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Here We Go


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Here We Go
« on: February 04, 2021, 02:53:09 PM »
Scanning the bookfaces at lunch and came across this post.  I responded to it by stating this is obviously satire.  Has to be a joke.  You know, stop believing everything somebody tells you.  Then I went and looked it up.  It's no joke.  This an actual bill being proposed right now.  I read just enough of the bill to verify the required psychological evaluations....for the whole family....before I realized this shit is really happening and got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.  Anyway, check it out and then pull up the bill itself.  You may be like me and really start thinking about that little spot of land on that Caribbean Island you want to retire to.

Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston) has just submitted HR 127, what has to be the most onerous, invasive anti-gun bill in history.
What does it do?
It requires gun owners to obtain a Federal license to own firearms or ammunition. This license will cost $800 per year.
To obtain the license, you must be interviewed by a licensed psychiatrist (at your cost). The psychiatrist must also interview your spouse (if married) and any ex-spouses (if divorced). In addition, the psychiatrist is also required to interview at least two additional family members or friends.
A national database will be created. You must inform the government about every firearm you own, including make, manufacturer, caliber, and serial number. You will also need to supply the date the firearm was acquired by you.
In addition, the registry will also include the address of where the firearms will be stored, the manner in which they will be stored, the location in the house/building where they will be stored. You must also inform the government about how much ammunition you own and the location and manner in which the ammunition will be stored.
You will be required to purchase firearm liability insurance from the Federal government.
The above database will be PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE. Let me say that again - anyone in the country will be able to look you up and see exactly what firearms you own, where you store them, how you store them, how much ammo you have, and where your ammo is.
You will be required to re-train, re-certify, re-do the psychological profile, and re-apply for your firearm/ammunition license every year for the first five years of being licensed.
All magazines with the capability of holding more than 10 rounds will be banned.
All firearms banned by California will be banned. They are using the California list of approved firearms as their template.
To keep what they will classify as "military style weapons", you will need to get a special license for that from the government, also.
Are you a collector of antique weapons? You'll need to get a special Antique Weapons License from the government, also.
If you give, loan, or transfer a firearm to someone, you must fill out and submit paperwork. Failure to do so will mean prison time.
What are the penalties?
Possession of an unlicensed firearm/ammuniton: Up to a $125,000 fine, 25 years in prison, or both.
Transferring a firearm/ammunition to an unlicensed person: 15 years in prison, $75,000 fine, or both.
Giving a firearm/ammunition to an unlicensed person: 10 years in prison, $50,000 fine, or both.
Loaning/lending a firearm to an unlicensed person: $35,000 fine.
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2021, 03:21:14 PM »
She's the looniest of the loonies.  I can't see it making it far (yet).  

What's scary though, is that she feels empowered to submit stuff like this what with the eunuchs who pretend to be in power these days.  

I've been trying to tell you.  Go read about the Great Reset.  What this loon wants to do is the very tiny tip of the iceberg.  Gates, Soros, etc.  Their plan is that no one will own ANYTHING.  Everything you have will be granted to you by a benevolent government.  

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."  What a great idea!  Too bad someone didn't think of that before.  

I guess they didn't read Animal Farm.  Or maybe they did and saw themselves as pigs.  

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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2021, 03:44:24 PM »
Some altered form of this bill will pass.  They've been telling us that for years.  The NRA needs to tie them up in Court for-evah.
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2021, 04:28:20 PM »
Some altered form of this bill will pass.  They've been telling us that for years.  The NRA needs to tie them up in Court for-evah.
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2021, 05:35:23 PM »
Scanning the bookfaces at lunch and came across this post.  I responded to it by stating this is obviously satire.  Has to be a joke.  You know, stop believing everything somebody tells you.  Then I went and looked it up.  It's no joke.  This an actual bill being proposed right now.  I read just enough of the bill to verify the required psychological evaluations....for the whole family....before I realized this shit is really happening and got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.  Anyway, check it out and then pull up the bill itself.  You may be like me and really start thinking about that little spot of land on that Caribbean Island you want to retire to.

Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston) has just submitted HR 127, what has to be the most onerous, invasive anti-gun bill in history.
What does it do?
It requires gun owners to obtain a Federal license to own firearms or ammunition. This license will cost $800 per year.
To obtain the license, you must be interviewed by a licensed psychiatrist (at your cost). The psychiatrist must also interview your spouse (if married) and any ex-spouses (if divorced). In addition, the psychiatrist is also required to interview at least two additional family members or friends.
A national database will be created. You must inform the government about every firearm you own, including make, manufacturer, caliber, and serial number. You will also need to supply the date the firearm was acquired by you.
In addition, the registry will also include the address of where the firearms will be stored, the manner in which they will be stored, the location in the house/building where they will be stored. You must also inform the government about how much ammunition you own and the location and manner in which the ammunition will be stored.
You will be required to purchase firearm liability insurance from the Federal government.
The above database will be PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE. Let me say that again - anyone in the country will be able to look you up and see exactly what firearms you own, where you store them, how you store them, how much ammo you have, and where your ammo is.
You will be required to re-train, re-certify, re-do the psychological profile, and re-apply for your firearm/ammunition license every year for the first five years of being licensed.
All magazines with the capability of holding more than 10 rounds will be banned.
All firearms banned by California will be banned. They are using the California list of approved firearms as their template.
To keep what they will classify as "military style weapons", you will need to get a special license for that from the government, also.
Are you a collector of antique weapons? You'll need to get a special Antique Weapons License from the government, also.
If you give, loan, or transfer a firearm to someone, you must fill out and submit paperwork. Failure to do so will mean prison time.
What are the penalties?
Possession of an unlicensed firearm/ammuniton: Up to a $125,000 fine, 25 years in prison, or both.
Transferring a firearm/ammunition to an unlicensed person: 15 years in prison, $75,000 fine, or both.
Giving a firearm/ammunition to an unlicensed person: 10 years in prison, $50,000 fine, or both.
Loaning/lending a firearm to an unlicensed person: $35,000 fine.
You do realize that the carribean has blacks, don’t you?
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2021, 05:36:52 PM »
You do realize that the carribean has blacks, don’t you?
Yes, and I'm taking Morgan Wallen with me.
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2021, 10:25:32 PM »
Yes, and I'm taking Morgan Wallen with me.
He'll be too busy bowing and scraping so he doesn't lose the massive black audience that follows him.   
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2021, 11:36:57 AM »
I don't own any firearms and I don't have any ammo.  I mean, why would I?  I don't own any firearms to shoot the ammo with.  

Yes, and I'm taking Morgan Wallen with me.
The same damn people mad about this are the same damn people that let their daughters listen to WAP and voted for a guy that said he didn't want his kids going to school in a jungle and poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids. 
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2021, 12:08:57 PM »
I don't own any firearms and I don't have any ammo.  I mean, why would I?  I don't own any firearms to shoot the ammo with. 
The same damn people mad about this are the same damn people that let their daughters listen to WAP and voted for a guy that said he didn't want his kids going to school in a jungle and poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.
I was just telling GH and GF (Not their real names) that I got caught up reading a bookface thread that I believe you posted that in.  Holy damn this country is ferked.  Here's the thing.  Wallen screwed up big time.  Why?  Because he's become a star in his profession, which makes him a public figure.  A white public figure.  And anyone in his position who says that word in any context will automatically be canceled.  He did and right now, he is. 

Was there any malicious intent?  No.  Was it directed at anyone other than his drunk ass friend? No.  Was he on his own property with friends who couldn't give two shits that he said it?  Yes. But none of that matters.  The word came out and some scumbag neighbor captured it on video and released it to the public, knowing full well that it would ruin the guy.  However, he's got to realize and/or somebody in his camp that handles public relations for him has got to get in his ear and hammer home the fact that in today's environment, there are a handful of deadly sins, and that's at the top of the list. That's true for any white public figure.  You just can't say it in any context and you need to wipe it from your vocabulary altogether if you want to remain where you are.

Don't get me wrong, I despise this environment where intent is taken out of the equation and a person's true character has no bearing on anything.  The hypocritical double standard is sickening.  But Morgan Wallen and every white public figure had better understand once and for all that it does exist. 
« Last Edit: February 05, 2021, 12:43:58 PM by Snaggletiger »
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2021, 01:42:34 PM »
He had 7 of the top 10 spots on Apple Music yesterday.  

