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It's Hugh


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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #60 on: November 30, 2022, 11:36:51 AM »
They are creepy, but I guess I'm not seeing how they demonstrate any intent to silence or coerce her (and I believe the lawsuit was settled at this point, too, but I could be wrong).

Anyone wielding his power against a relative nobody (in the power structure), putting his thumb on the scale, is intimidating and harassing by definition.

The fact that it isn't overt doesn't matter.  The timing of the DMs relative to the assault/trial/settlement doesn't matter.

The fact that this subtlety is lost on a lot of men (not singling you our here Jarhead) is why women are hesitant to report harassment.  In a vacuum, it looks totally reasonable...but nothing happens in a vacuum.
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #61 on: November 30, 2022, 11:43:45 AM »
The fact that this subtlety is lost on a lot of men (not singling you our here Jarhead) is why women are hesitant to report harassment.  In a vacuum, it looks totally reasonable...but nothing happens in a vacuum.

Don't think you are, so please don't think that.  Just legitimately asking, because I don't understand.

Thanks for your clarification.
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #62 on: November 30, 2022, 12:11:02 PM »
Thanks, Wes. 

Per her Twitter, Chelsea Andrews is a 2015 graduate of LU.  One would assume that her sexual assault happened prior to her graduation. 

McCaw was AD at Baylor at the time that Chelsea's sexual assault would have happened.  Now, as we all know, Baylor has it's own sexual assault problems, but to my knowledge, McCaw was never implicated in that investigation.  He resigned from Baylor in May of 2016 as a result of the Baylor scandal though, and was hired by LU in November of 2016.  He then hired Freeze in 2018.  In July 2022, Andrews was tweeting critically about LU and it's athletics program, in particular the hiring of McCaw and the optics of his involvement with BU.  Freeze then sent her the now famous DM (which, I'll concede, was a dumbass thing to do).

And apparently HF has now apologized for sending the DMs.


I guess what I'm saying is that since her sexual assault happened prior to Freeze arriving at LU, I don't have an issue with Auburn not interviewing her about the Freeze DMs.  They are creepy, but I guess I'm not seeing how they demonstrate any intent to silence or coerce her (and I believe the lawsuit was settled at this point, too, but I could be wrong).

To me, it's an act of hubris and stupidity that clearly illustrates that he learned NOTHING after brazenly challenging people to turn Ole Miss in if they had anything -- knowing he'd been cheating his ass off.  It's the same stupidity and hubris that led him to all the holy rolling, scripture quoting "I'm just a man who made a mistake" Jimmy Swaggarting when he got busted.  It's the same unrepentant ego and arrogance that allowed him to boldly declare that it was all Houston Nutt's fault when he very nearly single handedly got Ole Miss nuked like SMU. 

He didn't learn anything. He's still doing it. 

He had the gall to stand up there and say (according to al.com, I didn't listen or watch) that he hadn't heard any negative reaction because he'd been off social media entirely for three or four weeks.  That's not true. IF he said that (and I don't trust al.communist to tell the truth) it's just another lie in a pervasive pattern of lies.  He can't help himself. But he walks with Jesus, so we're good! 

I said it wasn't about feelings, and I don't want it to be.  I do think his record shows that unless he can cheat (in recruiting and on the field) he's not even an average coach.  He's kind of a dumber version of Gus. A buck-toothed Mike Leach.  But the reality is a lot of my position IS feeling based.

I have zero tolerance for the pious holy roller types that he's consistently shown himself to be.  I'm a Christian, but I don't go around wearing it like a cloak of superiority because I know that I'm flawed in a lot of ways. There are things I have to fight, just like we all do.  I'm not ashamed of my beliefs and will defend them if pushed. Hypocrites like Freeze give my faith a bad name. His behavior tends to drive people away and give non-believers a solid platform from which to say "see? it's all phony."  Him, Swaggart, Bakker, Falwell, Popoff, etc. all make it easier to dismiss and marginalize the Christian faith - which is important to me.  Combine that with Auburn? Two things that define my core values and are critical to who I am and who I want to be? It's a one-two punch that has pushed me over the edge. 

