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Hell To The Naw!!!


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  • My Fighting Pearls
Hell To The Naw!!!
« on: November 16, 2022, 02:47:11 PM »
A few weeks ago, I swore off the news.  Other than checking the local stuff, I'm done with CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, LGBTQ, TGIFridays and a BLT.  It's not news.  Hasn't been for years.  They've all become a 24/7 vehicle for polarizing this country, and I've come to realize that neither "side" is nearly as monstrous as they would have you believe.  The older I get, the less all this shit really means to me in the grand scheme of things. 

Having said that, I feel like I picked the perfect time to purge that garbage from my life.  Why? Because I still couldn't help but see that Donald Trump looks to be running again.  Fuck that pompous, arrogant, narcissist.  Do I consider myself conservative?  Pretty much, when it comes to the basics of running a country.  Strong military, secure borders, trade deals that favor Americans and put our people to work, free enterprise, etc. I'm probably far more open minded than many when it comes to live and let live type issues.  Just don't force your beliefs on me.

Trump checked just about all the boxes.  And there was definitely something to his approach of taking on a woke media and throwing everything back in their faces.  But, by the time his term was winding down, I couldn't stand to hear the man open his mouth.  His non-stop “mean tweets” made him look like a petulant little child. During the weeks leading up to the mid-terms, there he was chirping again, at anybody and everything.  Throwing shots at Democrats and Republicans alike. 

I honestly don’t think the man would have a chance in hell of winning.  While he continues to have a substantial following, I think most of the country is sick of his schtick.  Maybe not, but that’s the way I see it.  And if you are of the opinion that the last election was “stolen”, do you really think it wouldn’t happen again?  I don’t want the turmoil.  I don’t want the hate, and I certainly don’t want to see this country divided any more than it is already.  So, I’m going to tune out as much of it as possible, especially if Trump does run.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2022, 03:22:49 PM »
If you want to win back the country, fight. Otherwise sit down shut up and stop bitching.
The left would vote for satan if he was atop their ticket.
The right will never be in charge again due to the inability to see ahead and support their candidates.
Trumps policies kicked ass. But hey. Sounds like the media and those mean tweets convinced you that we were shit under him.
And no, there are states that have changed their voting laws to prevent that ballot harvesting. If those laws had been in place in 2020, there would be no questions at this point.
I don’t give a shit now he acts as long as my 401K thrives and my people can afford food and gas. At least I know he ain’t one of them. And that includes both sides!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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  • My Fighting Pearls
Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2022, 03:48:12 PM »
If you want to win back the country, fight. Otherwise sit down shut up and stop bitching.
The left would vote for satan if he was atop their ticket.
The right will never be in charge again due to the inability to see ahead and support their candidates.
Trumps policies kicked ass. But hey. Sounds like the media and those mean tweets convinced you that we were shit under him.
And no, there are states that have changed their voting laws to prevent that ballot harvesting. If those laws had been in place in 2020, there would be no questions at this point.
I don’t give a shit now he acts as long as my 401K thrives and my people can afford food and gas. At least I know he ain’t one of them. And that includes both sides!

Loved his policies.  That's why I voted for the man.  But, just about every viable candidate for the Republican nomination has the exact same platform.  Trump alienates everybody in the Democrat party and half the people in his own.  And actually, I do care how my President acts.  I was fine with him not taking shit off the media and other politicians, until everything devolved into, "I know I am, but what are you?"
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2022, 03:51:38 PM »
Loved his policies.  That's why I voted for the man.  But, just about every viable candidate for the Republican nomination has the exact same platform.  Trump alienates everybody in the Democrat party and half the people in his own.  And actually, I do care how my President acts.  I was fine with him not taking shit off the media and other politicians, until everything devolved into, "I know I am, but what are you?"

Show me a candidate that can get it done. Your sensitivity to words does not make another random candidate capable of fighting off the left.

Enjoy pedoJoe for another four years.

