The Watcher
Weird series. Supposedly based on a true story with some minor modifications.
Couple moves into house they can't afford, in an idyllic New Jersey suburb and then everything goes wrong-ish. Weird neighbors, tunnels into the house, strange, threatening letters sent to the owners, a murderous that may or may not be true, bizarre occurrences.
Couple of problems.
First: I know they (Hollywood) want to keep giving Jennifer Coolidge work but they need to stop. She's absolutely AWFUL. She looks like a giant wad of chewed bubblegum and is a worse actress. "Lazy, slobby whore" is about all she can do. And she's too lazy to do that. What's really sad is I know a painted up, slobby, booze-addled real estate agent whore whose face looks like it's melting, appears to be in her early 70s, is in her 50s and tries to dress like she's 25. That's who Coolidge's bloated carcass reminds me of. I bet she smells like piss dribbles.
Second: The rest of the cast is pretty pedestrian. Bobby Canavale is B-list. He struggles to evoke any realistic emotion. Naomi Watts looks horrible - not attractive AT ALL. The Flashdance dude is B-level too. And there's an absolutely ATROCIOUS age-shifting CGI with him late in the series that's shameful.
I'm not done with it. There are so many twists and turns and red herrings the whole exercise becomes tedious. It's too clever for its own good, honestly. Knowing that there's no resolution when this ends (true story, remember) makes me regret starting it.