A friend of our yesterday posted that she was offended by rap music and rap videos.  It was degrading to women.  She has a point, but since she is a conservative white female it will fall on deaf ears.  She is the second most vile creature on earth right behind the conservative white male. 
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2021, 02:09:57 PM »
I was just telling GH and GF (Not their real names) that I got caught up reading a bookface thread that I believe you posted that in.  Holy damn this country is ferked.  Here's the thing.  Wallen screwed up big time.  Why?  Because he's become a star in his profession, which makes him a public figure.  A white public figure.  And anyone in his position who says that word in any context will automatically be canceled.  He did and right now, he is. 

Was there any malicious intent?  No.  Was it directed at anyone other than his drunk ass friend? No.  Was he on his own property with friends who couldn't give two shits that he said it?  Yes. But none of that matters.  The word came out and some scumbag neighbor captured it on video and released it to the public, knowing full well that it would ruin the guy.  However, he's got to realize and/or somebody in his camp that handles public relations for him has got to get in his ear and hammer home the fact that in today's environment, there are a handful of deadly sins, and that's at the top of the list. That's true for any white public figure.  You just can't say it in any context and you need to wipe it from your vocabulary altogether if you want to remain where you are.

Don't get me wrong, I despise this environment where intent is taken out of the equation and a person's true character has no bearing on anything.  The hypocritical double standard is sickening.  But Morgan Wallen and every white public figure had better understand once and for all that it does exist.
There was short-lived online rage at Gene Simmons this week because he used the word "f**got" in a Rolling Stone interview in 1977.  That was 44 years ago.  Gene was not even 30 then.  He was a 29-year old man child who didn't like a certain kind of music and used a word that was - at that time - fairly frequently used in a variety of contexts.  

His reaction was to not give the first shit, continue to be Gene and not apologize.  

Until more people adopt that attitude and recognize that other than the shreiking Karens, nobody else much gives a tenth of a flying fuck.... then this descent into madness will continue.   

Since when has a Karen-ish boycott of anything actually hurt anybody?  So what if half a dozen thin-skinned people don't buy his stuff?  Man up.  Say "well, that probably wasn't the best choice of words, but I was just fucking around with my friends" and let it go. 

When the record companies and other entertainment outlets recognize that people, as a whole, don't much care what he says one way or another then we can finally start to turn this around.  

But when he crawfishes and issues a meaningless apology?  He just gives that idiot side more ammo.  

I'm sitting here thinking about my own life.  If they were to cancel me for words I'd be homeless.  Somewhere out there is an "employee spotlight" thing I filled out for a company newsletter back in the day.  In the blank for "Favorite Fruit" I put Elton John.   That was 35 years ago and it was funny then.  It's funny now. But we aren't allowed to laugh.  

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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2021, 02:38:55 PM »
There was short-lived online rage at Gene Simmons this week because he used the word "f**got" in a Rolling Stone interview in 1977.  That was 44 years ago.  Gene was not even 30 then.  He was a 29-year old man child who didn't like a certain kind of music and used a word that was - at that time - fairly frequently used in a variety of contexts. 

His reaction was to not give the first shit, continue to be Gene and not apologize. 

Until more people adopt that attitude and recognize that other than the shreiking Karens, nobody else much gives a tenth of a flying fuck.... then this descent into madness will continue. 

Since when has a Karen-ish boycott of anything actually hurt anybody?  So what if half a dozen thin-skinned people don't buy his stuff?  Man up.  Say "well, that probably wasn't the best choice of words, but I was just fucking around with my friends" and let it go.

When the record companies and other entertainment outlets recognize that people, as a whole, don't much care what he says one way or another then we can finally start to turn this around. 

But when he crawfishes and issues a meaningless apology?  He just gives that idiot side more ammo. 

I'm sitting here thinking about my own life.  If they were to cancel me for words I'd be homeless.  Somewhere out there is an "employee spotlight" thing I filled out for a company newsletter back in the day.  In the blank for "Favorite Fruit" I put Elton John.  That was 35 years ago and it was funny then.  It's funny now. But we aren't allowed to laugh. 
And yet Billy Joel doesn't get hammered by the thought police for his propensity to rag on his pal Elton about his gayness.
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2021, 03:14:31 PM »
Dire Straits:

The little faggot with the earring and the make up

Yeah buddy, that's his own hair

The little faggot got his own jet airplane

The little faggot, he's a millionaire

It's funny how when that song came out in about 1985, that was nothing more than a funny verse.  Didn't think much of it.  Don't recall any backlash or anyone claiming to be offended.  
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2021, 03:24:59 PM »
Dire Straits:

