Two huge losses in the entertainment world.
Herb Tarlek, sales manager for WKRP, (Frank Bonner in real life) has gone on to the great station in the sky. As much as the show tried to be about Andy, Johnny, Big Guy and Jennifer it was really Herb, Les, Venus and Bailey that made the show work. Herb was somehow over-the-top and understated. WKRP is one of my favorite shows. I loved Bailey so much, thought she was way hotter than Jennifer. The Thanksgiving Turkey Drop episode is one of the best of all time. Its a Thanksgiving morning tradition at my house.

Not long after Herb's death was announced, we find out that Jambi the Genie from Pee Wee's Playhouse left the building back in April. Jambi (aka John Paragon in real life) gave us the classic Mecca Lecca Hi, Mecca Hiney Ho phrase. Sadly, I've often used this when I wasn't sure what to say or when somebody wanted something I couldn't give (as in might as well mecca lecca, etc.).

Don't think either of them did anything else groundbreaking or noteworthy in their careers.