I’ll support whomever the republican candidate is. I’m tired of losing. And my retirement date is being pushed out.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2022, 04:53:28 PM »
Trump seems to care about all Americans and wants the best for them. FJB wants to help just certain people.

Trump could have rescued puppies and baby seals before the last election. The media and the Liberal left perfected their cheating skills, never got called on it and did it again mid-terms.

But , most everybody was tired of his jawing and tweets but he did put America first every time.
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'


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  • War Eagle!
Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2022, 10:58:31 PM »
… but he did put America first every time.

EVERY time!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2022, 08:25:28 AM »
If you want to win back the country, fight. Otherwise sit down shut up and stop bitching.
The left would vote for satan if he was atop their ticket.
The right will never be in charge again due to the inability to see ahead and support their candidates.
Trumps policies kicked ass. But hey. Sounds like the media and those mean tweets convinced you that we were shit under him.
And no, there are states that have changed their voting laws to prevent that ballot harvesting. If those laws had been in place in 2020, there would be no questions at this point.
I don’t give a shit now he acts as long as my 401K thrives and my people can afford food and gas. At least I know he ain’t one of them. And that includes both sides!

What if I told you that it’s possible to think trumps time has come and gone, appreciate what he did but that it’s also time for someone else to lead the party - and it not be because the “media dun toldt us”. That’s lame dude. And its become a cheap excuse.

The dude has some of y’all defending anything and everything he does. I liked trump from 16-20. He came at a great time and his policies were indeed great. But his time has come and gone. He surrounded himself with some really bad advisors the latter part of 2020. And it went downhill for there. Some of us just recognize that and it has nothing to do with anything the media is telling us.

Desantis is the future. He pulled Miami dade by 10 points. That’s unheard of. It shows broad appeal. Trump needs to step aside. But he won’t. 
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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2022, 09:41:32 AM »
What if I told you that it’s possible to think trumps time has come and gone, appreciate what he did but that it’s also time for someone else to lead the party - and it not be because the “media dun toldt us”. That’s lame dude. And its become a cheap excuse.

The dude has some of y’all defending anything and everything he does. I liked trump from 16-20. He came at a great time and his policies were indeed great. But his time has come and gone. He surrounded himself with some really bad advisors the latter part of 2020. And it went downhill for there. Some of us just recognize that and it has nothing to do with anything the media is telling us.

Desantis is the future. He pulled Miami dade by 10 points. That’s unheard of. It shows broad appeal. Trump needs to step aside. But he won’t.

Desantis IS the future, beginning in 2028.
In order for Desantis to run, he has to resign from the governorship. I don't think that will happen.
So a lot of people are wishing for something that is not happening. Then who do you have left?
Trump still has the majority support within the republican party. When Desantis decides not to run, are you voting libertarian?
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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  • I'm a Miller guy. Always been. Since I was like, 8
Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2022, 10:19:34 AM »
Desantis IS the future, beginning in 2028.
In order for Desantis to run, he has to resign from the governorship. I don't think that will happen.
So a lot of people are wishing for something that is not happening. Then who do you have left?
Trump still has the majority support within the republican party. When Desantis decides not to run, are you voting libertarian?

I think you guys are missing the point. He doesn't need to be up there....of course Snags and I and others will vote for him if hes THE GUY because hes still better than the other side by a country mile. I'm not the one you have to convince You have to have a boarder appeal like Reagan did in 84 with the blue dog coalition and even like Trump did in 16 with unions and centrist dems.... but this is 2022 and 2024, and if you put trump up there, you will more than likely get to  enjoy 4 more years of this fossil bumbling his words and some Carter era stagflation.

HE DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH BROAD APPEAL ANYMORE like he did in 2016. Can't be more clear than that.

I think you need to check some independent (neither left or right) polls in the states that matter in a hypothetical head to head in a general. Primary voters are unfortunately going to mess this up. Primary polls matter not. General polls DO.
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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2022, 10:47:51 AM »
A few weeks ago, I swore off the news.  Other than checking the local stuff, I'm done with CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, LGBTQ, TGIFridays and a BLT.  It's not news.  Hasn't been for years.  They've all become a 24/7 vehicle for polarizing this country, and I've come to realize that neither "side" is nearly as monstrous as they would have you believe.  The older I get, the less all this shit really means to me in the grand scheme of things. 

