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Get It Done, Now!


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Get It Done, Now!
« on: October 21, 2024, 11:32:34 AM »
Welp, another weak performance where the offense can only muster 10 points on the day.  Another opportunity late to put a game on ice, only to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  It was a total team effort, from dropped TD passes, to total whiffs on blocks at crucial times, to coaches going into a shell offensively with the lead, and finally, to DJ Fuckins calling the best possible defense….for Mizzou….to pick up a first down from their own 5.  Yeah, I think playing a soft zone while the lone 3 rushers all crash down inside is a stellar idea. Dumb ass!!!

I’m not going the time to change coaches route.  I’m not letting myself get caught up in any talk of dysfunction, nor am I going the AU Fambly, remain calm and sing Kumbaya, my Lord. In my opinion, and that’s all I’ve got, Freeze will get at least another year to get it turned around.  It’s pretty clear that the AU fanbase, and many on here, had mixed reactions about the hire.  But, isn’t that the case with every new coach?  Weren’t all the same questions asked when we hired Chiz, Gus and Hasbeenz? 

I finally came to the conclusions that there are no “Home run hires”.  Not initially anyway. With any program, you have to give it time to see if it’s a fit.  As I was texting with my VIP friends, you know, the cool people, I was saying Florida hired Billy Napier.  He was a hot ticket coaching at a Group of 5 school.  How has that worked out so far?  Tennessee took UCF’s coach, and so far, so good for them. Bama replaced a legend with Kaden BeDoor, and typical Bama fan wants his ass run out the door. We decided to see if U Free, who has won a decent amount of games at 3 previous stops, could take us to the promised land. In the college football world, these are all elite athletic programs.  You have to take a chance and see if it’s the right fit.

Assuming Freeze will be at Auburn in 2025, he has two priorities, IMO, quarterback and O-line.  The QB position speaks for itself.  He fucked up by rolling with Thorne, and he’d better fix it. No need to say anything else on that.  As I said prior to the season, I think….I hope….the line will be better with experience and the addition of Percy Lewis.  The reality is, they’re not.  Same schleps that got Thorne crushed last year.  And Lewis was pulled after the first series Saturday.  I don’t give a rat’s ass if you’re Bama, Ohio State, FUGA, Tennessee or Auburn.  If you don’t have a QB and half way decent O-line, you’ve got exactly shit. We don’t have either and we’re 2-5. 

I still have hopes for Freeze and this program.  He said before this season started that we’re still a couple of years away from competing for anything meaningful, so I’m going to take him at his word.  But, he’d better address those needs, and do it immediately.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Get It Done, Now!
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2024, 01:16:55 PM »
So Saban predicted Auburn to be a breakout team in 2024 to keep an eye on and Saturday he said Tennessee was always Alabama's biggest rival.

I only know we need a QB that will stand in the pocket under duress until we are able to fix the protection problem.
You don't backpedal out of FG range, you throw the ball away.

We have 19 fucking offensive tackles on the roster. Find two that can fucking block.

And stop running out kickoffs when special team's are just loafing, not making an effort to block. Start at the 35, not the 19.

There's so much to critique and yet nothing gets done.
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Re: Get It Done, Now!
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2024, 03:17:38 PM »
Welp, another weak performance where the offense can only muster 10 points on the day.  Another opportunity late to put a game on ice, only to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  It was a total team effort, from dropped TD passes, to total whiffs on blocks at crucial times, to coaches going into a shell offensively with the lead, and finally, to DJ Fuckins calling the best possible defense….for Mizzou….to pick up a first down from their own 5.  Yeah, I think playing a soft zone while the lone 3 rushers all crash down inside is a stellar idea. Dumb ass!!!

I’m not going the time to change coaches route.  I’m not letting myself get caught up in any talk of dysfunction, nor am I going the AU Fambly, remain calm and sing Kumbaya, my Lord. In my opinion, and that’s all I’ve got, Freeze will get at least another year to get it turned around.  It’s pretty clear that the AU fanbase, and many on here, had mixed reactions about the hire.  But, isn’t that the case with every new coach?  Weren’t all the same questions asked when we hired Chiz, Gus and Hasbeenz? 

I finally came to the conclusions that there are no “Home run hires”.  Not initially anyway. With any program, you have to give it time to see if it’s a fit.  As I was texting with my VIP friends, you know, the cool people, I was saying Florida hired Billy Napier.  He was a hot ticket coaching at a Group of 5 school.  How has that worked out so far?  Tennessee took UCF’s coach, and so far, so good for them. Bama replaced a legend with Kaden BeDoor, and typical Bama fan wants his ass run out the door. We decided to see if U Free, who has won a decent amount of games at 3 previous stops, could take us to the promised land. In the college football world, these are all elite athletic programs.  You have to take a chance and see if it’s the right fit.

Assuming Freeze will be at Auburn in 2025, he has two priorities, IMO, quarterback and O-line.  The QB position speaks for itself.  He fucked up by rolling with Thorne, and he’d better fix it. No need to say anything else on that.  As I said prior to the season, I think….I hope….the line will be better with experience and the addition of Percy Lewis.  The reality is, they’re not.  Same schleps that got Thorne crushed last year.  And Lewis was pulled after the first series Saturday.  I don’t give a rat’s ass if you’re Bama, Ohio State, FUGA, Tennessee or Auburn.  If you don’t have a QB and half way decent O-line, you’ve got exactly shit. We don’t have either and we’re 2-5. 

