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And a Harsin New Year


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And a Harsin New Year
« on: December 26, 2020, 01:55:07 PM »
Since I know everyone here is waiting impatiently for my take on the Harsin hire, might as well create my own thread. 

Background (as well known):  Kaos had grown disillusioned with all things Auburn lately.  I was never completely sold on the Gus Malzahn hire, although the first 22 games caused me to doubt my thought processes.  But something changed in that 23rd game. Something caused a Gus glitch in a fumbled fourth down against Texas A&M and he was never the same. I don't know exactly what it was, but the confident, determined cocksure Gus turned into an indecisive, befuddled, overthinking mess. That team tumbled from 7-1 to an 8-5 finish. Every season thereafter was marked by the same galling displays of ineptitude at times, by the same inability to develop a quarterback, by the same reliance on certain players to the point of breaking them, by the same confusion on the sidelines, by the same patterns of failure that led to a steady progression of four-plus loss seasons.  I won't belabor the lack of resources that I said from the outset was a liability, or the stubborn (or simply inept) refusal to adapt. Nothing was going to change, that much was assured. As such, it was time to see if Auburn could do any better. No malice, but we either accepted what he clearly was or we aspired to something different and hopefully better. 

After he was canned, the local media gleefully took the opportunity to ridicule Auburn and smear our reputation.  As usual, the "insiders" knew nothing, but said much more.  As usual, they were able to make Auburn look about as bad as possible. Just a bunch of meddling hillbillies with fortunately fat pockets. And we (me included, sadly) took their bait and fretted.  As the names appeared on the alleged hot board -- Kevin Steele, Hugh Freeze, Mario Cristobal, Neal Brown, Bill Clark, Billy Napier, Jiminy Cricket -- the Kaos despair grew.  As the stories of Steele privately coordinating a coup (reminding me of the despised democrats like Schumer and the old Bill Oliver tales) Kaos resigned himself to walking away forever if the boosters who supposedly encouraged and abetted the coup attempt got their way and Steele took the reins. 

And then Auburn hired Harsin.  It wasn't what I expected. For the first time since 1981, Auburn didn't "Auburn."  We didn't hire a Terry Bowden because we liked his deddy's name and he was friends with a banker (prior to porking his daughter, of course).  We didn't poach a guy from a pine box (even though that hire turned out well). We didn't grab a 5-19 walking bag of ego because the AD enjoyed going to church with him.  We didn't get a guy with no experience because the AD thought Waffle House was fine dining.

So what about Harsin?  It's a pretty bold move, honestly.  Auburn's current AD has staked his career on it.  If the guy fails?  He will take the AD and the president down with him more than likely.  If he fails, the good-ol-goober cabal of pine-tree barons and daddy's-money titty babies will almost certainly swoop in with "told-ya-so" smugness and destroy Auburn forever. 

As for Harsin himself?  He's got his detractors in Boise, mainly because he's blunt, demanding and direct.  I personally believe that's exactly what Auburn needs right now.  The change from "good guy Gus" to hardass Harsin is a cultural shift.  Reminds me of Carter's America shifting to the Reagan years or Barfield's buddy boys turning into Dye-hards. 

We have the dumbest, most impatient fanbase in the world.  That's going to have to be controlled.  I've seen our moron fans wondering aloud if "yew thank we culd get ol' Coarch Boom to come back? He wuz a good-un! I'd make him say no three times afore I give up.  And whut bout one-a them Grimes boys?? They shore could coarch the offense line!  An' hey, LSU gon' cut Pellini loose, and he useta be a helluva cordnator.  Oh, man, whatchoo thank bout maybe gettin Chiz back for the defense?  He lives in Auburn and I thank he'd wanna coarch agin! We definately gotta keep Caddylack there, he's a legend! Reckon why he cain't jus keep Steele and let the defense be, it's been perty good! Man, I thank we ain't got no choice but ta try and get Coarch Whitt back. Reckon we could git TRob or Coarch Rocker back?  An' we gotta keep Coarch Garner, he's the glue on thet staff!"

I've come to loathe a certain (large) segment of our fanbase.  They're so much like the Bama fans I grew up despising.  Some of that is, I think, because they are the late-comers. They're the progeny of former Bama fans who switched sides during AU's run in the 80s.  Their grandpappy was a Bammer, but deddy picked Auburn.  They've got that blood in them.  

The key to learning to live with Harsin is patience.  I don't expect miracles out the gate.  Wouldn't surprise me if next year's record is no better than that of the average Gus season.  At that point our moron fans will start the "hayull, he ain't no better than Gus" griping. 

