Colby Covington is big deal in the UFC world. He was doing a press conference for his upcoming fight this weekend, and the subject of Lebron James came up somehow. Recently, James came into an arena to watch his son play round ball. He walked in during the National Anthem and immediately sat down, and didn't remove his cap. Apparently, he's been taking shit on the Tweeter X's for it. Colby was not happy:
"If you hate America so much, and you don’t like this country that gave you a billion dollars – leave it. Or come deal with me. Go to China. Go to these sweatshops that you employ all these laborers and use these women and pay them pennies on the dollar to make your millions.
"Fuck you LeBron James. You’re a coward. You’re a spineless coward and you’re a bitch."
I don't think Lebron will be leaving any tickets for Colby at Will Call.