Forgiveness and second chances have nothing to do with it. If somebody steals from me I'll forgive it. But I'm not going to put them in charge of my cash register no matter how much they say they've changed.  I forgive the guy who killed my first wife (even though he's dead) but I don't want to have anything to do with him or his family. 

We needed a unifying hire. This guy, for many reasons, is about as polarizing as it gets. If (and I say when) he does something monumentally stupid in his personal life or if (and I say when) he isn't able to move the needle as a coach I'm concerned about the long term impact. If Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber is our BEST option today? What happens in two, three, five years when we're digging out from under either a PR nightmare, a NCAA execution or a string of lackluster performances? Can we recover then?  I honestly don't know.

Anyway... I'm still commenting.  It kind of pissed me off to see the idea expressed here that the ONLY people who opposed this guy were woke liberal pussies who sky scream on Tweeter.  That's not realistic. All these emotional "I'm triggered" responses to his past behaviors are out of bounds. I don't support it. 

It's just that if he's who Auburn wants to be, then I need to take a break from it.  I hope he has changed (but you can't fix stupid, you know).  I hope he has learned from his past.  I'll be glad if he succeeds, but my spidey sense says he won't. 

Good luck to you and yours.
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #63 on: November 30, 2022, 12:13:57 PM »
Don't think you are, so please don't think that.  Just legitimately asking, because I don't understand.

Thanks for your clarification.
since you are wondering, my disdain for the Buck toothed hillbilly has nothing to do with the mommy part who tried to set him up.

You were wondering, right?

His response was dumb. I can say he is a dumbass all day but he makes more money than I ever will. So…

He would have been fired if he were working in the corporate world. Unfortunately, you can’t take up for your friends in this instance. The fags will go ape shirt and accuse the white man of using his power and privilege.

He didn’t say anything untoward. It was simply dumb to contact her.

I hope he wins 35 national championships at Auburn. And he’s saying the right things. But just like in a conversation that I had with a faggot on here, I believe he got the hooker for recruits. The fag seemed to think that I was slandering Hugh and the fag had never heard such.

Well, it was definitely a topic of discussion. No one addressed it in the media because the lawsuits would have ensued. But as I always say, lawyers are faggots. Fuck them.

Until proven innocent, I think Hugh got the whore for recruits. Fuck slander and any queer who thinks it is.

And the bad part is, so many people don’t care, even if it’s true.

We know he was handing out sacks of money and doing it well. And to that, I say, job well done.

But hookers? Sure, I would have loved to be the recruit. But I’m not on board with it for AU. Probably because I am a much better Christian than those who do not care. Regardless, I don’t care for him. I will still hope we win every game.
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #64 on: November 30, 2022, 12:23:06 PM »
To me, it's an act of hubris and stupidity

He's a dumbass, who I'm sure would say he was just trying to defend his friend.  Shouldn't have done it.

And, Kaos, I 100% get where you're coming from.
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #65 on: November 30, 2022, 12:46:54 PM »

It's just that if he's who Auburn wants to be....

Has nothing to do with it.  They hired the guy because they think he can win.  They think he's the right guy to put them in contention for championships.  Period!  End of story. I'm sure they had to feel confident in his assurances that he is on the straight and narrow, but otherwise, all the other shit doesn't matter.  Winning brings in more money. THAT'S what Auburn is about.  Not the fucking creed.  Not the feel good Caddy story. Not the fans having any say so or influence on decisions. It's about winning and money.

Will he win?  Have no idea.  But that's the only reason they hired him.  You said earlier that Bruce Pearl's past is not a fair comparison.  Bull shit.  That guy was, and maybe is, a snake in the grass.  Basically exiled from D-1 ball for years.  Went Phillip Fulmer and got a rival program in NCAA shit for 3 years.  Caused a player to sit out a year.  He broke the code and was as hated as anybody in that profession at the time.

