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Should they hold or fold?


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Should they hold or fold?
« on: January 19, 2021, 10:04:02 AM »
You know how I feel about KISS. I know all the arguments against the band, I realize that the majority of the catalog of work they still perform was originally written and recorded 40+ years ago, I know the costumes are outlandish or whatever.  Still my band. 

I saw and heard some of the clips of the New Year's Eve record-setting extravaganza the band put on in Dubai.  It was their first concert performance since the (bogus) pandemic put pause on their massive End of the Road final victory tour. It had been almost a year since they last took the stage (297 days, I think).  Yet despite all that rest, Paul's voice strained to keep up.  He even struggled with the stage patter. It's gone.  The rest of the band sounded solid despite being in their 60s and 70s. But Paul's voice is shredded. If the pandemic ever ends and if the band makes it to the final show (now tentatively scheduled to run into 2022 at some point) that needs to be the end. 

It's time for KISS (at least in this version) to fold.  I know they have plans to gradually replace all the members and keep it going but it's time for Paul, at least, to hang up the seven inch heels. 

Paul McCartney
His new album is drab and clumsy.  His voice sounds like he's struggling to gargle golf balls and his "whimsical lyrical style" doesn't hold up with his age.  Pretty much everything he's done for the last 20 years or so has been pretty bad.  Despite the reputation, Paul was always the weakest of the solo Beatles. I'd rather have more Ringo. Harrison was better and so was Lennon.  He looks and sounds like somebody's great grandmother trying to be cutesy cool.

David Lee Roth
All the things that made Lee great in the 70s and 80s are the things that drag him down now. His cringy stage banter is stale, his dance moves come off as creepy when a 70 year old man is capering around on the stage and his voice is blown.

Little known fact. Kansas released an album in 2020, The Absence of Presence.  It's not great, but it still "sounds" like Kansas.  There's no Dust in the Wind on there, but the music is relatable for those who enjoy the operatic Kansas style. It fits in with the rest of the catalog.  I don't think you'll find fans on their tour clamoring for these new songs, but they're solid enough to be listenable. 

Other than the dismal collaboration with Post Malone (what a talentless sack of kookaburra excrement that fool is) Ozzy's most recent effort Ordinary Man is solid from start to finish.  The title track (with an assist from Elton John) is poignant and really resonated with me -- an older guy trying to figure out what his legacy is going to be (if anything).  It stands with some of my all time favorites of his.  Fits in the same realm as Mama I'm Coming Home.  This album comes ten years after his last studio album and given Ozzy's age, it's quite possible that this is his last full studio effort.  If so, it's not a bad exit. 

Their most recent album PWR UP broke absolutely no new ground. But it is still pure, raw, AC/DC and it melts your face off.  There are no classics on the album, nothing that's going to replace Back In Black, Thunderstruck or any of the other immortals in their set list, but it's really comforting to hear a band that's been doing this as long as they have sound this tight.  This album could easily have been released before or after Back in Black (40 years ago) and it fits as well or better in their catalog than any of the albums released since about 83.  It's classic classic rock.  You know three seconds into the song below that you're about to get a dose of AC/DC. It's unmistakable. 
« Last Edit: January 19, 2021, 10:09:48 AM by Kaos »
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Re: Should they hold or fold?
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2021, 11:51:55 AM »
I'm kind of the opposite on McCartney.  While I had no idea the guy was still putting out new music, I was a fan of his early solo stuff.  Baby I'm Amazed, especially the live version, is a great song to me.

Agree on the AC/DC take.  I've listened to a few tracks and they sound like they could have come off any album over the last 30 years, but nothing that stands out.

David Lee Roth....yeesh!  I saw him fronting for Van Halen about 10 years ago on some show and the guy looked 87 then.  And sounded 87. 
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Re: Should they hold or fold?
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2021, 12:37:50 PM »
KISS should just find a lead singer. Kinda like Journey, and keep on truck'in. Pay the guy beans and play music to continue to make bank.
Paul can still be a backup singer.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Should they hold or fold?
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2021, 02:15:11 PM »
KISS should just find a lead singer. Kinda like Journey, and keep on truck'in. Pay the guy beans and play music to continue to make bank.
Paul can still be a backup singer.
Paul and Gene both have kids (sons). 