The little faggot with the earring and the make up

Yeah buddy, that's his own hair

The little faggot got his own jet airplane

The little faggot, he's a millionaire

It's funny how when that song came out in about 1985, that was nothing more than a funny verse.  Didn't think much of it.  Don't recall any backlash or anyone claiming to be offended. 
That verse has been censored.  You can turn on FLY on Sirius and hear that word plus about 400 others that would make a drunken sailor with a dick rash blush, but that verse from those evil whiteys?  Expunged.  
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2021, 03:29:05 PM »
There was short-lived online rage at Gene Simmons this week because he used the word "f**got" in a Rolling Stone interview in 1977.  That was 44 years ago.  Gene was not even 30 then.  He was a 29-year old man child who didn't like a certain kind of music and used a word that was - at that time - fairly frequently used in a variety of contexts. 

His reaction was to not give the first shit, continue to be Gene and not apologize. 

Until more people adopt that attitude and recognize that other than the shreiking Karens, nobody else much gives a tenth of a flying fuck.... then this descent into madness will continue. 

Since when has a Karen-ish boycott of anything actually hurt anybody?  So what if half a dozen thin-skinned people don't buy his stuff?  Man up.  Say "well, that probably wasn't the best choice of words, but I was just fucking around with my friends" and let it go.

When the record companies and other entertainment outlets recognize that people, as a whole, don't much care what he says one way or another then we can finally start to turn this around. 

But when he crawfishes and issues a meaningless apology?  He just gives that idiot side more ammo. 

I'm sitting here thinking about my own life.  If they were to cancel me for words I'd be homeless.  Somewhere out there is an "employee spotlight" thing I filled out for a company newsletter back in the day.  In the blank for "Favorite Fruit" I put Elton John.  That was 35 years ago and it was funny then.  It's funny now. But we aren't allowed to laugh. 
Here's the problem, though.  Let's say Wallen took that position and gave all the haters the finger.  Let's also say that Get Loud Records thought, hey, this guy is a rebel.  We like it.

People, I asked you to say those things and I haven't heard one of you pipe up yet.  Get with it.

Anyway, Get Loud Records actually has a pretty impressive line up of country artists signed.  So, what happens when those artists start doing exactly what we all know is coming?  As soon as they start taking shit from fans, they'll start turning on the record company because Get Loud Records is clearly racist for not dropping a racist. 

I get what you're saying and agree 100%.  And yeah, I'd be homeless right there witcha'.     
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2021, 04:12:58 PM »
Dire Straits:

The little faggot with the earring and the make up

Yeah buddy, that's his own hair

The little faggot got his own jet airplane

The little faggot, he's a millionaire

It's funny how when that song came out in about 1985, that was nothing more than a funny verse.  Didn't think much of it.  Don't recall any backlash or anyone claiming to be offended. 
Maybe that’s because you weren’t a faggot back then?
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2021, 04:24:01 PM »
I hated his music and all bro country.  Good riddance. 
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2021, 10:24:06 PM »
Dire Straits:

The little faggot with the earring and the make up

Yeah buddy, that's his own hair

The little faggot got his own jet airplane

The little faggot, he's a millionaire

It's funny how when that song came out in about 1985, that was nothing more than a funny verse.  Didn't think much of it.  Don't recall any backlash or anyone claiming to be offended. 
It’s because they haven’t realized it yet. Just wait. Mark Knopfler will be next. 
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2021, 10:26:18 PM »
I hated his music and all bro country.  Good riddance.

not sure you understand what bro country is then.  He’s a redneck from East Tennessee who got famous entirely too fast. But he’s a redneck through and through.

I think you’re looking for Sam hunt...or Chris lane. Or the one little liberal dude from fla ga line. Those are bro country.
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Re: Here We Go
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2021, 11:47:42 PM »
It’s because they haven’t realized it yet. Just wait. Mark Knopfler will be next.
Knopfler has been distancing from that for about 30 years. 

Those aren’t HIS words.  They are what he heard some working class rubes in a stereo store say.  He was fascinated at their ignorance and eat there and wrote down everything he heard those low brow blue collar types say as they watched videos on a wall of TVs.  All those lines including the stuff about Hawaiian noises and chimpanzees banging on bongos were theirs. His song is actually MOCKING that kind of dumb asshole.  
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