Having said that, I feel like I picked the perfect time to purge that garbage from my life.  Why? Because I still couldn't help but see that Donald Trump looks to be running again.  Fuck that pompous, arrogant, narcissist.  Do I consider myself conservative?  Pretty much, when it comes to the basics of running a country.  Strong military, secure borders, trade deals that favor Americans and put our people to work, free enterprise, etc. I'm probably far more open minded than many when it comes to live and let live type issues.  Just don't force your beliefs on me.

Trump checked just about all the boxes.  And there was definitely something to his approach of taking on a woke media and throwing everything back in their faces.  But, by the time his term was winding down, I couldn't stand to hear the man open his mouth.  His non-stop “mean tweets” made him look like a petulant little child. During the weeks leading up to the mid-terms, there he was chirping again, at anybody and everything.  Throwing shots at Democrats and Republicans alike. 

I honestly don’t think the man would have a chance in hell of winning.  While he continues to have a substantial following, I think most of the country is sick of his schtick.  Maybe not, but that’s the way I see it.  And if you are of the opinion that the last election was “stolen”, do you really think it wouldn’t happen again?  I don’t want the turmoil.  I don’t want the hate, and I certainly don’t want to see this country divided any more than it is already.  So, I’m going to tune out as much of it as possible, especially if Trump does run.

It will be stolen, just like they stole Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania - and are stealing GA - now.  Have you seen the videos of people pulling up to ballot drop off boxes and unloading hundreds of ballots from Maricopa? 

DeSantis was able to 'fix' Florida because he got elected governor.  They couldn't allow that to happen in AZ where Lake would have done the same, so they kept 'finding' and 'counting' ballots until they got the result they wanted. 

I like DeSantis.  I'd vote for DeSantis. But..... I'm sort of of the mind that Trump is still the only one who can get enough people out.  Two years is a lifetime in politics. If things continue on the current trajectory, and if he can rein his personality in somewhat (and his announcement indicated that he can present a kinder, gentler Trump) all he really has to do is what Reagan did: Are you better off now than you were before? 

His biggest enemy isn't himself.  It's not even the democrats, really.  It's the crooked, perverted, globalist pedophiles who are deathly afraid that their entire house of cards could collapse if he's elected. 

Most of your feelings toward Trump are due to the relentless attacks he endured (and survived) as a candidate and as President.  A fabricated dossier, sham impeachments, the fraud of J6 show trial, daily Hollywood and media assaults and sky-screaming. They couldn't argue his successes so they attacked the methods by which he attained them.

Separate what he DID from what was SAID and there's a very different point of view.  As much as I like DeSantis and believe he is the future, he better serves conservatives now by remaining as Florida governor and preventing that state from sliding back into ballot harvesting, rampant cheating and a bluewash. We need four more years of a Trump presidency to pull back the cover on some of the egregious behavior by the politicians on both sides.  Unless the drain is unclogged a little more, DeSantis (or any other republican) won't be able to save it. 

I'm not a cultist.  I supported him in 2016 when I realized he was the only one who had a chance of deposing Hillary.  Didn't want to.  He proved himself to me. Then the lengths the ubiquitous "they" went to in order to try to ruin him (personally and politically) made me realize just how bad things were. There's no way the man actually 'lost' in 2020. What's sad is we just sat back and took it.   

I hope he leaves that behind, talks about restoring America from the inside and repairing our status on the world stage. If he can do that?  I'm there. I hope he will do a better job in choosing his allies. If he shows he's learned from that debacle (aka Fauci, Pence, etc.)? I'm all in. As an American and a patriot (America first) I have to be. 

