On this day back in 1975, Jaws was released in theaters. I don't know if you'd call it a horror film, an action flick, a porno, or all three. But, it changed people's perception of sharks, and their willingness, or lack thereof, to get in the water again.
Jaws, Star Wars, and only a handful of others, are movies I left the theater going, "Dayyyyuummm". Obviously, cinema has changed night and day over the years, and the "special effects" of the mechanical shark would be laughed at today. However, I've seen Jaws eleventy skwazillion times, and there are still parts that give me the willies. Like the opening scene where the girl goes swimming, starts getting jerked under and panicking. Do. Not. Like.
And when the two guys hooking the wife's holiday roast to a chain, and the guy going in when the dock gets ripped off. As many times as I've seen that, I'm still thinking, "Swim faster you fat sumbitch." I just know he won't make it this time.
And how iconic are those two notes. Duunn Dun. That's right, you know what's coming.