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We are all victims (except you)


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We are all victims (except you)
« on: January 30, 2023, 02:24:40 PM »
Over the years I've had friends and acquaintances of almost every variety.  Lesbian, Islamic, Gay, Jewish, black, Asian, etc. 

What I've noticed lately is that ALL of those varieties see themselves through some lens of victimhood. 

Jewish lady business associate in her late 60s told me yesterday that she hides her Star of David and doesn't openly celebrate her Jewish holidays/traditions because she lives in fear of persecution.  She lives IN GEORGIA. Suburb of Atlanta. She's afraid to go to banks other than Jewish owned because she thinks they will deny her loans or some shit.

Married lesbian with two kids tells me last week she's trying to get her wills redone. She lives in perpetual fear of the "stormtroopers" ripping her children away from her partner because of the "vast right-wing war on LGBR549 rights."  She's incredibly intelligent otherwise. Lives in South Florida and is convinced DeSantis is a close relative of Hitler. He wants to "put her in chains." 

Black employee, female and mid-20s, sees everything through a victim mentality. Didn't get her order right at Taco Bell? The staff was racist. Doesn't get a job making $300k a year right out of college?  White man keeping her down. Can't be that she needs to gain experience in her field and prove her worth. Nope. If she's not immediately moved to the head of the line, the colonial system is still in place. 

Islamic employee, female and mid-20s, is afraid to leave the interstate when she travels to Birmingham. According to her, Alabama is full of "sundown towns" and if she's found there after dark she will be raped, murdered and dismembered.  This she's been told by her father, a successful businessman in South Alabama who rants to her about the unfairness of how the Islamic community is ostracized and prevented from worshipping and meting out justice as their religion demands. 

They are all victims. Persecuted by this evil country for their beliefs and behaviors. 

You know who doesn't feel that way?  The Russian Jews I've worked with for years who live in NYC.  They are the patriots now.  They love this country and the opportunities it has afforded them and their families.

There's a reckoning coming. We had a chance to stop it - and may still again - but my hope is waning.
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Re: We are all victims (except you)
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2023, 08:37:17 AM »
Bank not Jewish owned? Interesting.
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