Trouble has followed him throughout his career, right up through Tennessee and into Auburn. But he got his shots because he wins.  He lied to the NCAA about what would have been a minor slap on the wrist violation.  But he got a show cause because that wasn't his first rodeo.  Can't fix stupid, right? I guess you can, because when a major, major scandal hit his program less than 3 years into his tenure at Auburn, one involving the FBI, arrests, coaches being suspended and players sitting out for more than a year, he changed his tactics.  He didn't lie.  He just shut it down and refused to cooperate with anybody, including the University President.  But he survived.  Why?  Because he wins.

And winning makes Auburn money.   
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #66 on: November 30, 2022, 01:20:01 PM »
Has nothing to do with it.  They hired the guy because they think he can win.  They think he's the right guy to put them in contention for championships.  Period!  End of story. I'm sure they had to feel confident in his assurances that he is on the straight and narrow, but otherwise, all the other shit doesn't matter.  Winning brings in more money. THAT'S what Auburn is about.  Not the fucking creed.  Not the feel good Caddy story. Not the fans having any say so or influence on decisions. It's about winning and money.

Will he win?  Have no idea.  But that's the only reason they hired him.  You said earlier that Bruce Pearl's past is not a fair comparison.  Bull shit.  That guy was, and maybe is, a snake in the grass.  Basically exiled from D-1 ball for years.  Went Phillip Fulmer and got a rival program in NCAA shit for 3 years.  Caused a player to sit out a year.  He broke the code and was as hated as anybody in that profession at the time.

Trouble has followed him throughout his career, right up through Tennessee and into Auburn. But he got his shots because he wins.  He lied to the NCAA about what would have been a minor slap on the wrist violation.  But he got a show cause because that wasn't his first rodeo.  Can't fix stupid, right? I guess you can, because when a major, major scandal hit his program less than 3 years into his tenure at Auburn, one involving the FBI, arrests, coaches being suspended and players sitting out for more than a year, he changed his tactics.  He didn't lie.  He just shut it down and refused to cooperate with anybody, including the University President.  But he survived.  Why?  Because he wins.

And winning makes Auburn money.   

It doesn’t matter to you.  It doesn’t matter to them.  It does to me. 

I don’t want Carnell as head coach. It’s not about that either.  I don’t think fans should decide or call plays.  I do think we have the the right to express our opinions and reservations.

You don’t see a major difference in Freeze and Pearl.  I do.  They’re miles apart.  Not on the same planet.  The type of transgressions and their reactions to them aren’t in the same universe in my opinion. Running a red light isn’t the same as burning a house down.  Turning another program in for cheating kind of has a nostalgic whiff of honor to it.  Bryant turned Auburn in once a week.  Cheating your entire ass off, paying players, lying to them, their parents and everybody else while challenging anyone to come at him - while simultaneously climbing up on the cross?  Not the same.

We don’t have to agree. That’s cool.  But I’m not giving you any more back rubs.  Drawing the line there. 
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #67 on: November 30, 2022, 02:03:16 PM »
Nick Saban didn't get an opportunity to purge our new coach of his past trangressions. A season's worth of rehabbing on the Tahd sideline would have given Freeze more redemptive value.
So in a rush to salvage recruiting and the future of the entire athletic program woke Cohen went against the court of public opinion to risk his future on what he believed best served Auburn...and his job.
I'm from a Christian upbringing and I too was repulsed by the behavior of Falwell, Bakker and the like.
We live in a new era where public opinion gets to decide when the punishment has met all requirements. Sometimes it can be harsh enough to destroy a person and their family, even the memory in the form of a symbol, statue or monument.
Guess I'm among the more sporting when it comes to being judgemental.
I say we let them up and see if the beating he or she took did any good.

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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #68 on: November 30, 2022, 02:10:30 PM »
It doesn’t matter to you.  It doesn’t matter to them.  It does to me. 

