True. But at present the only domestic terrorists are with Antifa/BLM and some stragglers the media calls white supremacists. The gubment will likely Waco them when it's convenient.
And with 3 or 4 million illegals allowed in with benefits the chances of reversing any of this through a fair election is over.
Barring something catastrophic, you're right. There are no "fair" elections.
There are already measures these socialists are trying to pass that would allow nationwide mail in ballots, no restrictions on/punishment for harvesting, no ID required, illegals/non-citizens allowed to vote, felons allowed to vote...
Essentially, whoever the elite decides should win will "win."

For the time being, there are still more of us than there are of them. The mind-boggling levels to which they had to cheat to get that senile diaper dump "elected" are proof of that. Now that they did -- with the help of spineless mommy parts like McConnell -- we are about to enter a period where everything they do will be designed to stamp us out. Cancel. Financially, emotionally, personally. Break our collective will. Oh, you supported Trump? Sorry, you can't bank here. You can't shop here. You can't live here. You can't work here.
The guy who owns Rouses grocery story had to issue a heartfelt apology because he was photographed at a Trump rally in Florida. He had to claim that "we" made him fearful, because "we" were ignoring mask mandates! Fuck that guy and his store.
I'm out there on my own island, I guess but I'm canceling the motherfuckers right back. Fuck Rouses. I will grow my own before I shop there again. Fuck Bed/Bath and Kohls for canceling My Pillow orders because the company president supported Trump. I can spend my money somewhere else.
WE need to fight fire with fire. There are way more of us. We can't just capitulate. We can't.