1. Mac Jones is a candy ass.

He sprained is ankle and cried like a bitch. Like an absolute bitch. Joe Theisman didn't make that bitch face when half his leg was hanging off.
2. Nobody cares about Aaron Judge. Nobody but ESPN. They care a lot.
3. Bruce Pearl is the greatest coach in Auburn history regardless of sport. Not only that, he's an honest guy who doesn't give a fuck. When he lit into Rashida Talib on Twitter? And he destroyed her with his words? I want to party with that guy....
4. Brine Harpo is the WORST coach in Auburn history regardless of sport. He may not be a bad X and O guy (all evidence to the contrary) but he is lost in the wilderness when it comes to fit, culture, expectations, and work ethic. I don't think he was prepared for - and perhaps it wasn't conveyed during the hiring process - the effort it takes to stay relevant here. Two years in and he hasn't personally visited the big schools in B'ham? Chizik had his faults, but the guy hit the ground running with his ridiculous bus, he got in front of every high school coach in the south. He was passionate, energetic and selling the program all day every day. Harco DOES.NOT.DO.ANY.OF.THAT. I'd love to have Chizik back at this point. Stripped of hubris and out on the road selling Auburn, the culture, the potential and the history. Maybe not as head coach, but as recruiting coordinator.
5. Mac Jones' ass is made of candy. What a puss.