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Things That Are Ass - VI


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Things That Are Ass - VI
« on: October 08, 2023, 09:38:04 AM »
Everything. I tried to appease and look for a photo of a good ass to start this with, but that search was also ass. If you can find Teresa Palmer's from the movie Restraint, I suggest you start there.

1. LSU's Defense. The Bayou Bengal defense remains ass. Missouri ran all over it.  Also ass in relation to the Red Stick Rajas?  The fact that Jayden Daniels is getting zero Heisman consideration.  While the media jerks itself red and raw over Sugar Sanders at Colorado and Mandy Potempkin at Washington, Ewers, Hartman at ND, etc., Daniels is carrying this team. He's completing nearly 80% on the season with 16 TDs and only two picks. He's also rushed for about 350 yards and another 4 TDs. He doesn't get as much as a sniff from the media. That's ass. Curious to see how he fares against a fairly decent Auburn defense Saturday. 

2. USC's defense. Again. Gave up 300+ yards and five TDs to a quarterback named Noah Fitfah. Still managed to win because it was Arizona, but this isn't a top ten team.

3. Texas A&M. The Aggies are typical October ass. There's a MS paint image from an old (hilarious) Longhorn message board that's probably 15-20 years old which perfectly encapsulates the perpetual A&M season cycle. 

We have officially reached "furk" territory, which is funny in its own right. Adding to the general hilarity is the rumor that Petrino and Fisher had to be separated in the locker room after the game. Might be just a rumor, but it tracks with what we know about those two ego-inflated clowns.

4. Notre Dame. Can we stop hyping this overrated sack of ass team each and every season?  They are ass. They've been ass for 40 years or more. They will continue to be ass. But it seems like every season we have to endure breathless verbal masturbation as the media waxes rhapsodically over the resurrection of the golden dumbos. Every couple of years they get elevated to a shot at the ring, where they promptly get blown out. Enough. They are ass.

5. Quick ass shoutout to the continued media infatuation with Colorado.  Huzzah! They beat a 1-5 team that lost to Fresno 29-0. Congrats, I guess? There's a Deadspin article out last week that brutally destroys the CFB pregame shows for sucking up to all things Sanders. I had no idea there was a show similar to GameDay on Fox, and I had no idea that fat-faced Ewok moron Mark Ingram was a commentator on it, but that Deadspin piece also lays waste to his performance. I enjoyed it.   

6. Miami. The Hurricane coaching staff is ass. Leading by three at the Georgia Tech 30 yard line, just over a minute left. The Buzz fresh out of timeouts. Clock runs down to 35 seconds on a third and ten snap.  TAKE A KNEE! Nope. They run a handoff from the shotgun. Fumble at the 25 with 26 seconds left. Tech recovers. Yes, the refs blew it because further review shows it was not a fumble (not even particularly close, the runner was clearly down) but they let it stand. Yes, the Miami defense still had to collapse in epic fashion to allow GT to cover 75 yards in 26 seconds, but it did, causing the Cane fans to boo and hurl bottles at the celebrating Tech players. But the decision not to take a knee after getting a first down late in the game and/or attempt a field goal was asinine.

7. I hate to say this, but Hannah Storm's knees are ass. ESPN NFL preview is on in the background at the moment. Storm has always been attractive enough, but she's standing there on the set at age 61 wearing a blue dress that only reaches mid-thigh and her knees look like two bags of lumpy biscuit dough. They're difficult to look at.  If you stare at them for a few seconds, the misshapen mass of her left knee coalesces into the visage of an insane clown screaming in delirium.

8. Gus Malzahn. This guy. I have no idea how he does it. Fresh off two losses, Malzahn gets a two-year contract extension from UCF that bumps his pay to $4mil this year and ups him to $5.5mil the next two seasons. That's lunacy. He's ASS. Yes, there were low-key rumors bouncing around that Sam Tittman was in trouble in Arkansas and the Hogs might be interested in bringing Gus' inability to recruit and his debunked offensive philosophy back to Little Rock - rumors no doubt planted by Jimmy Sexton - but still??  Raise and extension after back-to-back losses? Then, after getting generational wealth dumped in his lap (again) Gus promptly leads the Golden Serfs to a most ripping 51-22 defeat at the hands of Kansas -- a game in which UCF trailed 37-6 entering the fourth quarter.  The multi-million ass man has the K-nights sitting at 3-3 this season with a perfect 0-3 conference record. Pay me 1/5th of his salary and I couldn't screw it up any worse than that.