Gene's son Nick tried music for a while and should have/could have stepped in for his dad. 

Paul's son Evan is also trying music.  I happen to think he's nothing special on his own. 

It's not terrible, but not even Bryan Cranston could save this. 

I would have fully endorsed them taking the roles and letting Gene/Paul run the "business of KISS", but I can also see how hard it might be for a kid to live up to his dad's ridiculous reputation. That said, why couldn't they step into the same but different roles?  Nick as more of a lead singer, Evan more lead guitar and vocals.  It woudn't have to be the same/same to still be KISS.  I'd way more prefer they did this than bring in some journeyman (ha, pun!) to take over.  

It's pretty obvious the two have decent chemistry on the rare occasions they've played together

Also obvious that Nick's voice is similar to -- but probably better than -- Gene's.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2021, 02:18:09 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Should they hold or fold?
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2021, 02:39:21 PM »
I think it’s safe to say K has a raging hard on today with a KISS thread going. 

McCartney? Ehhhh. I’m with K there. His shit was cheesy. And Wings? My god. Just shoot me. Creative guy but most of his stuff post beatles is meh. Lennon and Harrison def more palatable. 

Ac dc ain’t gonna deviate. They are who they are to a fault. I likey. 
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Re: Should they hold or fold?
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2021, 12:30:25 AM »
I think it’s safe to say K has a raging hard on today with a KISS thread going.
What's odd is the thing I posted that has the most meaning to me in that original post is the Ozzy video.  Watching him watch himself with that song in the background.  That's just something.  It hits me hard.  

But I did like that whole Ordinary Man album.  
Under the Graveyard
Straight to Hell
All My Life
Eat Me
Today Is the End
Holy For Tonight
It's a Raid 
Take What You Want (the one Piss Malone ruins with his no-talent auto-tune fat ass)

A lot of it is really introspective, almost like a lament over the destructive life he led.  In a way it really does feel like a goodbye from Ozzy.  

It's one of those albums you hear and wonder why it didn't get more attention than it did.  

I defended Sonic Boom and Monster from KISS, but honestly those were pretty lazy albums.  They didn't really have anything to say.  Ordinary Man does.   I wish every great band/artist had an album like this to cap their career.  It really worked for me.  
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Re: Should they hold or fold?
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2021, 09:54:55 AM »
Ordinary Man is Ozzy's version of Johnny Cash's  Hurt. 
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Re: Should they hold or fold?
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2021, 03:12:44 PM »
I would have loved to seen KISS perform "Hard Luck Woman" live and in concert.  Not on some video, it's not the same.  "Hard Luck Woman" is a damn good song and my favorite KISS song.  

K, my oldest is learning guitar.  We have watched a few of the KISS DVD's (he loves them, btw) and his instructor sent him home with some KISS to practice. 
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Re: Should they hold or fold?
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2021, 08:21:26 PM »
I would have loved to seen KISS perform "Hard Luck Woman" live and in concert.  Not on some video, it's not the same.  "Hard Luck Woman" is a damn good song and my favorite KISS song. 

K, my oldest is learning guitar.  We have watched a few of the KISS DVD's (he loves them, btw) and his instructor sent him home with some KISS to practice.
I know much useless trivia.  

Paul wrote that song for Rod Stewart. Peter wanted to sing it and got super pissed off when they offered it to Stewart first.  The song was played live in a couple of shows early on the Rock and Roll Over Tour *75-76, and I think Peter just did a shitty, lazy job of it so it was removed from the set list.  The only other times it was performed live?  Unplugged with Paul on vocals and on Jay Leno with Garth Brooks. 

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Re: Should they hold or fold?
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2021, 09:18:14 PM »
I know much useless trivia. 

Paul wrote that song for Rod Stewart. Peter wanted to sing it and got super pissed off when they offered it to Stewart first.  The song was played live in a couple of shows early on the Rock and Roll Over Tour *75-76, and I think Peter just did a shitty, lazy job of it so it was removed from the set list.  The only other times it was performed live?  Unplugged with Paul on vocals and on Jay Leno with Garth Brooks.
You recorded that Garth version on vhs didn’t you?
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Re: Should they hold or fold?
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2021, 08:04:55 AM »
You recorded that Garth version on vhs didn’t you?
Who didn't? I mean...is that a rabbit over there?
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