I think that you're probably correct, as long as we're talking about true conservatives and not the fanatical religious right that has co-opted the Republican party in recent years.
True dat.
I think think that's part of why I'm so irritated by the the whole thing.
Facebook has taught me that I have a shitload of ignorant friends.
The night of the election, facebook statuses were coming in by the second, ranging from "I'm not going to live in a socialist nation, I'm moving to Canada" (Seriously. And there were at least 30 or 40 of those), to "I'm praying that God does not punish America for it's terrible decision" as well as many other blogs about trying to come to terms with how God could allow such a tragedy to happen.
One friend made this his profile picture:

And made his status "Nolan is wondering why a Muslim is our President? Please tell me he's not a muslim then see my profile picture, explain that shit!"
To which I posted:
"Holy Shit, Bush is Asian! There's no telling how deep this goes!"