In my best Seinfeld voice, "What's the deal with all these drones?"
What's your opinion about the drone hoopla? It sure has been at the very top of the news cycles for the last week plus. Me? I think it's a slow news cycle and they have to make something out of nothing. I believe it's mostly private citizens F'n with everyone because it's getting a ton of attention.
However, there are people who are genuinely worried this is some nefarious master plan. A takeover. An attack. Now, not that I've followed it that closely, but the only problem I have heard of is a couple spotted over a military base, and yes, that would be a problem.
But for the most part, it sounds like they're flying over neighborhoods and cities. Don't see what that accomplishes, other than the operator being able to say, "Hey look, Bob put in a new pool."