9. Priorities. Our breads and circuses priorities are ass.  More people are aware that Oklahoma beat Texas with a late touchdown than are aware that Hamas attacked Israel over the weekend. The long-term (and immediate) ramifications of that event are potentially catastrophic world-wide. The rumor that Hamas using weaponry supplied by Ukraine (to whom we launder approximately $230 million tax dollars PER DAY) is concerning. The possibility that Israel could unleash its nuclear arsenal is alarming. The absolute and utter weakness of the US administration in its ability to navigate the world stage, particularly in situations such as this is horrifying. But have you heard about Deion!? Them Buffs are back, baby!

10. Finally? The Atlanta Braves in the post-season are ass. Haven't been shut out since May 12. Until Saturday. Haven't been shut out at home since 2022. Until yesterday. I loathe the Phillies and despise Bryce Harper. But here we are. Dead bats and tents in the process of being folded.  I wonder if anybody can do a MS Paint post-season Braves rollercoaster recap?  Looks like the Bravos are at 'furk' once again. 
« Last Edit: October 08, 2023, 10:58:01 AM by Kaos »
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2023, 03:43:55 PM »
Ass and receive

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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2023, 03:47:38 PM »
Ass and receive

There's a less robed version that is real and SWEET! 
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2023, 08:21:17 PM »
During the Barcelona Olympics, I thought Hannah Storm was the hottest thing on TV.
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2023, 10:47:16 AM »
After yesterday, the ass list is missing some obvious content.

1. Mac Jones is ass.  This has always been a given. He was ass coming out of college. He's been ass since taking over in New England. Choosing this mewling bitch and releasing Cam showed me how stupid Bill Bellyache actually is. His roster management since Brady left has been horrible on an unprecedented level. Surprised to find some still defending Trash Ass Jones, but the defenders appear to be those few remaining who still believe in Bill as some kind of slobby savant.

2. Dak Prescott is ass. No further explanation needed. Proven fact.
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2023, 02:17:43 PM »

1) Hamas.  Seriously.  Fuck those guys.  Hope after a week, the US doesn't tell Israel to use "restraint."  I hope Israeli soldiers dip the bullets in pig lard, and send every single one of those fuckers to hell.
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2023, 02:26:57 PM »
1) Hamas.  Seriously.  Fuck those guys.  Hope after a week, the US doesn't tell Israel to use "restraint."
People are saying we need to help Israel. We don’t need to help them. We need to get out of their way. It will be over quickly!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2023, 03:22:35 PM »
1) Hamas.  Seriously.  Fuck those guys.  Hope after a week, the US doesn't tell Israel to use "restraint."  I hope Israeli soldiers dip the bullets in pig lard, and send every single one of those fuckers to hell.

There were politicians “rallying” for those murderous bastages over the weekend. 
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2023, 05:41:46 PM »
1) Hamas.  Seriously.  Fuck those guys.  Hope after a week, the US doesn't tell Israel to use "restraint."  I hope Israeli soldiers dip the bullets in pig lard, and send every single one of those fuckers to hell.

We couldn't get our hands on pig blood in Bagram to dip munitions in (who woulda thunk it?), but we did write mean-spirited things in Sharpie on Patriot Missiles for when they tore into the mountain side... I don't think those Taliban terrorists could read what we wrote, because one... they likely spoke/read Dari, and two... they probably blew the fuck up before they could see anything.

I was over there under the Obama administration, and by the time I was there (2013) it was truly more of a Humanitarian effort than it was a war.  Some of those local nationals were some of the nicest people, genuinely, that I have ever met.  They cooked our food, cut our hair, and were scared to death to get caught up in the middle between a radical terrorist group and the iron rod of Uncle Sam's fury.  I'd help escort prisoners off of C-130's as they were strapped down to 463L pallets and would have to cover my nose often due to them pissing themselves with fear.  A lot of them were poor, local farmers that agreed to shoot mortars at American troops to keep their family safe from being beheaded or burned alive.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2023, 08:46:14 PM by Snakebite »
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2023, 05:59:57 PM »

2. Dak Prescott is ass. No further explanation needed. Proven fact.

Hes been mediocre at best, and highly inconsistent. But against that D? 49ers are legit and made Dak go from warm ass to ripe unwiped butthole after the runs.

I do think the 49ers are THAT good though....on both sides of the ball. They are not ass.
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2023, 10:43:42 AM »
A lot of them were poor, local farmers that agreed to shoot mortars at American troops to keep their family safe from being beheaded or burned alive.

Even more reason to let Israel take the gloves off.
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2023, 10:59:09 AM »
Even more reason to let Israel take the gloves off.

Just to be clear: Hamas =/= Palestine.

There are a LOT of innocent people caught in the middle here.
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2023, 11:39:26 AM »
Just to be clear: Hamas =/= Palestine.

