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Everything Has Already Been Done
« on: January 27, 2024, 11:23:29 AM »

Re: Crime thrillers

Have seen most anything worth my time.
The list is quite long and I'm down to only three, all which are relatively new, the last of which I have been avoiding mostly due to the title.

Sharp Objects
The Night Of
and Hannibal.

Movies or Series cancelled, current, limited or retired I've seen them.

Like many of us oldsters I grew up reading or viewing classic crime noirs in the spirit of Phillip Marlowe, master sleuth's Sherlock Holmes, Charlie Chan, Hercule Poirot and the various tales of Alfred Hitchcock among other fictional thrillers. 

Most of it was cheesy but it was available. Capote's In Cold Blood and in my early high school years Vincent Bugalosi's Helter Skelter jazzed it up to where I eventually grew to welcome the addition of cross genres like horror, black comedy and sci-fi to combine for an even better experience.

The title of the thread is mostly what many screen writers and musicians at the top of their game claim to be the case.

It's tiresome when the lead detective of a so called team is placed in charge by an incompetent superior to battle his or her many personal demons while doggedly pursuing leads as the rest of the team is doing background detail.

The foreign series are pretty good these days now that they have moved on from discos and gold chains to techno clubs and backward ballcaps. Took fifty years but it happened.

Like I said, things are slow so feel free to share your opinion or thread wrecking comment to pass the time until something noteworthy takes place on this rock.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2024, 11:36:08 AM by jmar »
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