I don’t want Carnell as head coach. It’s not about that either.  I don’t think fans should decide or call plays.  I do think we have the the right to express our opinions and reservations.

You don’t see a major difference in Freeze and Pearl.  I do.  They’re miles apart.  Not on the same planet.  The type of transgressions and their reactions to them aren’t in the same universe in my opinion. Running a red light isn’t the same as burning a house down.  Turning another program in for cheating kind of has a nostalgic whiff of honor to it.  Bryant turned Auburn in once a week.  Cheating your entire ass off, paying players, lying to them, their parents and everybody else while challenging anyone to come at him - while simultaneously climbing up on the cross?  Not the same.

We don’t have to agree. That’s cool.  But I’m not giving you any more back rubs.  Drawing the line there.

He ain't going to tone down the Jesus talk, but knowing this is his last shot to remove the shit stains all over his coaching legacy, maybe he will tone down the hypocritical things you dislike.  I appreciate your opinions & have since 2007/2008 when you were trolling PM on a AU Undercover and posting about not liking the Gene Chizik hire on this site for the 2009 season.  Shitting on the coach is welcome, but I do hope you can come around to enjoying some Auburn Football in all its phases; through the ups, the downs, & under the leadership of hypocritical clowns.
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #69 on: November 30, 2022, 02:14:00 PM »
This has been a lengthy discussion, so I figured I'd put my uneducated thoughts on the matter on here to be picked apart.

1. Auburn needed a big name hire (big splash). Do I think that's what they did, no. In my mind I see that Cohen went out and hired a guy that has coached in the SEC, and done well, not great. I think he also looked at longevity. Hugh doesn't seem like the guy that's going to jump ship for a "better job" if he's doing good as a coach. He's trying to prove himself in the power 5 again.

2. What really grinds my gears is all the comments I've seen on social media about Auburn being racist because they didn't hire Prime or Caddy. While Prime would have been great for recruiting, what else has he done as a coach? Yes he's knocking it out of the park in the bush league, but can he do it in the power 5. Let's say he does get it done, we all know he's jumping ship for FSU when and if that job ever opens up. Caddy, he stepped in and did what needed to be done. He brought life back to the party. Being from the same area as him, the word I got from someone that knows his best friends cousin's sister's dentist, is that he didn't want the head job. That's hearsay of course, but maybe it's true. He now is in the best role for him, and the AU fanbase.

3. Freeze's past is what it is. He did some dumb stuff, but who among us hasn't?

4. HF was not my first choice, but he was a "safe" choice by Cohen. I mean it could have been worse, we could have used the AU coaching pipeline and hired the Arkansa State coach (Butch Jones, I think).

So, to sum it up, I will do what I've done since Chizick was named HC, see what he can do and hope for the best. At the end of the day, my life will still go on, and I will still be an AU fan.
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #70 on: November 30, 2022, 02:50:56 PM »
It doesn’t matter to you.  It doesn’t matter to them.  It does to me. 

I don’t want Carnell as head coach. It’s not about that either.  I don’t think fans should decide or call plays.  I do think we have the the right to express our opinions and reservations.

You don’t see a major difference in Freeze and Pearl.  I do.  They’re miles apart.  Not on the same planet.  The type of transgressions and their reactions to them aren’t in the same universe in my opinion. Running a red light isn’t the same as burning a house down.  Turning another program in for cheating kind of has a nostalgic whiff of honor to it.  Bryant turned Auburn in once a week.  Cheating your entire ass off, paying players, lying to them, their parents and everybody else while challenging anyone to come at him - while simultaneously climbing up on the cross?  Not the same.

We don’t have to agree. That’s cool.  But I’m not giving you any more back rubs.  Drawing the line there.

Two things I will challenge you on.  First, it does matter to me.  Second, you owe me like, five back rubs, and I'll be damned if you're going to get out of them that easy.  What's the 7:00 p.m. Hallmark Christmas movie tonight?

