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The idiocy of it all


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The idiocy of it all
« on: January 26, 2022, 09:55:57 AM »
I go to the gym regularly.  There's a woman there who has preached vaccination, masks, disinfectant, distancing ever since it re-opened from the first shut-down almost two years ago. Not a single day goes by that she doesn't use the words "vaxed, boosted, double boosted" or some combination. She reacts with shock and disdain if anyone says anything negative toward the vaccine push or against the current administration's position on it. She makes the general assumption that everyone agrees with her, we are all shot, double shot, triple shot and eager to get the fourth, fifth or sixth punch on our Pfizer card.  She's stupidly unaware that of the 10 people she talks to most eight have not been stuck and the other two only took the first stab and refused the rest. 

She got back from Disney ten days ago.  Was sick. Eyes watering, sneezing, clogged up, hacking.  Continued to come to the gym because "It can't be covid, I've had all my boosters so it's got to just be allergies." 

Fucking idiot. 

I'm no fool.  I stayed the fuck away from her stupid ass.  I asked the girl running the workout to make her leave. The first day they did.  She came right back the next day arguing (loudly) that she didn't have anything because she'd had her vaccine and all the boosters!  They caved and let her workout. 

Fucking idiot Karen.

Again I'm no fool. I got as far away from her as I could.  It's important to understand here that I would do the same thing if she had the running shits, a cold, herpes, scabes, rabies, or anything else.  The fact that I figured she had the covid was secondary.

A handful of people who WERE around her are now sick.  I know of four for sure and of those I only talk to one enough to know that they tested positive. 

Long story to get to this point.  FUUUUUCK YOU, if you think it's "the unvaccinated" who are the problem.  It's fucking morons like this who 'trust the science' and don't have the fucking common sense of a coati mundi.
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Re: The idiocy of it all
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2022, 12:14:51 PM »
I go to the gym regularly.  There's a woman there who has preached vaccination, masks, disinfectant, distancing ever since it re-opened from the first shut-down almost two years ago. Not a single day goes by that she doesn't use the words "vaxed, boosted, double boosted" or some combination. She reacts with shock and disdain if anyone says anything negative toward the vaccine push or against the current administration's position on it. She makes the general assumption that everyone agrees with her, we are all shot, double shot, triple shot and eager to get the fourth, fifth or sixth punch on our Pfizer card.  She's stupidly unaware that of the 10 people she talks to most eight have not been stuck and the other two only took the first stab and refused the rest. 

She got back from Disney ten days ago.  Was sick. Eyes watering, sneezing, clogged up, hacking.  Continued to come to the gym because "It can't be covid, I've had all my boosters so it's got to just be allergies." 

Fucking idiot. 

I'm no fool.  I stayed the fuck away from her stupid ass.  I asked the girl running the workout to make her leave. The first day they did.  She came right back the next day arguing (loudly) that she didn't have anything because she'd had her vaccine and all the boosters!  They caved and let her workout. 

Fucking idiot Karen.

Again I'm no fool. I got as far away from her as I could.  It's important to understand here that I would do the same thing if she had the running shits, a cold, herpes, scabes, rabies, or anything else.  The fact that I figured she had the covid was secondary.

A handful of people who WERE around her are now sick.  I know of four for sure and of those I only talk to one enough to know that they tested positive. 

Long story to get to this point.  FUUUUUCK YOU, if you think it's "the unvaccinated" who are the problem.  It's fucking morons like this who 'trust the science' and don't have the fucking common sense of a coati mundi.

with todays age of media, really going back to the 3rd Reich and the overthrow of the Czar even before that - propaganda has become a powerful tool. Just because a person who is a SME on something, says some words about said "something" doesn't mean its actually true. I'll never doubt Fauci KNOWS more about Viruses and Lab stuff than I. But his intentions were never good. Just because he espouses some position, doesn't mean its rooted in the subject matter facts of the topic he's an expert on. Bad motives and intentions are the variable here. And hes had plenty of those.
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Re: The idiocy of it all
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2022, 01:00:55 PM »
The idiocy continues. 

Employee:  I tested positive for COVID Tuesday so I will have to quarantine for 10 days, but I still get paid, right?

Me: You worked Tuesday and you were fine.  When did you start feeling badly?  And no, you don't get paid for missing ten days of work.

Employee: Oh, I never felt bad but I saw a free testing place so I did it just to see.  Why can't I get paid for ten days?

Me: Guidelines are five.  And you're part-time so you're not guaranteed any income.

Employee: But my friend said Starbucks paid her when she had to be off for being sick.  I don't understand.

Me: First, you're not sick. Said so yourself. There was no reason for you to be tested. Second, you're part time.  While Starbucks may be profitable enough to pay their employees if they take time off I'm not in that situation here.  If you want to go to Starbucks when your quarantine period ends, you're welcome to.  Can you send me a copy of your positive test?  I need to put it in your file.

Employee: No, my dad said that's confidential medical information.  And I just took a rapid test anyway that was negative so I can come in tomorrow. 

Me: Nope.  See you in five days. 

Employee:  Seriously?  But I'm negative now! 

Me: See you in five days or at maybe at Starbucks. 
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