He has done nothing to make me think he's unfit for the office, or that he's been wrong about anything. Had I been subjected to the attacks he weathered? I'd be a way bigger asshole than he's been.
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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2022, 01:03:55 PM »

It will be stolen, just like they stole Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania - and are stealing GA - now.  Have you seen the videos of people pulling up to ballot drop off boxes and unloading hundreds of ballots from Maricopa? 

DeSantis was able to 'fix' Florida because he got elected governor.  They couldn't allow that to happen in AZ where Lake would have done the same, so they kept 'finding' and 'counting' ballots until they got the result they wanted. 

I like DeSantis.  I'd vote for DeSantis. But..... I'm sort of of the mind that Trump is still the only one who can get enough people out.  Two years is a lifetime in politics. If things continue on the current trajectory, and if he can rein his personality in somewhat (and his announcement indicated that he can present a kinder, gentler Trump) all he really has to do is what Reagan did: Are you better off now than you were before? 

His biggest enemy isn't himself.  It's not even the democrats, really.  It's the crooked, perverted, globalist pedophiles who are deathly afraid that their entire house of cards could collapse if he's elected. 

Most of your feelings toward Trump are due to the relentless attacks he endured (and survived) as a candidate and as President.  A fabricated dossier, sham impeachments, the fraud of J6 show trial, daily Hollywood and media assaults and sky-screaming. They couldn't argue his successes so they attacked the methods by which he attained them.

Separate what he DID from what was SAID and there's a very different point of view.  As much as I like DeSantis and believe he is the future, he better serves conservatives now by remaining as Florida governor and preventing that state from sliding back into ballot harvesting, rampant cheating and a bluewash. We need four more years of a Trump presidency to pull back the cover on some of the egregious behavior by the politicians on both sides.  Unless the drain is unclogged a little more, DeSantis (or any other republican) won't be able to save it. 

I'm not a cultist.  I supported him in 2016 when I realized he was the only one who had a chance of deposing Hillary.  Didn't want to.  He proved himself to me. Then the lengths the ubiquitous "they" went to in order to try to ruin him (personally and politically) made me realize just how bad things were. There's no way the man actually 'lost' in 2020. What's sad is we just sat back and took it.   

I hope he leaves that behind, talks about restoring America from the inside and repairing our status on the world stage. If he can do that?  I'm there. I hope he will do a better job in choosing his allies. If he shows he's learned from that debacle (aka Fauci, Pence, etc.)? I'm all in. As an American and a patriot (America first) I have to be. 

He has done nothing to make me think he's unfit for the office, or that he's been wrong about anything. Had I been subjected to the attacks he weathered? I'd be a way bigger asshole than he's been.

Remember (and you sort of touched on this above) - only a few states really matter in the general. Get those right, you win the election. GOP needs: Ga, Fla, Tx, Ohio (they have these now IMHO) and then 1 of Va, Nc, Penn, Mich, Az or Nev. Its that simple.
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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2022, 01:15:35 PM »

It will be stolen, just like they stole Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania - and are stealing GA - now.  Have you seen the videos of people pulling up to ballot drop off boxes and unloading hundreds of ballots from Maricopa? 

DeSantis was able to 'fix' Florida because he got elected governor.  They couldn't allow that to happen in AZ where Lake would have done the same, so they kept 'finding' and 'counting' ballots until they got the result they wanted. 

I like DeSantis.  I'd vote for DeSantis. But..... I'm sort of of the mind that Trump is still the only one who can get enough people out.  Two years is a lifetime in politics. If things continue on the current trajectory, and if he can rein his personality in somewhat (and his announcement indicated that he can present a kinder, gentler Trump) all he really has to do is what Reagan did: Are you better off now than you were before? 

His biggest enemy isn't himself.  It's not even the democrats, really.  It's the crooked, perverted, globalist pedophiles who are deathly afraid that their entire house of cards could collapse if he's elected. 

