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Rumors about Harsin


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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2022, 12:19:25 PM »
Just throwing this out there, but rumor has it that Hargrove wouldn't take a selfie with a group of fans walking by practice one day.  And I can't confirm this, but I have also heard he didn't rewind his Blockbuster rentals.


Tip of the iceberg.  The man doesn't tip 15%.
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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2022, 12:21:05 PM »
At this point, the PTB have created another shit show with the handling of this.
We have fans that normally are cool headed jumping on the tar and feather bandwagon.

I can honestly say that Clay Travis could write an expose' on the 85% of the AU fanbase now.

This is my problem.  I can't prove it, but I've got my reasons for believing that moron Porky Phil - who is a drooling, goggle-eyed, Quasimodo-looking, single-digit IQ hack - helped kick the hornet's nest because a) his butt got chapped when he was kicked out of the inner circle and b) he's a stooge for people who want to run things and don't like being told no.  I also fully believe that Deddy Nobucks and his entitled son are playing a big behind-the-scenes role in a lot of the shit being slung. Their butts were roasted because Hagrid didn't show the proper fealty to his highness.

Look, everybody knew from the jump that Harding was a bad hire, a bad fit.  That cringe-inducing photo of him and his family at the stadium was a red flag the size of one of whoopi goldberg's shirts.  But we were so adamantly opposed to the mutinous, meddling booster-backed Steele and grateful that the program had rejected the "good-ol' boy network"  that we just took it and hoped for the best. 

It hasn't been the best.  Hogan gave them ammunition with the monumental collapse against Mississippi State. The debacle at South Carolina.  I don't hold the Alabama game against him because I felt like we did the best we could with the hand we were dealt.  If he'd won two of those, or all three?  The conversation today is completely different I think.  But losing them allowed the door to open. 

I hear lots of shit.  I'm not inclined to put a lot of stock in what players recruited and loved on by Gus have to say when they leave.  The guy has a hard edge and it's a completely different mentality than they're used to.  Don't really care what they say.  There was no portal when Sabbin came to Alabama, but having been on the ground there during his first season, I know this.  If it had existed, it would have been filled with players trying to escape.  The guys he had didn't fit his mentality at all and there were a lot of people on that roster who were miserable. He made them miserable. On purpose. 

But what Sabeen did that Heflin hasn't done is sell his vision.  Subhan sold it to the underclassmen. He sold it to parents (easy to do when you're trailing new cars and teddy bears full of hundreds, but still), he sold it to the administration.  I can't vouch for this 100% but I have it on good authority that he basically told them "what you're doing hasn't brought you the success you want. Do it my way, completely my way for three years (some versions say five) and if we aren't where you want to be, competing for championships every year, I leave with no buyout." 

Harley hasn't sold his vision to anybody.  He's kept it to himself.   It may be a great and successful vision and one that would bring Auburn to the top of the college football world, but nobody knows because he hasn't shared it.  He hasn't shared it with parents (when was the last time you heard of him meeting with parents?).  He hasn't sold it to the team that we're aware of. He hasn't sold it to the administration. He hasn't sold it to the enemy media. 

Bruce Pearl did that.  Pat Dye did that.  Gus even did that (although he deluded himself).   Chizik did that (although he also deluded himself).

Maybe Herbig is distracted because he has his head buried in the bird's nest of the strange. I've known better men who completely lost their bearings over a toasty kitty. And after seeing his butchered up, swole-lipped, plasti-tittied wife?  Can't exactly fault him for that.  If that temptation was there, it would be hard to resist.

Either way, this has become a public spectacle and there's no winning play.   If he comes back from vacation and retains his job every move will be examined. Every word parsed. Even if he wanted to recruit, he'd be hamstrung.  If he goes, there's no coach in the world who'd take that job.  Except maybe Brian Flores -- who would fuck up royally, get us on death-penalty probation and then sue for discrimination when he got fired. 

Either way, the football program is burning to the ground before our eyes.  Nothing we can do but toast marshmallows.  Where is that idiot fuck these days?
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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2022, 12:28:28 PM »
At this point, the PTB have created another shit show with the handling of this.
We have fans that normally are cool headed jumping on the tar and feather bandwagon.

I can honestly say that Clay Travis could write an expose' on the 85% of the AU fanbase now.

We're definitely the flavor of the week. 
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2022, 01:38:10 PM »
And I can't confirm this, but I have also heard he didn't rewind his Blockbuster rentals.

