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Recipe for Control: Tuck in some Rice, Lemons


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Recipe for Control: Tuck in some Rice, Lemons
« on: April 25, 2023, 09:16:49 AM »
Watched a documentary on Netflix recently called How to Become a Tyrant. It wasn't great, but it was fascinating because almost every single tactic the show listed is currently being employed against us by the leftist/socialist/woke mob. 

What's unique is that this isn't a single tyrant, but a tyrannical regime controlled by an elite few. 

One of the key factors in creating a dictatorship profiled in this doc is to "Control the Truth."  That's being done on a massive scale.  Revise history, check. Blatantly lie despite all evidence to the contrary. Yep. Censor opposing views and persecute those who espouse them. Absolutely. 

Yesterday's announcements that Fox News and Tucker Carlson were parting ways, that Don Lemon was fired from CNN and that Susan Rice was stepping down clearly illustrated this media control. 

Fox News isn't the conservative voice so many believe it to be. It is, instead, controlled opposition. Tucker wasn't some stalwart defender of the American Way, he spent most of his life working for CNN and MSNBC.

Watch now as Fox slides to the left.

Watch now as CNN slowly "course corrects" and takes up the mantle of the 'conservative'. The purge that's coming there began with that fat, waddling turd whose name escapes me and has now taken the scalp of conservative foe Lemon.   

Watch over the next few years as the same people who've worn Fox News armor into battle gradually gravitate to CNN and those who lived in the oppressed, victimized fantasy once spun by CNN transition to Fox.

It's all breads and circuses orchestrated to keep the masses entertained and separated. They are wedges designed to drive mistrust among the people. 

We are sheep being herded toward our own destruction.  I hate to see people baaaaa-ing along.
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