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Another sign we need to impeach this entire administration


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Another sign we need to impeach this entire administration
« on: July 02, 2022, 01:49:14 PM »
This country needs a change.  We're not just in the toilet, we are scraping along the bowels of the sewer system, covered in crusty, scabby shit.  Everything that made America successful is being trampled on by the current collection of fucktarded clowns who sit in Washington. And I'm not just talking about demoncrats (essentially the collective anti-christ), I'm also talking about the faux-republicans who only pretend to want something different. 

The latest evidence that this trash needs to be kicked out and sentenced to Epstein's Island (minus the collection of underage sex slaves, so they only get to fuck each other) is the decision to confer the Medal of Freedom on Simone Biles and Megan Ratwhorephone. 

Biles is a quitter. Period. She's selfish. She deserves nothing.
Ratwhorephone?  Disgusting scum. Fuck her - or don't, we wouldn't want that piece of shit to get pregnant and cry because she couldn't get an abortion. 

Neither of those two wastes of humanity deserve to be lauded, much less presented an award that's intended to honor contributions to the US or to the world. 

Just another day of virtue signaling by the most corrupt, depraved, misguided and evil administration this country has ever known. 
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Re: Another sign we need to impeach this entire administration
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2022, 01:36:26 PM »
This country needs a change.  We're not just in the toilet, we are scraping along the bowels of the sewer system, covered in crusty, scabby shit.  Everything that made America successful is being trampled on by the current collection of fucktarded clowns who sit in Washington. And I'm not just talking about demoncrats (essentially the collective anti-christ), I'm also talking about the faux-republicans who only pretend to want something different. 

The latest evidence that this trash needs to be kicked out and sentenced to Epstein's Island (minus the collection of underage sex slaves, so they only get to fuck each other) is the decision to confer the Medal of Freedom on Simone Biles and Megan Ratwhorephone. 

Biles is a quitter. Period. She's selfish. She deserves nothing.
Ratwhorephone?  Disgusting scum. Fuck her - or don't, we wouldn't want that piece of shit to get pregnant and cry because she couldn't get an abortion. 

Neither of those two wastes of humanity deserve to be lauded, much less presented an award that's intended to honor contributions to the US or to the world. 

Just another day of virtue signaling by the most corrupt, depraved, misguided and evil administration this country has ever known.
Why does Wes allow this kind of  koonga boonga?

Is GF really dead or are ya’ll just fucking with me?

I believe he’s hiding somewhere in the VIP section.

He wouldn’t allow this back when he was younger, I can tell you that.
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