Most of your feelings toward Trump are due to the relentless attacks he endured (and survived) as a candidate and as President.  A fabricated dossier, sham impeachments, the fraud of J6 show trial, daily Hollywood and media assaults and sky-screaming. They couldn't argue his successes so they attacked the methods by which he attained them.

Separate what he DID from what was SAID and there's a very different point of view.  As much as I like DeSantis and believe he is the future, he better serves conservatives now by remaining as Florida governor and preventing that state from sliding back into ballot harvesting, rampant cheating and a bluewash. We need four more years of a Trump presidency to pull back the cover on some of the egregious behavior by the politicians on both sides.  Unless the drain is unclogged a little more, DeSantis (or any other republican) won't be able to save it. 

I'm not a cultist.  I supported him in 2016 when I realized he was the only one who had a chance of deposing Hillary.  Didn't want to.  He proved himself to me. Then the lengths the ubiquitous "they" went to in order to try to ruin him (personally and politically) made me realize just how bad things were. There's no way the man actually 'lost' in 2020. What's sad is we just sat back and took it.   

I hope he leaves that behind, talks about restoring America from the inside and repairing our status on the world stage. If he can do that?  I'm there. I hope he will do a better job in choosing his allies. If he shows he's learned from that debacle (aka Fauci, Pence, etc.)? I'm all in. As an American and a patriot (America first) I have to be. 

He has done nothing to make me think he's unfit for the office, or that he's been wrong about anything. Had I been subjected to the attacks he weathered? I'd be a way bigger asshole than he's been.
He was my third choice but I was proven completely wrong. He was an incredible president. The best in modern history.

He had to overcome his own party, the deep state, the slimiest democrat party in history (and that’s saying a lot), the intelligence agencies and China. Chyyyyna.

So, anyone who says anything negative about him is a fucking idiot and deserves to die.

I hope anyone who says anything the least bit negative or questions whether he should run, will die in a mine collapse. Down there for days under the rubble and debris without food, water or light. And under the crushing weight before death from asphyxiation, I hope they realize how big of a dumbass they are.

And rats. I hope rats gnaw on them while they are still alive.
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  • My Fighting Pearls
Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2022, 02:11:24 PM »
He was my third choice but I was proven completely wrong. He was an incredible president. The best in modern history.

He had to overcome his own party, the deep state, the slimiest democrat party in history (and that’s saying a lot), the intelligence agencies and China. Chyyyyna.

So, anyone who says anything negative about him is a fucking idiot and deserves to die.

I hope anyone who says anything the least bit negative or questions whether he should run, will die in a mine collapse. Down there for days under the rubble and debris without food, water or light. And under the crushing weight before death from asphyxiation, I hope they realize how big of a dumbass they are.

And rats. I hope rats gnaw on them while they are still alive.

I will throw a knife-edge chop to your larynx.  Hard!!!

You'll have trouble talking clearly for hours afterward.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2022, 03:09:03 PM »
Remember (and you sort of touched on this above) - only a few states really matter in the general. Get those right, you win the election. GOP needs: Ga, Fla, Tx, Ohio (they have these now IMHO) and then 1 of Va, Nc, Penn, Mich, Az or Nev. Its that simple.

That's the reason they kept on counting and finding and re-counting votes in Arizona.  Lake shuts down the electoral shenanigans and closes the border?  They don't win AZ. 

That's why Michigan - despite all appearances and expectations - re-elected what is essentially a nazi in terms of lockdowns and economic disasters.  Chicanery.  Lots of chicanery.

Don't count on GA.  Their election-steal machine has been hamstrung temporarily but it's not dead yet. 

It's a difficult road for any GOP candidate which is why my heart says that the charismatic, successful, emotional appeal of Trump is the only chance to have enough swing to make it work. 

If it were about the issues? If it were about the problems? If it were about the economy, foreign policy, domestic policy, border security or anything that matters?  If it were about sanity?  DeSantis is the best and most logical choice. 

It's not about any of those things.  It's about emotions. It's about feelings. Trump might be polarizing, but he (and I think he alone) has the capability of rallying people who will be desperate for a positive change by 2024.  Essentially everybody who works.  Which, honestly, by then might be about 35% of the population so there's that. 

