No thanks, motherfucker.

Never again. It won’t matter, either. They’ll never get it right. Auburn can’t get out of its own way long enough to sustain success. It’ll happen with Pearl, too. Auburn is Lenny. Can’t leave it alone. Squeezes the life out of everything good. Or sells out to the high bidder and loses what makes it special. (See downtown or campus.) I got to see Auburn do something I never thought I would see in 2010. I only wish I had enjoyed it more instead of dreaming about the next time. Deep down in places I don’t talk about at parties I don’t attend, I knew there wouldn’t be a next time. (2013 was so magical and, in hindsight, unsustainable.) With every fleeting moment of success, there’s such a poor foundation no one can see a path to keep it going. Oh, they think they know, but they don’t. No clue at all how to build and maintain anything.
Mediocrity and insanity have similar definitions.