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Palestine Chicken


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Palestine Chicken
« on: October 10, 2023, 11:42:27 PM »
carry on.

if you support or wave the banner of the h.a.m.a.s cause you clearly don't understand the historical significance of the region. the division of religion.  Christianity.  Judaism. Muslim. that clear misunderstanding is paved by left winghistory dating back 70 years.

heck if I was conquered, expelled, conquered, and expelled repeatedly then gassed to non existence I would be pissed too.

rape, murder, hostage, rape and kidnapping is not acceptable regardless. being a terrorist and celebrating it all, you must be squashed.  good riddance hamas   

« Last Edit: October 11, 2023, 12:14:52 AM by chinook »
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2023, 01:44:20 PM »
carry on.

if you support or wave the banner of the h.a.m.a.s cause you clearly don't understand the historical significance of the region. the division of religion.  Christianity.  Judaism. Muslim. that clear misunderstanding is paved by left winghistory dating back 70 years.

heck if I was conquered, expelled, conquered, and expelled repeatedly then gassed to non existence I would be pissed too.

rape, murder, hostage, rape and kidnapping is not acceptable regardless. being a terrorist and celebrating it all, you must be squashed.  good riddance hamas   


To Wes's point, both sides have endured egregious acts of persecution throughout their histories.  That said, I agree about terrorism and Hamas... fuck 'em up with extreme precision. 

The collateral damage that will likely come from this is heartbreaking to me, though.  There are bound to be a lot of innocent people that perish for no reason at all.

My dilemma with fully agreeing with the conservative stance:

These folks are born into this shit.  I try to imagine myself being brainwashed to hate something my entire life and whether I'd have the courage to go against the grain when the consequence of doing so is death.  I also imagine staying in my lane in that environment and being part of that collateral damage along with my wife and 3 year old.  There's no easy solution. 

Edit: I know what I said above is exactly what happened to many Jewish people.  Just trying to stress that there should be more value on human life than knee jerk actions/reactions.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2023, 01:52:23 PM by Snakebite »
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2023, 03:32:01 PM »
To Wes's point, both sides have endured egregious acts of persecution throughout their histories.  That said, I agree about terrorism and Hamas... fuck 'em up with extreme precision. 

The collateral damage that will likely come from this is heartbreaking to me, though.  There are bound to be a lot of innocent people that perish for no reason at all.

My dilemma with fully agreeing with the conservative stance:

These folks are born into this shit.  I try to imagine myself being brainwashed to hate something my entire life and whether I'd have the courage to go against the grain when the consequence of doing so is death.  I also imagine staying in my lane in that environment and being part of that collateral damage along with my wife and 3 year old.  There's no easy solution. 

Edit: I know what I said above is exactly what happened to many Jewish people.  Just trying to stress that there should be more value on human life than knee jerk actions/reactions.

I honestly don't know enough about the real relationship between those involved to have an informed opinion either way.  However, I believe that the bolded part is 100% true, and regardless of how this thing turns out, it won't be the end.  Just another chapter in their history.

As to the collateral damage, while I have a lot of immediate family that are/were military, I have zero experience myself. But in the numerous conversations I've had with them and many others, there's one common theme.  And that is, if they (American fighting forces) were allowed to simply do the job they were trained to do, these "wars" would be over a lot quicker.

There WILL be collateral damage, regardless.  I don't care what the engagement is.  And I don't think either side in this conflict gives a flying fuck about that.  Where my problem comes in, is when you start targeting innocent people, kidnapping, torturing and killing them, along with beheading babies.  That's not collateral damage.  That's pure evil.     
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2023, 06:21:41 PM »
To Wes's point, both sides have endured egregious acts of persecution throughout their histories.  That said, I agree about terrorism and Hamas... fuck 'em up with extreme precision. 

I'm gonna have to disagree a little here.  There is no such thing as Palestine or Palestinians.


The collateral damage that will likely come from this is heartbreaking to me, though.  There are bound to be a lot of innocent people that perish for no reason at all.