Life didn't suck while he was president.  It sucks like a Hoover now.  I don't give a shit about "compromise" or "reaching across the aisle."  Not any more.   

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  • My Fighting Pearls
Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2022, 05:39:45 PM »

Life didn't suck while he was president.  It sucks like a Hoover now.  I don't give a shit about "compromise" or "reaching across the aisle."  Not any more.

There's no doubting he had the country heading in the right direction in every aspect, right up until Covid derailed the whole thing. But, there hasn't been any reaching across the aisle in quite some time.  There was never going to be, regardless if it was Trump or Cruz or Rubio etc.

And some of that goes to the heart of my problem with Trump.  The man campaigned and came into office with that monster ego, and no filter.  He didn't come in just to implement his policies, he came in to "Drain the swamp".  He didn't drain shit.  He was never going to.  Nobody can.  It's not possible to land a substantial body blow to that side of the aisle.  In fact, now that the R's have the House, I believe they're going to quickly tie Mumbling Joe in with Crackhead Hunter's criminal business dealings.  Do you know what's going to come of that?  Trump's going to get arrested for stealing classified documents.  That's what's going to happen.

I'm not defending Pelosi or Shoe-ma or Nadlah or any of those morons in any way shape or form.  But they hated him.  Not his policies....him, personally.  They loathed everything about him.  He was a total outsider who was an egotistical, smart ass, that was coming after them.  And he never stopped throwing rocks at the hornets nest. And they were never going to stop at anything to get him out of there.  It all cranks up again if he runs.

They used fake information to get a warrant.  They made up the whole Russia collusion thing.  They impeached him for a phone call when Uncle Sniffy openly blackmailed a government to get his son off the hook.  They've tried everything under the sun to tie him to January 6th.  And the classified document thing is not going away, especially now that it looks like he's back in the race. They're not going to stop.  And his gigantic ego is not going to allow him to stop coming at them.

They're teflon.  They can't be touched. I'm not saying give in. I'm saying I'm tired of all the bullshit.  I want him out of the political picture, but that's not going to happen, and the circus is coming to town again.

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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2022, 07:17:36 PM »
There's no doubting he had the country heading in the right direction in every aspect, right up until Covid derailed the whole thing. But, there hasn't been any reaching across the aisle in quite some time.  There was never going to be, regardless if it was Trump or Cruz or Rubio etc.

And some of that goes to the heart of my problem with Trump.  The man campaigned and came into office with that monster ego, and no filter.  He didn't come in just to implement his policies, he came in to "Drain the swamp".  He didn't drain shit.  He was never going to.  Nobody can.  It's not possible to land a substantial body blow to that side of the aisle.  In fact, now that the R's have the House, I believe they're going to quickly tie Mumbling Joe in with Crackhead Hunter's criminal business dealings.  Do you know what's going to come of that?  Trump's going to get arrested for stealing classified documents.  That's what's going to happen.

I'm not defending Pelosi or Shoe-ma or Nadlah or any of those morons in any way shape or form.  But they hated him.  Not his policies....him, personally.  They loathed everything about him.  He was a total outsider who was an egotistical, smart ass, that was coming after them.  And he never stopped throwing rocks at the hornets nest. And they were never going to stop at anything to get him out of there.  It all cranks up again if he runs.

They used fake information to get a warrant.  They made up the whole Russia collusion thing.  They impeached him for a phone call when Uncle Sniffy openly blackmailed a government to get his son off the hook.  They've tried everything under the sun to tie him to January 6th.  And the classified document thing is not going away, especially now that it looks like he's back in the race. They're not going to stop.  And his gigantic ego is not going to allow him to stop coming at them.

They're teflon.  They can't be touched. I'm not saying give in. I'm saying I'm tired of all the bullshit.  I want him out of the political picture, but that's not going to happen, and the circus is coming to town again.