It's going to take patience.

Why will it take patience? 


Goober Gus did pretty well at getting skill players in.  But the offensive line recruiting over the last four seasons has been ABYSMAL.  When was the last time Gus got a 4-5 star OL in who stuck around?  There's a significant void on the offensive line and that's not something Harsin can overcome in a year or two.  It's going to take two recruiting cycles to resolve that. 

I'm not looking for some miracle from the jump.  I want to see a team that's organized, plays hard and doesn't look like a monkey fucking a deflated football for long stretches. 

I think Harsin can give us that while he learns the region and builds on recruiting.  Caveat?  If he doesn't recruit moderately well, none of the rest matters.  He's got to do that. 

I think he's a decent coach, but his entire life has been pretty much in Boise.  I've spent a lot of time in Boise over the last ten years or so.  It's a completely different world. It moves at a different pace.  But football is football. Knowing how to develop and motivate players doesn't really change no matter where you're from.  The question is, can Harsin overcome the culture shock and the reality of battling for recruits with programs that dwarf his Broncos.  If he can?  He's got a chance.

Kaos?  All but a few of his AU things had been put away.  Sickened by the BLM virtue signaling, disgusted by the bumbling administration, by the destruction of everything that Auburn meant to me (Jacobs started that).  They're coming back out again.  This hire -- whether it succeeds or fails -- has given Kaos the hope that things can and will change.  That the voices of the REAL Auburn actually do mean something.  The refusal to accept Steele because of his perceived betrayal and the fact that the administration heard us gives Kaos a glimmer of hope that other things can be reversed if we just care enough.  Maybe we CAN run all the fucking white tents out and let people do their own tailgating again.  That'd be a start. 

I'm not hyping the Harsin train, but I'm encouraged by what it might mean in the long run for the school and program that's always been mine even though it never really was.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 02:15:27 PM by Kaos »
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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2020, 03:55:46 PM »
100% with you on the Harsin hire.
True he has to recruit at an insane pace as any new head coach in the SEC West would if they want to contend. And I don't want any old hands hanging around unless Harsin finds them an absolute must to retain, even Garner.
Encouraged that he is considered a developer of talent and indeed he needs a few cycles to refine the product we see on the field.
Going to require an adjustment period and some patience but I'm very pleased with the new direction and future of Auburn Football. 

Nevertheless, I still reserve the right to bitch and complain as I see fit.
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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2020, 04:15:16 PM »
2 things.  Agree 100% basically.  Love the hire because it's outside the box and not good ole boy.  The other, I'd love to have TRob and Rocker back in Auburn.  Both are damn good position coaches. TRob has  coached some damn good DB's.  Plus Rocker is a mean SOB and his players took on that persona. I'd love for us to have mean, nasty DL. Both are also solid recruiters. 
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2020, 08:29:23 PM »
2 things.  Agree 100% basically.  Love the hire because it's outside the box and not good ole boy.  The other, I'd love to have TRob and Rocker back in Auburn.  Both are damn good position coaches. TRob has  coached some damn good DB's.  Plus Rocker is a mean SOB and his players took on that persona. I'd love for us to have mean, nasty DL. Both are also solid recruiters.
Nothing against them specifically, just the concept that so many can’t seem to look beyond our past. 
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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2020, 02:30:53 AM »
Nothing against them specifically, just the concept that so many can’t seem to look beyond our past.
I gotcha.  Yeah, it seems our fan base isn't happy unless we have someone that is connected to Auburn in some capacity.   We hired Pearl and he has worked out great.  Hoping this non-Auburn hire works out as good as him. 
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan

The Six

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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2020, 10:00:45 AM »
I'm out. I was out before Gus was fired, I'm staying out now. What little gear I still had, donated or vacuumed sealed in a box in the back of the garage. 44 years of fandom gone, but it was time. I'll still hang around here - y'all are too fun not to - but I'm out.

1. Bryan Harsin is a very good coach who knows how to build culture, and doesn't give a damn what the internet says about him. This is a good thing but it won't work (or be allowed to work) at Auburn. If he's lucky, Texas will fire Tom Herman next year, Urban Meyer will once again say "No" to them, and he'll be off to Austin. It's a better fit for him anyway and I think he'll do quite well there. If that doesn't happen, see #5 below.

2. Auburn culture (the culture we all know, love, and cherish) is dead as a doornail. We are now petulant children who wish we could be any other team other than Auburn. It's our fatal flaw. Probably always was but we had a stretch where the enemies were down and we looked poised to take the spot. We were merely warming it.