I still have hopes for Freeze and this program.  He said before this season started that we’re still a couple of years away from competing for anything meaningful, so I’m going to take him at his word.  But, he’d better address those needs, and do it immediately.

1. I know Durkin isn't perfect but other than the 1st half against Cal, his D has performed good enough in every game to give the O a fighting chance to win it. The D will not hold forever - Rush 3 or not. FYI: rushing 3 is SOMETIMES for a good reason even if the outcome is not what we like. With Champ down for the year, I do not think Durkins trusts Scott in obvious long passing situations. He got picked on BADLY Saturday. Sometimes the thought it to flood the passing zones with 7-8 guys to attempt confusion in the QB's head. A few times Saturday it was purely a prevent. Although last year with Roberts I admit rushing 3 seemed idiotic (ahem 4th and 31) most times.

2. Generally agree with him having another year but lose to ULM and Vandy, finish 2-10, and have half of this recruiting class fall apart with big portal defections - combined with his body language in game and at pressers which translate to looking like he regrets taking the job? I wouldn't rule it out at all.

3. I can't prove a damn thing here but we know how Auburn works. We know NIL was ponied up to get Lewis, Lewis, Thorne and to keep Scott from leaving. It's entirely possible this isn't even the HC's decision right now. Obtuse PTB are gonna do their thing ya know...Tin foil hat? Maybe but this is Auburn. It's so damn possible.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2024, 03:23:22 PM by GH2001 »
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Re: Get It Done, Now!
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2024, 06:04:47 PM »
He's not getting fired this year.

Thorne fucking sucks and HF seems hellbent on sticking with him.

The ONLY silver/pewter lining is that the big commits (ie -Deuce Knight) are on twitter saying that the fans need to stay with the team, because they are all coming to make this situation better.

My only real gripe with that lining is that it means that HF and staff have to be absolutely dogcussing the current roster in their recruiting pitches.  Not that it's not warranted, but it's a bad look.
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You can keep a wooden stake in your trunk
On the off-chance that the fairy tales ain't bunk
And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
To get motel parking lot, balcony crunk.


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Re: Get It Done, Now!
« Reply #4 on: Today at 12:44:08 AM »
He's not getting fired this year.

Thorne fucking sucks and HF seems hellbent on sticking with him.

The ONLY silver/pewter lining is that the big commits (ie -Deuce Knight) are on twitter saying that the fans need to stay with the team, because they are all coming to make this situation better.

My only real gripe with that lining is that it means that HF and staff have to be absolutely dogcussing the current roster in their recruiting pitches.  Not that it's not warranted, but it's a bad look.

Why would they have to dog cuss the current players? Are the recruits too dumb to see it for themselves? If so, we need smarter recruits.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.

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Re: Get It Done, Now!
« Reply #5 on: Today at 07:04:53 AM »
Derrick Nix is as good as gone with the So. Miss job opening. (If they don't hire him, they are beyond stupid.) That'll mean yet another OC/gameplanner to eat blame when Coach Genius dials up stupid situational shit his band of miscreants cannot execute. Can't wait to see those pressers.

This is a friggin' disaster.
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"I'm sick of following my dreams...I'm just going to ask them where they are going and hook up with 'em later." - Mitch Hedberg


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Re: Get It Done, Now!
« Reply #6 on: Today at 08:32:35 AM »
Auburn acquaintance told me there's a Saban, Emert, Cohen conspiracy triumvirate behind all of this to wreck Auburn for infinity and beyond. Also wants Jacobs and Lashlee back.

I whispered to him that we could probably swing a trade with SMU if we paid Freeze about 10 or 12M out the door. Didn't say more because people could be monitoring what I say.

I don't know the answer. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him block. We have a fine safety but he's not a corner. We've damaged a kid that was once an outstanding kicker. Mostly sure handed receivers can't seem to get a grip on a bucket of chicken in open field. Our QB has far more confidence in his abilities than reality would indicate. Then there's the head coach that might need to contact an escort service in order to regain some mojo and whatnot.

Call it disheartening.
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Re: Get It Done, Now!
« Reply #7 on: Today at 09:41:34 AM »
Auburn acquaintance told me there's a Saban, Emert, Cohen conspiracy triumvirate behind all of this to wreck Auburn for infinity and beyond. Also wants Jacobs and Lashlee back.

I whispered to him that we could probably swing a trade with SMU if we paid Freeze about 10 or 12M out the door. Didn't say more because people could be monitoring what I say.

I don't know the answer. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him block. We have a fine safety but he's not a corner. We've damaged a kid that was once an outstanding kicker. Mostly sure handed receivers can't seem to get a grip on a bucket of chicken in open field. Our QB has far more confidence in his abilities than reality would indicate. Then there's the head coach that might need to contact an escort service in order to regain some mojo and whatnot.

Call it disheartening.

If Jacobs comes back as anything other than a dishwasher at Momma G’s?   I will wash my hands of the thing.  Despise him. 

Lashlee might be a good coach at SMU but we HAVE to climb out of the Gus/Hugh tree.
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