so that they can get off of Mama 'Murica's teet will be a great first step!
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Don't rush me, sonny. You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles.


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Re: The Three R’s
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2025, 05:07:35 PM »
I am just looking for him to keep his word.  Get rid of wars and illegals.  Champion policies that help Americans first.

I am very excited for life to become more affordable again.  Grocery prices, gas prices, energy prices, interest rates, and inflation overall have been a mild form of imprisonment to the average middle/lower-class American.

Returning illegals back to their countries of origin so that they can get off of Mama 'Murica's teet will be a great first step!

Unfortunately Snake, Democrats have never mathed well with economics and numbers. Those two things don't give two shits about feelings and emotions and all that jazz. But nonetheless, that side tries to "will" a good economy with fairness and identity politics and other things. Never works out well. Case in point at 1600 Pennsylvania now. And 1976-1980. The American economic engine will always roar when the US Govt gets out of the way and lets it instead of bogging it down - ie 1982-1986 and 2016 up til the China Virus was unleashed.

As for the illegals who circumvented our rules (and knew it) - I say just grab the trans pedo weirdos while we're at it and save some money. We can even drop them all off in the Mexican Desert. Or some camp and make them pay their debt to society.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2025, 05:09:55 PM by GH2001 »
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Re: The Three R’s
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2025, 12:22:33 PM »
I think there's a book here. 

Maybe I should write it.  Get Wes to write the foreword.
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