It was a loss but nothing we can't handle. There are a dozen SEC teams that just want to get through Nashville so they can beat on somebody else for a change.
And speaking of beatings...poor Chris Youngblood. The kid was clearly traumatized from the elbow to the back of the head, even demonstrating the brutalization of the event to the officials as to how he had been ambushed from behind after securing a rebound for his beloved Crimson Tide.
In case anyone is interested, it was Baker-Mazara's retaliatory strike to the chest of an unsuspecting Yale student-athlete of higher learning in last year's tournament that sunk Auburn's season and it appears that the wirey cager might be gearing-up to showcase his blacktop style of bullying toward any and all within striking distance including players, fans, coaches, mascots, towel boys, trainers, officials etc.
Some have stated that Baker-Mazara is an existential threat to everything that we hold good and dear about our way of life while others have even suggested that Baker-Mazara needs to be put down or at least benched by his chief handler and Head Coach Bruce Pearl who seems to be encouraging if not turning a blind eye to to the random assaults by the 25 year old drink of water.
One thing is certain to all...this cat is a menace on the court and must be stopped before he either maims a citizen or takes an innocent life.