Time Change - 'Splain to me again why we are still doing this? It's not for the farmers. It never was. Dumb practice yet we persist.
Speaking of persisting - Alabama defenders not getting called for assault to the head in a home game. Feel like you are in the hot tub time machine? You are. They will get got in Atlanta but until then, prepare thy anus for Bama up the wazzu.
Georgia is gonna win the thing and it'll be good bar trivia in 5 years when no one remembers who won the title in the last of the four-team playoff schmoz.
Big Ten teams should not be trusted, but you can bank on them all being overrated. Michigan won't play a good team until the end of the year. Penn State is not it. Ohio State
is soft but gets away with it. Rest of the league is a pile of meh.
PAC12 is silly. Bo Nix is playing good football, but don't buy the stiff-arm hype. Ain't happening. Same for Slappy McDucknuts from Seattle. UScene our defense is a joke and Lincoln is more like a Ford Pinto.
Auburn. This week is super important and I realize Arkansas's record is

. Going to Fayetteville in November is something no one wants to do, even the people who live there. Get out of there with a win, take care of bidness against the mighty Aggies of New Methico State, and stuff gets funner. Alabama will definitely care because they will have a lot to play for (because the media wants it soooooooo badly). Could Huge Freed shock the Tahd? Could Peyton Thorne survive the multiple shots to the dome he will receive? Can Jarquez blow his load through the 'Bama defensive backfield? The Ironless Bowl becomes interiguing.
These are my thoughts. Feel free to add yours. Or post seggy gifs.