On Thursday mornings during foosballz season, our local sports talk show has Bryan Matthews from Rivals, on to talk Auburn pigskin and other goings ons. So, the host asks him about the portal and specifically, the rumors about Bo possibly leaving. Matthews didn't have any inside 411, but I was stunned to hear him say in a very matter of fact way, "Yeah, it would be best if Bo just went ahead and transferred out to a smaller school. He's had 3 years at Auburn and he needs to finish up somewhere else."
Then, the host asked him if he thought that would automatically make Finley the #1 guy at QB. "No, they would definitely look at the portal for a starting quarterback."
Probably just one man's opinion, because I'm a firm believer that the majority of these reporters, journalists, bloggers etc. don't know jack shit. But what if he does?