That motherfucker just made my list.
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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2022, 02:44:30 PM »
When they announced Bynum Hatpin as the corch, GH or GF, or somebody sent me a clip of a press conference he had at Boise St.  The clip was Hardon talking about some players having what it takes to be disciplined and show up at the gym at the butt crack of dawn, while the others who aren't getting work done are the ones complaining about playing time and sitting at the end of the bench.

I was like, hells to the yeah. We've got us a no-nonsense, foot up your ass coach, who has been pretty damn successful so far. Not long after he arrived, we had a bunch of players jump in the portal, a lot of whom weren't scrubs looking for playing time.  Just about our entire defensive line starters left the building, which didn't phase me too much because honestly, they sucked.  But I think it was fairly clear they didn't like what the new Sheriff had to say.

After this season, we've had 20 players enter the pornhole, some of whom threw some shade back at Harborlights.  He fired his WR coach a few games in, he fired his OC at season's end, his D-line coach bolted, his new OC opted to not work here anymore, and his DC took just under a half million dollar pay cut to leave and be a DC in a failing league. Some of those may be easily explained, but I think we can safely assume that the man probably has the people skills of a honey badger with an abscessed tooth.

Here's the problem, which K alluded to above.  Things have changed drastically in college football in the incredibly short time since Harkless was signed.   The portal dealio is really just getting started, and NIL is already redefining how business is done.

You can call these kids coddled, entitled, weak-minded....whatever.  They can't take a task master like Heartline coming in demanding hard work and hurting their feelings. But they don't have to.  Why should they when the inmates are running the asylum now?  Fuck you, Tony.  If I don't like the way you talk to me, or if I can get a better NIL deal somewhere else, I'll just leave.

That's just the way of the world in college football now.  We talk about "weeding out" and "changing the culture." Not with an iron fist, you're not. Those days are most likely long gone. 

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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Buzz Killington

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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2022, 03:37:02 PM »
Yeah, it's looking more and more like Harlequin wasn't a good hire.  Maybe 10 years ago, but not in today's culture.
That could be part of why Saban has been whining extra hard this offseason too, because he realizes that his days of being the sonofabitch task master are limited.

I will donkey punch the first motherfucker that says we should have kept Gus, but we are probably gonna need somebody more like a Hugh Freeze that knows his way around a burner phone and has more than 2 pages to his playbook.
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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.


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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2022, 04:06:45 PM »
Yeah, it's looking more and more like Harlequin wasn't a good hire.  Maybe 10 years ago, but not in today's culture.
That could be part of why Saban has been whining extra hard this offseason too, because he realizes that his days of being the sonofabitch task master are limited.

I will donkey punch the first motherfucker that says we should have kept Gus, but we are probably gonna need somebody more like a Hugh Freeze that knows his way around a burner phone and has more than 2 pages to his playbook.

I like the cut of your jib, Mister.
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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2022, 04:08:40 PM »
Going on the record (again) as saying that Harsin is not the problem.

At all.

Change is painful.  It's uncomfortable.  That's not what this is about.

This is about some titty-baby trustees who got blindsided with AG's hire and have been fighting it since to reclaim their position atop the fucking totem pole.

Where's the Tylenol?
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You can keep a wooden stake in your trunk
On the off-chance that the fairy tales ain't bunk
And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
To get motel parking lot, balcony crunk.

Buzz Killington

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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2022, 04:19:12 PM »
Going on the record (again) as saying that Harsin is not the problem.

At all.

Change is painful.  It's uncomfortable.  That's not what this is about.

This is about some titty-baby trustees who got blindsided with AG's hire and have been fighting it since to reclaim their position atop the fucking totem pole.

Where's the Tylenol?
Not gonna lie...I think you are about 90% correct.  Had heard though that Hennigan wasn't a fan of the NIL and that's a big part of why there was an internal revolt into the portal.  I hate the shit too, but it's there and you gotta deal with it.
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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.


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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2022, 04:31:20 PM »
Yeah, it's looking more and more like Harlequin wasn't a good hire.  Maybe 10 years ago, but not in today's culture.
That could be part of why Saban has been whining extra hard this offseason too, because he realizes that his days of being the sonofabitch task master are limited.

I will donkey punch the first motherfucker that says we should have kept Gus, but we are probably gonna need somebody more like a Hugh Freeze that knows his way around a burner phone and has more than 2 pages to his playbook.

Don't make me unfriend you.
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Buzz Killington

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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2022, 04:41:21 PM »
Don't make me unfriend you.
I'll just keep calling you on my burner
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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.