What I'm getting at is, at the end of the day, the one and only thing they cared about with Freeze, is whether or not he can win, and win big at Auburn.  All the other shit is moot to them as long as they feel comfortable he won't be texting dick picks to co-eds. If he does, or if he actually is Gus Lite, and loses 4-6 games a season, he won't be our coach, and Cohen won't be AD. Not sure what Anthony Davis has to do with anything, but whatever.

I've become a lot more cynical about it all in recent years. I still love every chance I get to go to Auburn, and to the games.  Love the tailgating, Tiger Walk, the bird etc.  But, I was sitting in JHS at last year's Ole Miss game.  They started flashing those colored, strobey lights thingies.  Everyone had their cell phones lit.  The Jaytron 6,000 was blasting away at 750,000 decibels.  Part of me thought this was pretty neato-keen.  Like a Mustang.  The other part was saying we ain't in Kansas anymore, Toto.

90% of the tailgating has been pushed way off campus.  More and more each year.  Part of it, I'm sure is to keep people from fucking up the grounds. But, it's more about making more room for the hundreds of white, corporate tents.  More money.  The press box gets moved to the corner.  Odd move?  Not really, when you realize it was only to use the space for some kind of corporate lounge.  More money. The parking lot at the entrance of the baseball field is turned into an admission only, food truck, beer area.  More money.  Ticket prices have shut the average Joe out, but who cares?  There's plenty of folks standing in line, cash in hand, wanting to pay a fee just for the privilege of getting season tix.

The non-stop construction of bigger, better, more bad ass, both on campus and down town, have made the place barely recognizable.  Takes money.  Students and their parents are getting raped over the colds in tuition, books and rent.  A 3 bedroom apartment or condo may be $1,500.00 a month....for EACH student living there.

I love Auburn.  But, it's going to keep on changing.  That won't stop.  And so much of it centers around the foosballz program and winning.  More winning, more money.  That's why they hired Hugh Freeze.

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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #71 on: November 30, 2022, 03:01:49 PM »

I guess what I'm saying is that since her sexual assault happened prior to Freeze arriving at LU, I don't have an issue with Auburn not interviewing her about the Freeze DMs.  They are creepy, but I guess I'm not seeing how they demonstrate any intent to silence or coerce her (and I believe the lawsuit was settled at this point, too, but I could be wrong).

But what about his "POWER". Big ole mean Freeze used his POWER to threaten her with death to shut up or else. MY GOD MAN. CAN'T YOU SEE THAT!

We have so called men shrieking like damn women.
BTW. Read the DMs. They are innocent as hell. They may have been unnecessary, but in no way were they threatening.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #72 on: November 30, 2022, 03:08:58 PM »
But what about his "POWER". Big ole mean Freeze used his POWER to threaten her with death to shut up or else. MY GOD MAN. CAN'T YOU SEE THAT!

We have so called men shrieking like damn women.
BTW. Read the DMs. They are innocent as hell. They may have been unnecessary, but in no way were they threatening.

A touch of dumb-assery infected the man to slide into her DM's as a public figure to stand up for a pal.  You are absolutely correct though.. In the words of Brick Tamland, " I don't know what we're yelling about!"
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #73 on: November 30, 2022, 03:13:46 PM »
But what about his "POWER". Big ole mean Freeze used his POWER to threaten her with death to shut up or else. MY GOD MAN. CAN'T YOU SEE THAT!

We have so called men shrieking like damn women.
BTW. Read the DMs. They are innocent as hell. They may have been unnecessary, but in no way were they threatening.
Obviously you've never been threatened by a beaver filled with the Holy Spirit. Very daunting.
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #74 on: November 30, 2022, 03:33:48 PM »
Some of you are suggesting that Freeze ain't a bona fide, Bible thumping Christian.  Damn it, the man eats at Chick-fil-A at least 3 times a week.
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #75 on: November 30, 2022, 03:36:44 PM »
He ain't going to tone down the Jesus talk, but knowing this is his last shot to remove the shit stains all over his coaching legacy, maybe he will tone down the hypocritical things you dislike.  I appreciate your opinions & have since 2007/2008 when you were trolling PM on a AU Undercover and posting about not liking the Gene Chizik hire on this site for the 2009 season.  Shitting on the coach is welcome, but I do hope you can come around to enjoying some Auburn Football in all its phases; through the ups, the downs, & under the leadership of hypocritical clowns.