The citizens of Berlin say hi.  The people of Hiroshima wave in your direction.  I understand empathy, but as sad as it is, that has to be disregarded. I have the same stance with any attempt to appease those who want to kill you.


My dilemma with fully agreeing with the conservative stance:

These folks are born into this shit.  I try to imagine myself being brainwashed to hate something my entire life and whether I'd have the courage to go against the grain when the consequence of doing so is death.  I also imagine staying in my lane in that environment and being part of that collateral damage along with my wife and 3 year old.  There's no easy solution. 

Edit: I know what I said above is exactly what happened to many Jewish people.  Just trying to stress that there should be more value on human life than knee jerk actions/reactions.

There never has been.  There never will be.  Thinking this way will lead to complete destruction. 

I saw a quote from somebody and I'm paraphrasing.

If Hamas lays down their arms, there will be no war.  If Israel lays down its arms there will be no Israel.

There's no easy solution I get that.  You leave even one of them alive they will raise an army and come for revenge.  Kind of like Beatrix Kiddo told Copperhead's daughter that if when she grew up she was still feeling a little raw, Kiddo would be waiting. 

The "oh, there are some good _________" or whatever is NOT the answer.  That's the sad reality. 

This is ideological and it surpasses whether are "good people" who follow that particular ideology.  SHOULD we find common ground?  Sure. But that's not what some ideologies demand.     
« Last Edit: October 11, 2023, 06:34:41 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2023, 08:46:19 PM »
To Wes's point, both sides have endured egregious acts of persecution throughout their histories.

wrong...you misspelled Jews.
 to wes' point, universities have taught this but only to the late 40's. truth is it's against their agenda to recognize the historical persecution of Jews.  the progressive left is jaded and just short of being antisemite.

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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2023, 09:07:04 PM »
wrong...you misspelled Jews.
 to wes' point, universities have taught this but only to the late 40's. truth is it's against their agenda to recognize the historical persecution of Jews.  the progressive left is jaded and just short of being antisemite.

Jews have had it worse, there’s no doubt. I also agree with the left flirting with antisemitism in their rhetoric at times, but I think it’s overreaction on their part to defend inclusivity with Muslims which is the broad brush I was referring to in my original post. In the current political climate and in recent history, the left has obnoxiously enjoyed pounding their chest about defending what they perceive as downtrodden. You won’t find argument from me regarding our tainted educational philosophies and educators either.

My post is through the lense of how I wish it could be more than anything, and an elementary attempt to see it from the innocents’ perspective.  I’m younger and have a lot of wisdom to gain, but I think there’s a lot of wisdom in thinking about all the variables if it means avoiding another Hiroshima. These days, that swift action could elevate into extinction.
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2023, 09:44:06 PM »
Jews have had it worse, there’s no doubt. I also agree with the left flirting with antisemitism in their rhetoric at times, but I think it’s overreaction on their part to defend inclusivity with Muslims which is the broad brush I was referring to in my original post. In the current political climate and in recent history, the left has obnoxiously enjoyed pounding their chest about defending what they perceive as downtrodden. You won’t find argument from me regarding our tainted educational philosophies and educators either.

My post is through the lense of how I wish it could be more than anything, and an elementary attempt to see it from the innocents’ perspective.  I’m younger and have a lot of wisdom to gain, but I think there’s a lot of wisdom in thinking about all the variables if it means avoiding another Hiroshima. These days, that swift action could elevate into extinction.

I feel ya. But utopia doesn’t exist. While you’re wishing in one hand your enemies are crapping in the other and dreaming of the day they can slaughter you, your wife; your kids, your dog, your mistress, your grandma, and your goldfish. 

You can only be nice when you are in a position of power; when you deal from strength; when they fear you enough not to act.  Obama gave that up.  PervoJoe corrupted it.

I don’t know what you’ve heard but the core of Islam is total domination.  Eradicate the infidels - Jews and Christians from the earth. It’s the long game.  If you can’t win by force, win via immigration.  It’s literally spelled out in their core beliefs. If you won’t convert,’you must die. Specifically spelled out. 