:facepalm:you know what, I’m not even going to do it. Seriously. I will just let Kaos handle this.

I can tell this is headed toward getting physical and fast.

It’s not worth it. And believe me, you don’t want it to happen. So, I’m done with this debate.

I always think back to what my Grandaddy would say when someone disagreed with him and he obviously thought that they were inferior to him in every aspect.

Whether it was a group or an individual, it applied. And he said it a lot.

As a matter of fact, I’d put it up at the top of things that I learned from him.

He’d say: “Fuck them”. And sometimes he’d add the; “and the horse they rode in on.”

I like to add the horse part.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2022, 08:04:03 PM by WiregrassTiger »
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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2022, 09:26:49 AM »
There's no doubting he had the country heading in the right direction in every aspect, right up until Covid derailed the whole thing. But, there hasn't been any reaching across the aisle in quite some time.  There was never going to be, regardless if it was Trump or Cruz or Rubio etc.

Covid was created specifically TO derail Trump. That's the level of fear the globalist pedophiles have. Trump was a threat to the whole Gates/Klauss/WEF/Clinton/Obama/Zuckerberg/Trudeau "some pigs are more equal than others" cabal. He didn't handle it well, but he did what he thought was right. based on the faulty (fraudulent) information he was given. I wish he'd stuck with the "fuck this, it's just a bad case of the fucking flu" stance but they pumped him full of irrational fear with bullshit projections.

And some of that goes to the heart of my problem with Trump.  The man campaigned and came into office with that monster ego, and no filter.  He didn't come in just to implement his policies, he came in to "Drain the swamp".  He didn't drain shit.  He was never going to.  Nobody can.  It's not possible to land a substantial body blow to that side of the aisle.  In fact, now that the R's have the House, I believe they're going to quickly tie Mumbling Joe in with Crackhead Hunter's criminal business dealings.  Do you know what's going to come of that?  Trump's going to get arrested for stealing classified documents.  That's what's going to happen.

He had to try. Somebody HAS to try. Things have to change. A milquetoast Romney, Pence, Rubio or any of those had no chance of putting that evil crusty Clinton bitch in her place. His force of personality is what got him where he was.  From the day he announced, he was relentlessly, falsely attacked by the other side, by the media, by the swamp creatures in his own party. So while there were times I wish he'd toned it down a little bit? He gave what he got. What was being a "nice guy" going to do for him? What was "playing along" with petulant mommy parts like Pelosi going to gain him?

Yeah, they're going to try to indict him (again) because they live in mortal fear of the real people of this country - the conservative, family value, working class, majority - being politically involved. They'd rather make sure the "more equal pigs" with their blue hair, chopped off dicks, anti-capitalism, pro-socialism stances control the narrative. They are terrified of Trump and the people who support him.  That's why we are demonized by those evil whores. Not just him, anyone who votes for him. 


I'm not defending Pelosi or Shoe-ma or Nadlah or any of those morons in any way shape or form.  But they hated him.  Not his policies....him, personally.  They loathed everything about him.  He was a total outsider who was an egotistical, smart ass, that was coming after them.  And he never stopped throwing rocks at the hornets nest. And they were never going to stop at anything to get him out of there.  It all cranks up again if he runs.

Fuck them. Let it get cranked.  I think we NEED it cranked. Force them to make a mistake, to expose themselves. To show themselves to be the evil cockroaches they are.

They used fake information to get a warrant.  They made up the whole Russia collusion thing.  They impeached him for a phone call when Uncle Sniffy openly blackmailed a government to get his son off the hook.  They've tried everything under the sun to tie him to January 6th.  And the classified document thing is not going away, especially now that it looks like he's back in the race. They're not going to stop.  And his gigantic ego is not going to allow him to stop coming at them.

Nothing will come of it because it's all for show.  They know it. He knows it. It's all bullshit theater and it needs to be exposed.

They're teflon.  They can't be touched. I'm not saying give in. I'm saying I'm tired of all the bullshit.  I want him out of the political picture, but that's not going to happen, and the circus is coming to town again.


