Does anybody else remember these record clubs?

Just look at that selection! I probably had 25 or 30 of those. Seeing this ad reminded me of a former patron of these arts, a big kid, a budding actor, a neophyte cajun... a big oaf that I sort of miss around here. There was a time that crazy kid got the cease and desist letters for pirating digital music. I guess he ran afoul of the Metallica drummer or something. His scam was, I suppose, a descendant of the scam a younger me pulled on these record clubs back in ancient times.
The record club deal worked like this:
1 - You got an ass bucket of records/tapes/8-tracks/CDs/reel-to-reels for a penny (plus shipping and handling which usually added up to more than the records would have cost anyway).
2 - In exchange for their generosity you agreed to buy a certain number of additional albums at full price (typically inflated) over a set period of time.
3 - They also sent you the Featured Record of the month every month. You had to either decline to receive it or send it back within a very tight window. Typically you'd get the notification and have two days to decline, but by the time your mail got back to them, the Featured disc was already on its way at $15.98 plus $7.50 shipping and handling!
So what was my scam? I'd get the initial 12, never buy anything else, ignore their letters demanding payment (what, I was 12 they gonna sue me?) and then wait a few months and sign up again. When they finally got wise after three or four times, I'd sign up in my brother's name. Or my sister's. And get another assload of music. Most of my musical collection in my pre-teen and early teen years was collected in this manner. Until my parents caught on to my nefarious deeds. Some of my collection was confiscated. Some I still have. There's this sweet Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. 8-track sitting on the shelf in my office right now. Along with KISS Destroyer, Eagles Greatest Hits and EWF.
I wish I had an 8-track player. I'd love to hear that Ca-CHUNK in the middle of a song again.
Sorry Columbia House for ripping you off.