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Heroes Fo Sho/What Has Happened?


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Heroes Fo Sho/What Has Happened?
« on: February 15, 2024, 04:21:40 PM »
So, another deranged idiot(s) decide to shoot up a bunch of innocent people at the Chiefs victory parade yesterday. Still haven't heard anything about the who or why, but I don't guess it matters.  That will come out soon enough.  But, I read a piece this morning, and just came across the actual video of a heroic couple who took down one of the shooters.  Again, all I’ve seen are reports of more than one person being arrested, don’t know how many.  The video looks like it happened between two cement barricades.  You see a bunch of people just standing there, like they have no clue what’s happening, and some running away.  Then, you see one guy tackle another and hold him while a second guy jumps on to help.

The article was about Trey and Casey Filter, a couple from Wichita. Trey tackled the shooter and Casey said the gun fell at her feet, and she picked it up and walked over to the barricade and held it on the other side.  And when you see the video, sure enough, you see a woman bend down and pick up the gun and walk toward the wall. I went to a seminar several years ago on what to do if in a situation where there’s an active shooter.  The whole point of it was, don’t just sit there and be a victim.  Come at him with anything and everything you can get your hands on.  This guy did just that.  He may not have had anything he could use as a weapon, but damn sure threw himself at the shooter, and no telling how many lives he saved in doing so. Heroes!!!!

On that note, WTH has happened in society that this type thing has become almost commonplace?  What happens in a person’s mind to make them think the solution to ANY problem, is to randomly kill a bunch of innocent people.  This is not a rant against guns.  Quite the opposite.  If someone is of the mindset of offing a bunch of people, and a gun isn’t available, they’ll just find another way, and probably one more effective.  Could a person have done more damage by driving a truck straight into the thousands there and mowing down as many as they could?  Of course.  Timothy McVeigh turned a truck into a bomb in Oklahoma City, and killed 168 people and injured almost 700 more.  Quite a few people have been killed in machete attacks recently.  Homemade bombs were used to kill and injure runners in the Boston Marathon.  Planes were flown into buildings on 9-11 to kill about 3,000. You get the picture.  If someone wants to do it, they don’t need a gun.

Spare me the get off my lawn take, but yes, back in my day, this shit wasn’t going on.  My bestie in high school drove a truck, and always had a gun rack in the back window with 2 or 3 guns.  In our school parking lot, there were numerous trucks with guns in clear view.  Nobody used those guns to settle an argument, and nobody took them in the school to shoot the place up.  If you had a beef with somebody, you threw hands, and then Coach Wilson would light your ass up with “The Board” for fighting. But this shit happens so much now, you almost become desensitized to it.  Oh, another mass shooting.  That’s awful.  Prayers for the families.  Hey, what time does Auburn play?

When these shooters don’t off themselves, as they often do, are we really trying to get to the bottom of what brought them to that place where they decided to go this route? Is it violent video games? Movies? Drugs? Social media?  I have no clue.  But something has drastically changed, and instead of using this as another opportunity to point fingers and make this a political debate over guns, we need to be finding out the root cause, because otherwise, it’s not going to stop.     
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Re: Heroes Fo Sho/What Has Happened?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2024, 07:31:20 PM »
and we all tolerated gluten.
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Re: Heroes Fo Sho/What Has Happened?
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2024, 11:00:22 PM »
I had a shotgun in my truck at all times. And a fake buck knife on my hip. Nobody ever said a word. If you had a beef, you fought without weapons.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Heroes Fo Sho/What Has Happened?
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2024, 07:14:05 AM »
and we all tolerated gluten.

Peanut butter too.

As for the original post?  What happened?  One word: Culture. 
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Re: Heroes Fo Sho/What Has Happened?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2024, 08:28:25 AM »
A host of issues, in my opinion.

Columbine made it culturally faddish from all the attention that it garnered, copycat shootings adding to its allure for the deranged, the rise of terrorism, the lack of attention to treating mental health, bullying, desensitization of violence through movies/TV/games, and bad parenting.

That’s not all of it, I’m sure, but certainly are variables. Some people do it to be “seen”, some do it for warped religious beliefs, some do it because they are broken and can’t reason well, some do it out of retaliation, and some do it because they don’t know love or compassion that is mostly taught by good parenting in developmental stages.
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Re: Heroes Fo Sho/What Has Happened?
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2024, 02:18:01 PM »
A host of issues, in my opinion.

Columbine made it culturally faddish from all the attention that it garnered, copycat shootings adding to its allure for the deranged, the rise of terrorism, the lack of attention to treating mental health, bullying, desensitization of violence through movies/TV/games, and bad parenting.

That’s not all of it, I’m sure, but certainly are variables. Some people do it to be “seen”, some do it for warped religious beliefs, some do it because they are broken and can’t reason well, some do it out of retaliation, and some do it because they don’t know love or compassion that is mostly taught by good parenting in developmental stages.
I didn’t make past two sentences of the original post. TL;DR as usual.

Actually, I really didn’t but I believe there is a lot of truth to the copycat stuff and to video games, movies and music.

The answer? Mostly, these people need Jesus, imo. I’m not joking when I say that. I’m not saying that Christianity makes them not be a mass shooter because we know there are plenty of religious wing nuts. What I’m getting at is they have no moral compass and no compassion for others. At least that’s what I perceive. It’s all about them, in most cases.

The family unit has declined to an all time low.

It’s a sad situation.
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Re: Heroes Fo Sho/What Has Happened?
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2024, 01:04:57 PM »
So it comes out that it was two young dudes of culture blasting at each other because one "looked at" the other in a way that was offensive.

Story disappears from the national discussion. 

Nothing to see. Move along.
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