I have since I first heard the voices of  Gusty Yearout and Gary Sanders coming over a battery-powered AM radio on my grandfather’s back porch.  It was cemented for me when I attended a game with him and my dad.  I think it was some shit team like Chattanooga, but it still hit me in my heart. 

I was there for 17-16. I was there at the end of Shug’s career. I was there (sometimes physically) defending Barfield and keeping hope.  I’d look at the schedule and count 9 or 10 wins and then be confused when we’d lose to somebody like Wake Forest.  I walked the 10-year desert in a town that was 80% Bama fans, always looking for silver linings and reason to believe.  I missed the end of Bryant’s 315 after a drink Bama fan taunted me and my then girlfriend in a progressively more profane and aggressive major and I turned out his lights. I cried like a baby the next season when Bo went over the top.  I still can’t even think of “go back out there and thank our fans” without almost breaking down.   I got kicked out of a bar in Mobile for celebrating too much when Tillman killed Bama with the reverse.  I threw up when Van Tiffin hit the field goal.  I’m grateful I had the opportunity to sit across from Dye after he retired and tell him to his face how much all of that meant to so many of us.  I was there when Bowden came in and I believed. At the time I had an unusual level of access and watched his own ego bring him crashing down.  I was on board when Tuberville was introduced and when Dye literally embraced him and the promise of a return to glory.  I was in Atlanta when we won the SEC and New Orleans when we should have won it all.  Yeah. I shit on the chizik hire based on his resume and that asshole Jacobs’ churchy rationale for hiring him.   But he changed my mind one night against WVU.  And then changed it back a few years later when all the things I thought he was originally turned out to be true.  Same with Gus.  Thought I was wrong until all my original concerns came to bear. My issue with both is I thought Auburn could do better. We’d fallen into that same brother-in-law hiring pattern that plagued Bama for years.  Still those two guys gave me some of the best (and worst) days of my life.  The harsin hire intrigued me.  Until I figured out pretty quickly that it was a potential extinction level event.  Again, disappointing that we couldn’t do better.  And now this.  We hire a guy I don’t believe any other P5 program would consider any longer than it took to throw his application in the trash.

I’ve ridden the roller coaster.  I’ve cried in sadness and in happiness.  I broke a wall in my apartment when Reggie slack beat emmitt and Florida.  I sat in the dark for a couple of hours wondering what I’d done to so offend God when Tommy Hodson made Tiger Stadium quake.  My walls are covered with signed photos and footballs from Jordan, Dye, Bowden, Tuberville, Chizik, Malzahn, Cam, Bo, Cadillac, Ronnie, Jason, Trotmsn, Sullivan, Beasley, Courtney, McClover, Lutz, Langner and more.  One of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten is when my daughter got Bo to send me a video message for my birthday a few years back.

I’ve ridden it all.  Ups. Downs. Sideways.  This hire though?  Just can’t. I’m embarrassed.  Every other hire I we’ve ever made had pros and cons.  I don’t see any pros. At all.  In my opinion hes a lowlife charlatan. We’ve never hired a lowlife before.  Don’t want any part of it.  And l love Auburn and the football program. 
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #76 on: November 30, 2022, 03:37:00 PM »
Obviously you've never been threatened by a beaver filled with the Holy Spirit. Very daunting.

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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #77 on: November 30, 2022, 05:20:21 PM »
I have since I first heard the voices of  Gusty Yearout and Gary Sanders coming over a battery-powered AM radio on my grandfather’s back porch.  It was cemented for me when I attended a game with him and my dad.  I think it was some shit team like Chattanooga, but it still hit me in my heart. 