Empathy and utopia gets you dead.
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2023, 10:13:39 PM »
I feel ya. But utopia doesn’t exist. While you’re wishing in one hand your enemies are crapping in the other and dreaming of the day they can slaughter you, your wife; your kids, your dog, your mistress, your grandma, and your goldfish. 

You can only be nice when you are in a position of power; when you deal from strength; when they fear you enough not to act.  Obama gave that up.  PervoJoe corrupted it.

I don’t know what you’ve heard but the core of Islam is total domination.  Eradicate the infidels - Jews and Christians from the earth. It’s the long game.  If you can’t win by force, win via immigration.  It’s literally spelled out in their core beliefs. If you won’t convert,’you must die. Specifically spelled out. 

Empathy and utopia gets you dead.

Nobody has claimed the existence of Utopia, but it is 100% worth striving for. I know the philosophy and teachings of extremists, but there are more rational sects. Christians aren’t burning sheets and such when women have periods. Most of us here eat pork. Jesus came to confirm what was written in the Old Testament, which is where Leviticus resides as you know. Point being, there aren’t millions of Muslims that agree with what you wrote. Thousands or hundreds of thousands, okay.. but the majority? No.

This is coming from someone who would happily torture and kill terrorists  as a profession. I just can’t simplify it to a “fuck it” approach in the name of sweeping revenge with so many innocent lives at stake.
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2023, 11:02:00 PM »
Side note: I appreciate the civil discourse, exchange of ideas, and different perspectives to digest. It’s a catalyst for growth.
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2023, 12:40:01 AM »
Point being, there aren’t millions of Muslims that agree with what you wrote. Thousands or hundreds of thousands, okay.. but the majority? No.

Have you done any research at all?
Use google. Look up the number of Muslims in the world. Then look up the percentage of “extremists”. It’s not in the “thousands”.
There are plenty of “good” Muslims, right? And yet they don’t fight the extremists.
Your generation has been duped. There is NO place in the world where Islam is in the majority that is worth a shit to live.
Look at Dearborn, MI. You can’t walk the streets as a Christian without harassment.
As soon as they reach the majority, you and yours will capitulate, or die.
Thomas Jefferson was right.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2023, 05:59:34 AM »
Point being, there aren’t millions of Muslims that agree with what you wrote. Thousands or hundreds of thousands, okay.. but the majority? No.

This is where you start to go wrong. 
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2023, 09:38:30 AM »
Jews have had it worse, there’s no doubt. I also agree with the left flirting with antisemitism in their rhetoric at times,

Hold the fuck on.

The entirety of the current iteration of Republican grievance is a vague gesture towards "SOROS BACKED _________"...which inevitably devolves into some Elders of Zion/blood libel derivatives.
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2023, 10:13:19 AM »
Hold the fuck on.

The entirety of the current iteration of Republican grievance is a vague gesture towards "SOROS BACKED _________"...which inevitably devolves into some Elders of Zion/blood libel derivatives.
Soros was a Nazi. He is confused. Like most Democrats.
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2023, 10:36:33 AM »
Side note: I appreciate the civil discourse, exchange of ideas, and different perspectives to digest. It’s a catalyst for growth.

But as you are seeing, it's extremely hard to be pragmatic. You try to reach and throw an olive branch but one particular side of politics in this country doesn't reach an inch. It's sad but true. The democratic party of Kennedy and Tip O Neil is no more. But at least you tried dude.
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2023, 10:59:22 AM »
But as you are seeing, it's extremely hard to be pragmatic. You try to reach and throw an olive branch but one particular side of politics in this country doesn't reach an inch. It's sad but true. The democratic party of Kennedy and Tip O Neil is no more. But at least you tried dude.
Oh, he talks a good game. But he was going to end up trying to rape somebody, believe me.

