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Harvins Talks About the Controversy


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Harvins Talks About the Controversy
« on: March 18, 2022, 11:44:28 AM »
In this 4 day old copy/pasta from Keith Farner at Saturday Down South, Bryman Hartland addresses some of the recent controversy.  I was very vocal about two things. First, there was way too much negative shit going on with the program.  Players leaving, coaches getting fired/leaving, 5 game losing streak, recruiting suckage etc.  It appears some of that got addressed and there's a lot more positivitidy-vity coming out.  The other, which I'm 100% certain that Hapvin is speaking about, was the rumor about him tapping the tight end of his assistant.  No doubt she's hot, and would give me some serious Clark Kellog Spurtability, but spreading that rumor and splashing her pictures and personal info all over social media was total bullshit.  Anywayz....

Bryan Harsin held an extensive interview on Monday with “Next Round Live” to address the offseason controversy, and what one of the co-hosts called “manufactured rumors” about his personal life, and future as Auburn’s football coach.

Professionally, Harsin said he was proud of the football team to see the guys come together and see the players and staff step up and lead and bring the team together as a player-driven team.

“Personally one of the more difficult times that my family and I have ever been through, really,” Harsin said. “Just so many things that played out on social media, some of the attacks, the information that were baseless and kind of dealing with that is something that we’ve never been through.”

Harsin said that as a coach, he understands that it’s part of the profession to be scrutinized on the field and recruiting and other aspects of the program.

“Just some of the things my family and I went through, just went too far, at the end of the day,” Harsin said. “When it was all said and done, it’s still has left some scars and things that we’re dealing with and one thing I’ll say about my family is that they’re awesome. They are very tough, this was something for us that we needed to go through and so I’m really proud of them, proud of my wife. She’s the rockstar, all right, of the family.”

Harsin added that his family knows who they are, and what they stand for in terms of character and reputation, and when that comes under attack, it becomes No. 1. He said they’re moving forward and not looking back as Monday is the first day of spring practice.

“You know the truth, you know what’s being said is false, but that’s part of what social media brings,” Harsin said. “Sometimes there’s some positives to it. I talk to our players about it, there’s a lot of stuff on there, that’s just like a sewer that you have to be careful of. And like when this was over, the mob just moves on, they’re on to their next victim.” 
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Re: Harvins Talks About the Controversy
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2022, 12:06:08 PM »

“but that’s part of what social media brings”

Social Media is the downfall of the world.
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Re: Harvins Talks About the Controversy
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2022, 01:18:27 PM »
I wonder if anyone mentioned to Coach about Kaos saying that his wife’s lips are too big.

That could stir up another whole heap of bullshit for us to have to go through. Just because of one person’s big mouth.
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