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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2022, 05:30:26 PM »
Going on the record (again) as saying that Harsin is not the problem.

At all.

Change is painful.  It's uncomfortable.  That's not what this is about.

This is about some titty-baby trustees who got blindsided with AG's hire and have been fighting it since to reclaim their position atop the fucking totem pole.

Where's the Tylenol?

So my question is, what got all this started?  You can't just be a butt hurt booster and decide, hey, let's open an investigation and try and get rid of Coach Hatpin.  The firings, the coach taking an almost half a million dollar pay cut to get away from the program, the five game losing streak, an unprecedented 20 players leaving the program etc. weren't manufactured by anyone.  That's all on Habersham.  That's not weeding out or culture change.  That's just plain ugly.

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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2022, 05:45:22 PM »
So my question is, what got all this started?  You can't just be a butt hurt booster and decide, hey, let's open an investigation and try and get rid of Coach Hatpin.  The firings, the coach taking an almost half a million dollar pay cut to get away from the program, the five game losing streak, an unprecedented 20 players leaving the program etc. weren't manufactured by anyone.  That's all on Habersham.  That's not weeding out or culture change.  That's just plain ugly.

Yes, yes you can.  You get Phil the Idiot to float rumors.  The rumors get the wheel started and get people to ask questions. 

Did he take that pay cut?  We don't know.  We only know what's been said not what is actual. 

Five game losing streak.  Maybe he chewed out the coach who caused that - and who saw himself being absolutely roasted by the entire fanbase who didn't even want him in the building after the collapses. 

All of it is ugly.  All of it.  But if the MSU and SC collapses don't happen and if the refs call delay of game like they should have (or if Bigsby gets out of bounds) guess who's not having this conversation?  Guess who's not getting dragged gleefully through the media mud. 

But because those things happened, people now feel they have the liberty to ask questions, to demand answers, to make their moves.  Win those three games and nobody floats the "he's having an affair" rumor that got this whole ball rolling.

That doesn't mean it isn't bad or that Hardcopy doesn't have faults.   He ABSOLUTELY cannot blow off PR events.  He can't expect "it's Auburn" to be enough of a draw for major recruits.  But if he hadn't dug the hole with the three unacceptable losses?  Those would likely be considered correctible issues, not the end of the world. 

BUT (and I got a big but) but... we are all trading in speculation here.  We don't know what truly happened or why things transpired the way they did.  Maybe his wife has cancer and he needed to be with her.  Maybe she was attacked by a herd of murder wasps (her fucked up face looks like it) and he was at her side in the hospital.  Maybe his daughter WAS fucking the receiver coach and his pissed off reaction wasn't cool with other members of the staff.  Maybe he was going to fire Mason after shitting the bed and failing to adjust at State and Mason knew it so he took whatever job he could. 

I don't think we know enough to know.  I also don't think we ever will.   
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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2022, 06:01:49 PM »
I tried to tell everyone that we should have kept Gus.
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Buzz Killington

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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2022, 09:11:16 AM »
I tried to tell everyone that we should have kept Gus.
I'm gonna donkey punch you
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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.


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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2022, 11:24:55 AM »
I'm gonna donkey punch you
Just ignore him...everybody else does...
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2022, 01:39:48 PM »
Just ignore him...everybody else does...
Just because I did not practice at Auburn and get the ever living fuck slapped out of me on a daily basis, does not mean that people shouldn’t value my opinions.
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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #37 on: February 09, 2022, 01:45:03 PM »
Copied and pasted from AL.com, I know they are full on Saban suckers

It’s over for Bryan Harsin at Auburn.

Auburn made it clear this week that Harsin can no longer effectively coach football at the university, and that’s for the best since Harsin has made it clear over the last couple months that he doesn’t know how to coach in this new version of the SEC.

Harsin returns from vacation today, and while he was away the university, working outside of the athletics department, launched an investigation of the football team to figure out how Harsin could lose so much support from within. It was a stunning rebuke of a second-year football coach like the SEC has rarely seen. Harsin was hired little more than a year ago to replace fired coach Gus Malzahn, but now the university has turned on him.

Malzahn had a pretty good run at Auburn. Harsin never put on his shoes, and then someone took his fresh kicks out of the locker room and threw them up on a power line for all to see.

Alabama infamously had a coach named “Ears” Whitworth, and now Auburn has their modern version of that old coaching relic. Harsin’s unmasked, abject failures as head coach of Auburn football scream of someone unwilling to listen to people smarter than him about how to win in the SEC.

