For all my life, there have been high pressure systems. I distinctly remember WBRC weather forecaster Pat Gray putting the little H in the middle of a circle or sometimes a sun-shape up on her weather board to denote them. I used to like watching Pat, because she reminded me a little of Elizabeth Montgomery (Bewitched).

From watching Pat, I've known most of my life that high pressure systems generally create hot, muggy conditions.
Now, though, they (whoever THEY are) have decided that calling it a high pressure system - which is normal - doesn't quite give people enough reason to panic so they've re-termed it as a 'heat dome' like it's some kind of unprecedented horrible climate-change induced horror. Idiots.
Anybody who uses the term "heat dome" is branding themselves as a gullible sheep. BAAA... heat dome.... BAAAA... Hotter than EVAR!1!!. BAAAA...
Yeah, it's going to be hot. But as hot as it's going to be this week, it likely won't break "records" that were recorded in
19-fucking-38. And the reality is, we don't have ANY idea what the temperature was in 1910 or 1850 or 1732 or 1612 or 1518. The statistical sample is so small it's worthless.
There's a high pressure system. It's hot. Drive your gas-powered cars. Cook on gas stoves and grills. Eat beef and chicken. Use electricity generated by coal. Won't make one shit's difference. Climate is controlled by the energy put out by the sun. You can't change that, bitch.