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Unintended Consequences in Literature


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Unintended Consequences in Literature
« on: October 22, 2022, 08:32:05 PM »
Been reading a lot lately.  Already talked about Jack Carr and James Reece, his anti-shadow government, anti Islamic takeover, anti-globalist, anti-socialist, pro-USA main character.  That one is kind of obvious.

I've also now read a series of other titles by other authors - people you'd know - that are following the same basic theme.  The president is a bad guy, one bent on setting up a tyrannical form of rule, one with an elite class, beholden to foreign interests that lords over the larger peon class.  These tyrants co-opt federal agencies to take out their enemies. They are a threat to democracy.  These presidents have a tenuous hold on sanity, large egos, a small circle of advisors. They make rash decisions, ones that damage the country and its people intentionally and unintentionally.

Of course these petty tyrants are supposed to reflect Trump. But what these authors are too disconnected or stupid to realize is that every single negative trait they ascribe to these characters perfectly fit the current administration. 

If I see it, maybe others will too.
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