I was just jamming to that song during my lunch break. Good stuff.
From your comments I gather that Clinton would be unable to run in 2012. Why is this? Doesn't the Secretary of State's term end with the president's? If there's a rule about the Secretary of State not being able to run, then Bubba-ette would find a way around it.
Let me 'splain my theory on this...Grasshopper.
I may be reading too much into this Obama-triangulation but I think by making the Hildebeast his Sec-State that will keep her way too busy to even think about beginning a campaign for President...IF she had an interest in running for the office against The ONE in the
Democrat socialist primary she would need to begin in mid to late 2010 to make a run for 2012. I think that this effectively removes that political problem for The Obama (as she is the only person who could bring him down politically in my opinion) and also assuages the Feme-nazis who supported her campaign this election cycle.
We may have to deal with her as a candidate in 2016 but she'll be an old hag by then (