There are a LOT of innocent people caught in the middle here.
Look. Kaos is the only one that really understands high level math around here. And honestly, I don’t think he necessarily gets it unless it includes a dollar sign. So, how about you just spell it out, aight?

There is no since in making this into a geometry equation.

Are you trying to give Snags a headache?
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2023, 12:37:42 PM »
Just to be clear: Hamas =/= Palestine.

There are a LOT of innocent people caught in the middle here.

Also wes in 1944: 

Just to be clear. Nazis =/= Germans

There are a LOT of innocent people caught in the middle in Germany, and also Japan!
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2023, 01:21:14 PM »
Just to be clear: Hamas =/= Palestine.

There are a LOT of innocent people caught in the middle here.

This tweet pretty much sums up my views better than I could put in words:  https://twitter.com/AGHamilton29/status/1711528997383811360

So let me clear something up because I see a lot of dishonest framing:

I would never support the indiscriminate mass murder of Palestinian civilians. Not because I don't realize that most of the people in Gaza would gladly cheer to see me and my family killed, but because I value human life. And I realize that a lot of the people in Gaza, esp kids, have been indoctrinated with hate for most of their lives and have had little control of their circumstances. I wish for an escape for them from that culture of hate. I wish they could live with peace and prosperity. Something that, it is worth noting, will never be possible under Hamas. 

There is a high price I believe people should be willing to pay to preserve human life. As an example, I firmly believed until last Friday that families in Israel should accept the reality of having to spend some nights in bomb shelters and having to deal with occasional rocket launches if it meant avoiding a costly war for both sides. But that calculation changed last weekend. The price became too high. We can't just say to people we love that they must accept their daughters being raped, their sons being tortured, and their parents being massacred in their homes to preserve the lives of those who would cheer their murderers. Hamas represents evil and they must be destroyed. They cannot continue to exist next to Israel to plan to commit these atrocities yet again. Never Again must have meaning. And I will not pretend that such an action will not result in serious collateral damage. There will be a heavy price to pay for Israelis and Palestinians, but there is now no choice. This is now a fight for survival.

Thus I hope Israel will do what it must as swiftly as possible to win the war that they did not start and with as little collateral damage as feasible, but I will not entertain those who insist there is an easy alternative when what they really mean is that we just accept the slaughter of this past weekend and the continued risk of more such attacks.
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2023, 01:45:22 PM »
This tweet pretty much sums up my views better than I could put in words:  https://twitter.com/AGHamilton29/status/1711528997383811360

Ah...wasn't wanting to get into this, buuuuutttt...

The average Palestinian isn't a fucking terrorist, hell-bent on raping and pillaging.  They've been stuck in an open-air prison and held under Israel's thumb for a long fucking time.  Have you asked yourself: why is Hamas taking the mantle of leadership in Palestine?  Probably because every official installed by the Palestinian people has been assassinated by Israel.  It's an Afghani-esque situation, where the Taliban filled a void.

I also can hold the thought in my head that Israel =/= Jewish People.  The Israeli state is an apartheid government and can be opposed, while still condemning the wholesale slaughter of Jewish people.

Also, shout-out to this little disingenuous nugget:

I hope Israel will do what it must as swiftly as possible to win the war that they did not start

« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 01:47:01 PM by wesfau2 »
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2023, 02:47:42 PM »
Ah...wasn't wanting to get into this, buuuuutttt...

The average Palestinian isn't a fucking terrorist, hell-bent on raping and pillaging.  They've been stuck in an open-air prison and held under Israel's thumb for a long fucking time.  Have you asked yourself: why is Hamas taking the mantle of leadership in Palestine?  Probably because every official installed by the Palestinian people has been assassinated by Israel.  It's an Afghani-esque situation, where the Taliban filled a void.

I also can hold the thought in my head that Israel =/= Jewish People.  The Israeli state is an apartheid government and can be opposed, while still condemning the wholesale slaughter of Jewish people.

Also, shout-out to this little disingenuous nugget:

Good grief. 

How can you be so (dangerously) misguided on so many topics?
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2023, 02:53:03 PM »
Wes, you and I will probably never agree on anything politically, and that's ok.  Love you my brother, War Damn Eagle, and Beat LSU.
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2023, 02:55:43 PM »
Can we move the Hamas discussion to another place. 

I came here to expose my ass and have others look at and comment on my ass. 
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Re: Things That Are Ass - VI
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2023, 03:08:09 PM »
Can we move the Hamas discussion to another place. 

I came here to expose my ass and have others look at and comment on my ass.

I'm just here to look at asses (not yours, bucko).  How come only 1 picture and 1 gif have been posted thus far?  One of which I am responsible for? How exactly is a rainbow made? How exactly does a sun set? How exactly does a posi-trac rear-end on a Plymouth work?
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