Just to check the temperature, I did something I rarely do. Something I haven't done in years.
I tripped on over to AUfambly - the worst AU board on planet earth.
Every mild complaint about the team was met with "Hugh just doesn't have the talent! Don't forget he beat Bama TWICE when he was at Ole Miss."
I'm truly afraid this is what our "braintrust" used as the basis for hiring this guy and his pack of not-ready-for-junior-high assistants. "Hey! He beat bammer!"
Dammit, son, that's not enough.
Then there are some there proposing that this is all by design. Lose now, avoid a crappy bowl, and get an earlier start on recruiting.

I'm part of it (I loathe Hugh Freeze and always will) but we have one of the worst fanbases. It hasn't always been this way. I don't know what happened to us.
I was amused there to see epic douchenozzle TitanTiger still locking down threads at the first sign of dissent or discontent. Somebody should beat that guy's ass.