Whatever it takes.

Maybe Harsin just needed more time, but Auburn, though its actions this week, clearly decided any more time spent helping Harsin figure things out was a waste.

At one point, maybe for a few months, Harsin could have succeeded at Auburn if things had been different. I’m being kind here because, to be fair, Auburn athletics director Allen Greene and his hiring committee wanted a tough coach who could mold a team the old way and that’s exactly who they thought they hired.

Then, suddenly, everything changed about college football in the SEC.

The rules allowing players to be paid for their name, image and likeness went into effect in June of 2021, Texas and Oklahoma announced it was joining the SEC a couple months later and now Texas A&M is out-recruiting everyone thanks to a bottomless war chest of cash.

In the old SEC, where toughness was currency and grit was like football gold, Harsin might have made a really good coach. Now coaches need to keep players happy, and maybe well compensated, too, for a team to even have a chance. There are ways to rebuild quickly in this new world, and all it takes is more money.

Auburn appears ready to fork it over.

On Monday, the university released an ominous statement announcing for all to hear that it was “judiciously collecting information” on Harsin’s program.

On Tuesday, Auburn screamed to everyone that — hooray — it suddenly received the single largest donation in Auburn athletics history.

On Wednesday, Harsin was set to return from vacation. Don’t unpack, coach, because we all know what happens next. Harsin’s buyout is $18 million if Auburn fires him without cause. Maybe something will come up, though. The investigation of Auburn football is ongoing.

At the beginning of this week, I was convinced that firing Harsin after just one season would set Auburn football back years. That was just me thinking like a college football dinosaur circa January 2021. If and when Auburn officially breaks with Harsin, and it’s surely coming soon, maybe the university doesn’t need the best available coach in the country to compete with Alabama and Georgia.

Find someone people respect, and instead of paying him $5 million a year figure out creative ways to funnel half of that money to players through NIL deals.

Oh, did I say the silent part out loud? Well, you don’t have to like it, but this is the future of the SEC.

Nick Saban says paying players NIL money to pick a school is wrong, but I can’t see the reason why. Everyone else is making money, so what’s wrong with the players getting paid their fair shares? If that’s cheating then something’s wrong with the rules. In reality, paying players through NIL deals is about to be a normalized way of doing business.

Why keep blowing out the budget on these wasteful and disgusting coaching buyouts when investing capital in players is the intelligent and morally correct thing to do? The buyouts for Gus Malzahn and Bryan Harsin combined are $40 million. That kind of money would change the lives of a lot of people.

The game changed on Harsin before the ink even dried on his contract, and then he refused to adapt in a league he never understood from the beginning. His starting quarterback left for Oregon, his defensive coordinator took a pay cut to coach at Oklahoma State and Harsin’s young, 32-year-old offensive coordinator, who was on the job less than two months, suddenly quit two days before National Signing Day.

It can’t get any worse than that, right? I don’t want to find out.

At best, Harsin is a pettish version of Michael Scott at Dunder Mifflin, a poor manager of people selling reams of paper out of an office building at the dawn of our digital age. To be sure, this past week has felt like an episode of some ridiculous sit-com because only some fictitious television character like Scott could get fired from his job while on vacation.

We all know it’s so much worse than that, though. Harsin isn’t Scott. He’s what happens when Dwight Schrute finally gets his chance to run the office.

Joseph Goodman is a columnist for the Alabama Media Group, and author of “We Want Bama: A season of hope and the making of Nick Saban’s ‘ultimate team’”. You can find him on Twitter @JoeGoodmanJr.

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"Men are made stronger on the realization that the helping hand they need is at the end of their own arm."

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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #38 on: February 09, 2022, 02:46:11 PM »
Copied and pasted from AL.com, I know they are full on Saban suckers

It’s over for Bryan Harsin at Auburn.

Auburn made it clear this week that Harsin can no longer effectively coach football at the university, and that’s for the best since Harsin has made it clear over the last couple months that he doesn’t know how to coach in this new version of the SEC.

Harsin returns from vacation today, and while he was away the university, working outside of the athletics department, launched an investigation of the football team to figure out how Harsin could lose so much support from within. It was a stunning rebuke of a second-year football coach like the SEC has rarely seen. Harsin was hired little more than a year ago to replace fired coach Gus Malzahn, but now the university has turned on him.

