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« on: September 28, 2023, 10:07:36 AM »
This goes to the notion that Biden cannot be senile today and also the nominal head of a sprawling criminal enterprise.

I've been involved with and know well people who've been involved in corruption and have gone to prison for years for it.  I've seen that up close.  I had long conversations with a guy who ended up fronting a mafia-like morass of corrupt ventures that included no-show jobs, bribes, payoffs, extortion, etc. 

I'll never forget what he told me once (and the basis of the book I'm still trying to write about all that).  "You know, I didn't start out this way.  It's like boiling a bullfrog. The temperature kept getting raised a degree at a time and it was tolerable. Then all of a sudden I look around and I'm in a boiling pot with no way to get out." 

Part of this guy's hook was his kids. People who had no real skills of their own and lived the good life off daddy's largesse. There's a lot I could tell about that but wait for the book.

Do I believe Biden was always corrupt?  I think he always had the capacity to be and it came easily.  I truly think it started slowly and then as his kids got compromised it snowballed. 

The guy I knew?  There came a point where things started to unravel. He had gotten older. Late 60s, early 70s at that point.  He was still running all these no-show jobs, manipulating contracts and rigging bids but he started to repeat himself.  Would drive somewhere and forget why he'd gone there.  Started to confuse names.  As his mental skills declined, his kids got more involved and their greed was exponentially greater and their ability to manage all that was exponentially worse. But much like Biden, he backed them and just wanted his cut of whatever scam they rolled with.  They were inept. 

Having seen that?  Seen how people close to him controlled him as he declined, how he would tell stories of things that had a tiny nugget of truth wrapped around an entire foot-long sub of fabrication?  It's very similar.  He started the gravy train. Despite the bullfrog story, he took those steps knowing that each one was more corrupt than the last.  Yes, some of the people he was involved with coerced him into doing things, but for the most part, for every degree the water was raised he got out, turned it up, and got back in the pot.  Toward the end, before he went to prison (and died shortly after being released) he'd lost way more than a step.  He didn't say or do anything that wasn't scripted for him by his daughter, his wife, his lawyer, his son, or a couple of "advisors" around him.  He'd make the same "this is what I'm supposed to say" comments Biden does with the same bemused befuddlement on his face. He'd have occasional bouts of clarity, but then he'd drift off into some horse manure story or he'd get mad and start ranting. And then one of them would lead him away.   

Still, the guy was a life-long grifter.  It was all he knew. 

So don't tell me Biden can't be both.  He can be the most corrupt president in US history. That's his entire career, honestly.  He can be the least truthful president ever.  He's been lying all his life.  He can be the most immoral president of all time.  He showered with his teenage daughter, started an obsessive (and inappropriate) relationship with his kid's 16-year old babysitter, he raised a drug-addicted sex predator and supports him (actually relies on him as a front for bribery scams).  He can also be rapidly losing control of his mental faculties, which he is.  But that doesn't slow the grift. 
« Last Edit: September 28, 2023, 10:12:34 AM by Kaos »
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Re: Corruption
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2023, 12:25:36 PM »
Mitt Romney came out a few weeks ago with a statement concerning his decision NOT to seek re-election but it may be two of the rightest things hes ever said in a long line of many wrong things -

1. “On deficits and debt, both men (Biden, Trump) refuse to address entitlements even though they know that this represents two-thirds of federal spending"

and even righter...

2. Romney also acknowledged his concerns about Biden’s age in the next election, telling Coppins, “I was afraid that Biden, in his advanced years, would be incapable of making the argument.". He also cited his own age, 76, as a reason to retire and urged others of the same age to do the same. Much of that has to do with point number 1 above. McConnell is also starting to really show mental instability upstairs, freezing up at times.

TL;DR version - old dudes need to step aside for several reasons - two of those being mental capacity and career politicians.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2023, 12:27:12 PM by GH2001 »
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Re: Corruption
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2023, 12:36:08 PM »
Mitt Romney came out a few weeks ago with a statement concerning his decision NOT to seek re-election but it may be two of the rightest things hes ever said in a long line of many wrong things -

1. “On deficits and debt, both men (Biden, Trump) refuse to address entitlements even though they know that this represents two-thirds of federal spending"

and even righter...

2. Romney also acknowledged his concerns about Biden’s age in the next election, telling Coppins, “I was afraid that Biden, in his advanced years, would be incapable of making the argument.". He also cited his own age, 76, as a reason to retire and urged others of the same age to do the same. Much of that has to do with point number 1 above. McConnell is also starting to really show mental instability upstairs, freezing up at times.

TL;DR version - old dudes need to step aside for several reasons - two of those being mental capacity and career politicians.

Romney left because he was about to get his ass handed to him in Utah.  Almost no chance of re-election. 

Doesn't make his point any less valid, only that his motivations are not pure. 
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Re: Corruption
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2023, 04:15:02 PM »
Romney left because he was about to get his ass handed to him in Utah.  Almost no chance of re-election. 

Doesn't make his point any less valid, only that his motivations are not pure.

I say test them. There are many older folks who are sharp as a tack. Their years and wisdom allow them to see the perspective from several different generations.

As for career politicians, we need a 12 year term limit.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Re: Corruption
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2023, 05:59:39 PM »
As for career politicians, we need a 12 year term limit.

Would also say that the pay should be tied to the average salary for the area you represent.
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Re: Corruption
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2023, 10:02:22 AM »
I say test them. There are many older folks who are sharp as a tack. Their years and wisdom allow them to see the perspective from several different generations.
You and snags have the old part down.
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