Just like jarhead with all of the sweet talk, then the next thing you know, “BAMM!!!”. You got 3” of hard dick up the ass. It’s just like prison life in this place.
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2023, 03:15:17 PM »
Should we worry? 

While home at lunch today, I saw a video that wasn't porn.  And since it was on the internet, it makes this true. However, while I am far from a conspiracy theorist, and take most things with a grain of salt, this made me think.

The video was not some dire warning, or the guy being an alarmist.  But, what he was saying is that there was a Youtube video put out a while back by one of, if not the leader of Hamas, stating that October 13th (tomorrow) was the day for basically a worldwide attack on all Jews and total occupation of Israel.

Is that true?  I have no idea.  However, given the fact that war has broken out after major atrocities against Jewish women and children, along with possibly dozens of Americans, it's at least worth taking note of.  Two things:

Can you rule it out after 9-11, when around 3,000 American citizens were murdered by Muslims who had entered our country with the sole intent of doing just that?

Should we be naive enough to believe that part of the approximately 7 million illegal immigrants who have crossed our borders recently, don't include a terrorist element, hell bent on doing something similar?

Again, I have no clue if any of that video was legit, or whether it was some yahoo trying to get clicks. But, 9-11 wasn't the only terrorist attack carried out in the U.S.of A (Boston Marathon), and I have no doubt we haven't seen the last of them.

I will just say, that I made sure the firearms at my house were locked and loaded before I came back to work.
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2023, 03:45:38 PM »
Mind sharing the video?
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2023, 03:55:59 PM »
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2023, 04:03:50 PM »
Should we worry? 

While home at lunch today, I saw a video that wasn't porn.  And since it was on the internet, it makes this true. However, while I am far from a conspiracy theorist, and take most things with a grain of salt, this made me think.

The video was not some dire warning, or the guy being an alarmist.  But, what he was saying is that there was a Youtube video put out a while back by one of, if not the leader of Hamas, stating that October 13th (tomorrow) was the day for basically a worldwide attack on all Jews and total occupation of Israel.

Is that true?  I have no idea.  However, given the fact that war has broken out after major atrocities against Jewish women and children, along with possibly dozens of Americans, it's at least worth taking note of.  Two things:

Can you rule it out after 9-11, when around 3,000 American citizens were murdered by Muslims who had entered our country with the sole intent of doing just that?

Should we be naive enough to believe that part of the approximately 7 million illegal immigrants who have crossed our borders recently, don't include a terrorist element, hell bent on doing something similar?

Again, I have no clue if any of that video was legit, or whether it was some yahoo trying to get clicks. But, 9-11 wasn't the only terrorist attack carried out in the U.S.of A (Boston Marathon), and I have no doubt we haven't seen the last of them.

I will just say, that I made sure the firearms at my house were locked and loaded before I came back to work.

There has been concern of military-aged Middle Eastern men trickling through the border disguised as Central American immigrants for over a decade.  Trafficking is a specialty of the Cartels that control the border, so there are for sure some that have gotten in.  Various terrorist entities will pay top dollar for that service, too.  That is why the threat of ISIS and "Lone Wolf" attacks were taken so legitimately by intelligence agencies & military personnel alike domestically.  We had various safety briefs and DEFCON elevations based on the threat.  They've even had some that have obtained citizenship, bought land, and opened compounds for training in remote areas, some of which were shut down by the FBI. 

Keep 'em locked and loaded with a gung-ho attitude of putting threats in the dirt for if something kicks off.   
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Re: Palestine Chicken
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2023, 04:13:03 PM »
Srsly, I couldn't find it again if I tried.  But, the thing that made it almost "believable", was the narrator was straightforward about the fact that he was not trying to be an alarmist, but it was more of a, "You might want to keep your eyes open" kind of thing. Again, it may have been total BS, despite the fact that is was on the interwebs.

Ear-Regardless, I've already considered, what I think is the strong possibility of some kind of terrorist attack(s) in this country, given the unfettered flow of millions of illegal immigrants into the U.S.  They aren't all here looking for a better life.

I keeeeel you!!!   
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."