I think they CAN be touched.  They NEED to be touched and not in the way they want (by children on private islands). Without the guy in the political picture, it's over. They win.  "Being tired of the bullshit" hands them a win.  You should be tired of THEIR bullshit.  Not his.  They are the ones who faked the dossier, who've had two sham impeachments and one fraudulent show trial.  They are the ones who've attacked him personally, professionally and politically. They are the ones who use their attacks on him to cover up the most corrupt, heinous, evil regime in the history of America. 

I welcome the circus. Because THEY are the clowns.
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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2023, 10:39:57 AM »
Bumpity Bump

Since starting this thread, I've held true to not watching 5 total seconds of any major "news" network.  Can't see ever going back. 

However, I do have the Fox News home page on my interwebz, which I scan a couple of times a day simply to see if there are any actual, significant news stories going on. I guess I could look at something else for news, but it's up, and convenient.....and a total joke.

I have long since learned that any piece with "Slams", or "Destroys" in the headline, means Fox found 3 people on Twitter twatting something negative about something or someone liberal.

I've also long since accepted the fact that Fox News is absolutely OBSESSED with AOC and everyone on The View.  Not a day goes by that they aren't posting something, slamming....or destroying, Alejondro Occasionally Cortex, or Joy Behar, or Whoopie Goldberg, etc. 

I'm sure all of them are like that in some sense, but these folks are like a bunch of 4th graders fighting on the playground.   

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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2023, 11:02:47 AM »
Bumpity Bump

Since starting this thread, I've held true to not watching 5 total seconds of any major "news" network.  Can't see ever going back. 

However, I do have the Fox News home page on my interwebz, which I scan a couple of times a day simply to see if there are any actual, significant news stories going on. I guess I could look at something else for news, but it's up, and convenient.....and a total joke.

I have long since learned that any piece with "Slams", or "Destroys" in the headline, means Fox found 3 people on Twitter twatting something negative about something or someone liberal.

I've also long since accepted the fact that Fox News is absolutely OBSESSED with AOC and everyone on The View.  Not a day goes by that they aren't posting something, slamming....or destroying, Alejondro Occasionally Cortex, or Joy Behar, or Whoopie Goldberg, etc. 

I'm sure all of them are like that in some sense, but these folks are like a bunch of 4th graders fighting on the playground.

Good timing. 

I haven't paid a lot of attention lately because I was so disgusted with the cheating in the midterms, but I have seen a little bit of McCarthy's desperate effort to maintain uniparty power by electing himself Speaker of the House. 

I'm glad it's taken a long time.  I'm glad it's illustrated the corruption and fraud that dominates our political system.  It shows who and what they are because he won't back off his lust for the position and would rather wheedle to the democrats to support him than he would embrace the desires of his own party (and the people). 

This whole thing needs an enema - again an endorsement of a Trump return.
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Re: Hell To The Naw!!!
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2023, 11:36:22 AM »
Good timing. 

I haven't paid a lot of attention lately because I was so disgusted with the cheating in the midterms, but I have seen a little bit of McCarthy's desperate effort to maintain uniparty power by electing himself Speaker of the House. 

I'm glad it's taken a long time.  I'm glad it's illustrated the corruption and fraud that dominates our political system.  It shows who and what they are because he won't back off his lust for the position and would rather wheedle to the democrats to support him than he would embrace the desires of his own party (and the people). 

This whole thing needs an enema - again an endorsement of a Trump return.

The right is full of weak individuals who can't stomach a fight. Instead fighting the left, they squabble with each other. The true left laughs like hell at this. And the right fills up with people who are "tired" of it all. In the mean time, the left sticks together and votes for satan if need be.
I'm not sure the right will ever truly be in power again.

We need Trump for four more years and then move on to Desantis. Trump is that fighter we need.
If now is not the time to fight like hell for the future, when is?

My home page is https://www.newsmax.com.

Its a bit less liberal.

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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.