The irony is that I don't believe Obama's election was the "dream" MLK preached. MLK wanted a man to be judged on his character, not based upon the color of his skin. However, how many times have we heard of people that voted for him because of his skin, not because of his political views? Too many if you ask me.
There was a young black guy in my Calculus class that made the statement that he was voting for Obama because it was time for black man to be in the White House. I asked him if I told him I was voting for McCain because he was white, would he think I was racist for doing that and of course he said yes. Then I asked him what did he think he was being if he was voting for Obama because he was black. He tried to say it was not the same, and I just sit there and smiled because you could see it in his eyes that he knew he was exposed, especially when I pointed out that MLK would probably frown on him for his reason for voting that way.