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Don't fall for it


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Don't fall for it
« on: November 01, 2022, 08:15:03 AM »
al.communist remains al.communist.  They hate Auburn, they hate us, they revel in our misery. 

Recently, far left loon al.communist soy sucker Joseph Goodman has been drawing praise from some quarters for his relentless assault on former sideline potato Bryan Hasbeen. Yeah, he's right about the failures, but those were obvious to see. 

What you have to remember is that Goodman's motivation wasn't about helping point out issues at Auburn, this fool is driven by Hagridsin's refusal to embrace the vaccine cult.  That's the one thing Bozo the Former Clown got right.  Goodman has wanted and lobbied for the removal of the Hardashians from AU since the day the guy declined to knuckle under to the lunacy of the 'get vaccinated, get boosted' fascists.  THAT'S why Not-so-Goodman is celebrating yesterday's decision.  Not because of football, not because of the status of the program, not because of the damage Hadnone has done to recruiting and perception.  He's celebrating because a 'vaccine denier' was finally given his due. 

Just don't forget where it comes from.  Look at the title of his last piece: Harshun never had a shot at Auburn. Fuck thinks he's clever, right?

This is part of his self-congratulatory diatribe:

Harsin refused to support vaccination for COVID-19, and then he refused to address his vaccination status even when Auburn employees were required by policy to be vaccinated or face termination. The state of Alabama then changed its laws before Auburn’s vaccination deadline.

Harsin displayed a disgusting lack of respect for Auburn, the people of Alabama and the responsibility for a position of power during a crisis.

He's wrong about that. Not goose-stepping along with the unwarranted panic, not supporting the insanity of lockdowns and closures, and refusing to bend the knee to the vaccine cultists was the only honest and courageous thing the former AU coach did.  Remaining steadfast is worthy of support, not condemnation.  It may literally be the only thing he did right.

So fuck that Goodman guy.  He's not coming from a place of honesty.  Fuck him like David Depape on a Pelosi.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 08:30:43 AM by Kaos »
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If you want free cheese, look in a mousetrap.


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Re: Don't fall for it
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2022, 10:09:41 AM »
I get what you are saying but sometimes "strange bed fellows" happens. If it helped to rid of this potato head egomaniac, then I'll take it. Now that its complete, we can go back to hating on his ass. Look at it as we used him for what was needed and nothing more.

Weird thing is, he loves Bruce. Who by every measure is no liberal cuck at all.
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Re: Don't fall for it
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2022, 01:00:00 PM »
al.communist remains al.communist.  They hate Auburn, they hate us, they revel in our misery. 

Recently, far left loon al.communist soy sucker Joseph Goodman has been drawing praise from some quarters for his relentless assault on former sideline potato Bryan Hasbeen. Yeah, he's right about the failures, but those were obvious to see. 

What you have to remember is that Goodman's motivation wasn't about helping point out issues at Auburn, this fool is driven by Hagridsin's refusal to embrace the vaccine cult.  That's the one thing Bozo the Former Clown got right.  Goodman has wanted and lobbied for the removal of the Hardashians from AU since the day the guy declined to knuckle under to the lunacy of the 'get vaccinated, get boosted' fascists.  THAT'S why Not-so-Goodman is celebrating yesterday's decision.  Not because of football, not because of the status of the program, not because of the damage Hadnone has done to recruiting and perception.  He's celebrating because a 'vaccine denier' was finally given his due. 

Just don't forget where it comes from.  Look at the title of his last piece: Harshun never had a shot at Auburn. Fuck thinks he's clever, right?

This is part of his self-congratulatory diatribe:

Harsin refused to support vaccination for COVID-19, and then he refused to address his vaccination status even when Auburn employees were required by policy to be vaccinated or face termination. The state of Alabama then changed its laws before Auburn’s vaccination deadline.

Harsin displayed a disgusting lack of respect for Auburn, the people of Alabama and the responsibility for a position of power during a crisis.

He's wrong about that. Not goose-stepping along with the unwarranted panic, not supporting the insanity of lockdowns and closures, and refusing to bend the knee to the vaccine cultists was the only honest and courageous thing the former AU coach did.  Remaining steadfast is worthy of support, not condemnation.  It may literally be the only thing he did right.

So fuck that Goodman guy.  He's not coming from a place of honesty.  Fuck him like David Depape on a Pelosi.
Will trend if they mandate the shots. The possibility of the adrenal gland get inundated with LNPs (lipid nanoparticles w/ the mRNA payload) may cause a drop in epinephrine which could result in congestive heart failure, cardiac arrest, myocarditis, pericarditis, etc. the list is endless. And that's just one organ that's affected. The ovaries are second on the list of collecting the most LNPs within 48 hours after injection.

I was fooled into getting the Pfizer jabs after watching the virus kill my mother, but no more for me. My hat's off to the pureblood unvaccinated. The Atlantic recently published an article asking for Amnesty during the dark days of Covid-19. There will be no amnesty for those who fucked up. If anything, the guilty need eyes in the back of their head to see it coming. Furthermore, some of the folks I know, when they find out they were poisoned, they will kill the son-of-a-bitches that did this. Fuck the Atlantic and FUCK FAUCI, et al.
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