Malzahn had a pretty good run at Auburn. Harsin never put on his shoes, and then someone took his fresh kicks out of the locker room and threw them up on a power line for all to see.

Alabama infamously had a coach named “Ears” Whitworth, and now Auburn has their modern version of that old coaching relic. Harsin’s unmasked, abject failures as head coach of Auburn football scream of someone unwilling to listen to people smarter than him about how to win in the SEC.

Whatever it takes.

Maybe Harsin just needed more time, but Auburn, though its actions this week, clearly decided any more time spent helping Harsin figure things out was a waste.

At one point, maybe for a few months, Harsin could have succeeded at Auburn if things had been different. I’m being kind here because, to be fair, Auburn athletics director Allen Greene and his hiring committee wanted a tough coach who could mold a team the old way and that’s exactly who they thought they hired.

Then, suddenly, everything changed about college football in the SEC.

The rules allowing players to be paid for their name, image and likeness went into effect in June of 2021, Texas and Oklahoma announced it was joining the SEC a couple months later and now Texas A&M is out-recruiting everyone thanks to a bottomless war chest of cash.

In the old SEC, where toughness was currency and grit was like football gold, Harsin might have made a really good coach. Now coaches need to keep players happy, and maybe well compensated, too, for a team to even have a chance. There are ways to rebuild quickly in this new world, and all it takes is more money.

Auburn appears ready to fork it over.

On Monday, the university released an ominous statement announcing for all to hear that it was “judiciously collecting information” on Harsin’s program.

On Tuesday, Auburn screamed to everyone that — hooray — it suddenly received the single largest donation in Auburn athletics history.

On Wednesday, Harsin was set to return from vacation. Don’t unpack, coach, because we all know what happens next. Harsin’s buyout is $18 million if Auburn fires him without cause. Maybe something will come up, though. The investigation of Auburn football is ongoing.

At the beginning of this week, I was convinced that firing Harsin after just one season would set Auburn football back years. That was just me thinking like a college football dinosaur circa January 2021. If and when Auburn officially breaks with Harsin, and it’s surely coming soon, maybe the university doesn’t need the best available coach in the country to compete with Alabama and Georgia.

Find someone people respect, and instead of paying him $5 million a year figure out creative ways to funnel half of that money to players through NIL deals.

Oh, did I say the silent part out loud? Well, you don’t have to like it, but this is the future of the SEC.

Nick Saban says paying players NIL money to pick a school is wrong, but I can’t see the reason why. Everyone else is making money, so what’s wrong with the players getting paid their fair shares? If that’s cheating then something’s wrong with the rules. In reality, paying players through NIL deals is about to be a normalized way of doing business.

Why keep blowing out the budget on these wasteful and disgusting coaching buyouts when investing capital in players is the intelligent and morally correct thing to do? The buyouts for Gus Malzahn and Bryan Harsin combined are $40 million. That kind of money would change the lives of a lot of people.

The game changed on Harsin before the ink even dried on his contract, and then he refused to adapt in a league he never understood from the beginning. His starting quarterback left for Oregon, his defensive coordinator took a pay cut to coach at Oklahoma State and Harsin’s young, 32-year-old offensive coordinator, who was on the job less than two months, suddenly quit two days before National Signing Day.

It can’t get any worse than that, right? I don’t want to find out.

At best, Harsin is a pettish version of Michael Scott at Dunder Mifflin, a poor manager of people selling reams of paper out of an office building at the dawn of our digital age. To be sure, this past week has felt like an episode of some ridiculous sit-com because only some fictitious television character like Scott could get fired from his job while on vacation.

We all know it’s so much worse than that, though. Harsin isn’t Scott. He’s what happens when Dwight Schrute finally gets his chance to run the office.

Joseph Goodman is a columnist for the Alabama Media Group, and author of “We Want Bama: A season of hope and the making of Nick Saban’s ‘ultimate team’”. You can find him on Twitter @JoeGoodmanJr.


Goodman is the WORST.  Fuck him. He's been after Horton since the whole "REEEEE, he won't get a vaccineeee REEEEEE!  He put us journalists at mortal peril when he REEEEEEE didn't wear a REEEEEEE mask at REEEEEEE Media Days! REEEEEEEE Murderer!!" rant
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Re: Rumors about Harsin
« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2022, 02:51:54 PM »
Just because I did not practice at Auburn and get the ever living fuck slapped out of me on a daily basis, does not mean that people shouldn’t value my opinions.

Yes. Yes it does.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.