I was there for 17-16. I was there at the end of Shug’s career. I was there (sometimes physically) defending Barfield and keeping hope.  I’d look at the schedule and count 9 or 10 wins and then be confused when we’d lose to somebody like Wake Forest.  I walked the 10-year desert in a town that was 80% Bama fans, always looking for silver linings and reason to believe.  I missed the end of Bryant’s 315 after a drink Bama fan taunted me and my then girlfriend in a progressively more profane and aggressive major and I turned out his lights. I cried like a baby the next season when Bo went over the top.  I still can’t even think of “go back out there and thank our fans” without almost breaking down.   I got kicked out of a bar in Mobile for celebrating too much when Tillman killed Bama with the reverse.  I threw up when Van Tiffin hit the field goal.  I’m grateful I had the opportunity to sit across from Dye after he retired and tell him to his face how much all of that meant to so many of us.  I was there when Bowden came in and I believed. At the time I had an unusual level of access and watched his own ego bring him crashing down.  I was on board when Tuberville was introduced and when Dye literally embraced him and the promise of a return to glory.  I was in Atlanta when we won the SEC and New Orleans when we should have won it all.  Yeah. I shit on the chizik hire based on his resume and that asshole Jacobs’ churchy rationale for hiring him.   But he changed my mind one night against WVU.  And then changed it back a few years later when all the things I thought he was originally turned out to be true.  Same with Gus.  Thought I was wrong until all my original concerns came to bear. My issue with both is I thought Auburn could do better. We’d fallen into that same brother-in-law hiring pattern that plagued Bama for years.  Still those two guys gave me some of the best (and worst) days of my life.  The harsin hire intrigued me.  Until I figured out pretty quickly that it was a potential extinction level event.  Again, disappointing that we couldn’t do better.  And now this.  We hire a guy I don’t believe any other P5 program would consider any longer than it took to throw his application in the trash.

I’ve ridden the roller coaster.  I’ve cried in sadness and in happiness.  I broke a wall in my apartment when Reggie slack beat emmitt and Florida.  I sat in the dark for a couple of hours wondering what I’d done to so offend God when Tommy Hodson made Tiger Stadium quake.  My walls are covered with signed photos and footballs from Jordan, Dye, Bowden, Tuberville, Chizik, Malzahn, Cam, Bo, Cadillac, Ronnie, Jason, Trotmsn, Sullivan, Beasley, Courtney, McClover, Lutz, Langner and more.  One of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten is when my daughter got Bo to send me a video message for my birthday a few years back.

I’ve ridden it all.  Ups. Downs. Sideways.  This hire though?  Just can’t. I’m embarrassed.  Every other hire I we’ve ever made had pros and cons.  I don’t see any pros. At all.  In my opinion hes a lowlife charlatan. We’ve never hired a lowlife before.  Don’t want any part of it.  And l love Auburn and the football program.
^^My man!

I will only add, fuck Georgia.
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #78 on: November 30, 2022, 05:25:30 PM »
A touch of dumb-assery infected the man to slide into her DM's as a public figure to stand up for a pal.  You are absolutely correct though.. In the words of Brick Tamland, " I don't know what we're yelling about!"
I don’t know this guy but he makes a lot of sense. Long ago, Token would have accused him of being me.

Token never was the  brightest bulb in the pack. Not, the sharpest tool in the shed. But he definitely was a tool.
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Re: It's Hugh
« Reply #79 on: November 30, 2022, 05:53:01 PM »
I don’t know this guy but he makes a lot of sense. Long ago, Token would have accused him of being me.

Token never was the  brightest bulb in the pack. Not, the sharpest tool in the shed. But he definitely was a tool.

Tool is a good band, and is my preferred pronoun on LinkedIn.
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Don't rush me, sonny. You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles.