I know all of that and it's still colossally stupid. I'm not suggesting that Trump is a nazi, he lacks any sort of moral conviction/code at all beyond immediate satisfaction of the id. But his campaign is for damn sure courting them. And that is fucked.
“His campaign is courting them.”
Another feeling-based reaction with no basis in fact.
Is Trump playing to gun owners? Sure is. Second amendment. The NRA? Yep. 2nd Amendment. People who identify as patriots? Yep. The constitution.
None of that is “Nazi”. It’s conservative. It’s grass roots. It’s Christian. It’s “flyover” America. It’s still the majority.
If you were honest? The current administration has much more in common with the Nazi Party than anything we’ve ever seen in US history.
>Arresting and jailing political opposition.
> Censoring opposing viewpoints
> Control of the media with daily propaganda
> Branding anything counter to the official lie as “misinformation”
> Control of the judiciary to the point of hectoring justices to demand outcomes
> Propaganda designed to portray something horrific in a gentler light. Abortion up to the last moment is no longer murder, it’s “reproductive care.” Mutilating children becomes “gender affirming care.”
All of that reeks of naziism.
Show me how or where anyone related to the Trump campaign is “courting Nazis”. The only Nazis around are Bidens, Clintons, and Obamas. He’s not courting them.
What this administration has done is treason. In a just world the gallows would be full.
It’s engaged in crimes against humanity. It’s inherently evil.
When confronted with facts - which is rare because all politicians are seemingly corrupt? It lies with no fear of retribution. The list is long. Start with Fauci. He should have already been executed. He’s lied repeatedly. About everything.
The Nazis wanted one world government, ruled by them. Who wants the global agenda again? Is that Trump? Didn’t think so.
Wes, I’ve gone to war with you. Love you like the little brother I never wanted. But you are so far off base here I’m truly concerned about you.