Don't get me started on this god-forsaken shit hole of a television show (shit, too late)
They are nothing but a bunch of sensationalist assholes with an MD after their last names. They all deserve to burn in the depths of hell.
I only say this because the wife, while home taking care of the newborn, saw an episode of this show a couple of weeks ago. The topic?
Why not to give blowjobs to your husbands because semen on the back of the throat CAN CAUSE THROAT CANCER.
WHAT....THE....FUCK. Now, any chances I had of receiving oral (which were slim to begin with, mind you) have been completely shot. Any argument I've given is null and void, of course, because I'm not a doctor, and they are. Even the old "you haven't caught throat cancer yet, have you?" or "honey, as with any cancer, you must participate in the activity REPEATEDLY in order for it to affect you" arguments are holding no water.
Fucking assholes. This show needs to be banned immediately. I hate them all.