3. Allen Greene's career at Auburn is over. When this fails - more on that in a bit - he'll go down with it along with the NCAA  basketball sledgehammer that IS coming for Bruce Pearl and the basketball team. Pearl's been in their sights for over a decade, now they will have their pound of flesh. Dr. Gogue doesn't care. He already retired once and only came back to save Auburn from itself after the disastrous Dr. Leath tenure. (The ripples of Leath's poison are still flowing strong throughout campus, by the way.) Greene will be lucky to run a YMCA in Yazoo City, Mississippi once this is done.

4. Auburn is a mediocre football program. Glimpses of more always fool the fools. Cam and Cecil Newton are the worst things that ever happened to us. I want more than anything for Cam to go away and never darken Lee County's boarder again. Charlatan. We are more like those 2004 & 2013 teams. Tons of heart and guts and always just a bit short.

5. Harsin will have the chance to succeed here. Too many power brokers with hurt butts and feelings will conspire to see that his run is ruinous. Shut doors to recruits, lack of funds for capital projects, and the impatient fan base (and willing media to fan the flames) will lead to his downfall in three seasons or less. Once again, JABA will reign and 8-4 will seem like a fresh spring's dream. They'll go back to the "Auburn man" tree and continue the wallowing in mediocre slop all while the price for everything goes up.

6. It's not fun anymore. The corporate feel of the experience, the willingness to try and be everything to everyone while emulating everyone else makes Auburn a cheap facsimile and a dated one. In a decade, no one will remember that Auburn once chased the league's elite as we fight Ole Miss and Arkansas for lower-tier bowl game spots and 3 star problem child recruits the Big Boys didn't want anyways.

In an image, here's what I think is Auburn's football future.

I could be totally wrong about all of the outcomes above, but I don't think I'm wrong about why I think that's the course and causes.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 10:04:29 AM by The Six »
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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2020, 10:46:46 AM »
Great post, k. I sure hope we can keep Coach G, too.
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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2020, 12:52:20 PM »
Damn. Ain’t Six just a little ray of sunshine...
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2020, 01:52:46 PM »
I'm out. I was out before Gus was fired, I'm staying out now. What little gear I still had, donated or vacuumed sealed in a box in the back of the garage. 44 years of fandom gone, but it was time. I'll still hang around here - y'all are too fun not to - but I'm out.
That's where I was before.  I get it, but the Harsin hire and the refusal to knuckle under to the booster mafia gave me a little hope.  It might be just another case of the abuser saying he's not going to do it any more and me stupidly believing, but I want to give it another chance. 

1. Bryan Harsin is a very good coach who knows how to build culture, and doesn't give a damn what the internet says about him. This is a good thing but it won't work (or be allowed to work) at Auburn. If he's lucky, Texas will fire Tom Herman next year, Urban Meyer will once again say "No" to them, and he'll be off to Austin. It's a better fit for him anyway and I think he'll do quite well there. If that doesn't happen, see #5 below.
Same said about Dye. I think he gets his chance.   We'll see in how the assistant spots are filled.  If Kodi, Garner, Steele are still around when the staff if built then I'll move back to the edge again. 

2. Auburn culture (the culture we all know, love, and cherish) is dead as a doornail. We are now petulant children who wish we could be any other team other than Auburn. It's our fatal flaw. Probably always was but we had a stretch where the enemies were down and we looked poised to take the spot. We were merely warming it.
It might be dead.  Part of our problem these days is that we took on a huge influx of ex-Bammers.  Kids who grew up in the Brunt culture but switched during the Dye years.  They brought their attitude with them. Ones like me who suffered those dark lean years at the end of Shug's tenure and during the Barfield years when Brunt was at the height of his cheating, drunken power are old now. Our memories grayed.  I never went to school on Monday after an Auburn Iron Bowl win. My daughter never went after an Iron Bowl loss. As bad as things are with Saban, they aren't as bad as they were then. There's no decade-long string of ass whippings.  There was a NC in there (something I thought I'd never live long enough to see).  Even the Iron Bowl has been relatively competitive. This generation has never known famine.  They never had to walk that lonely road. So they're a little spoiled maybe. I see that.  It's our job to remind them who we are -- something I forgot in my own sick of the bullshit resignation. 

3. Allen Greene's career at Auburn is over. When this fails - more on that in a bit - he'll go down with it along with the NCAA  basketball sledgehammer that IS coming for Bruce Pearl and the basketball team. Pearl's been in their sights for over a decade, now they will have their pound of flesh. Dr. Gogue doesn't care. He already retired once and only came back to save Auburn from itself after the disastrous Dr. Leath tenure. (The ripples of Leath's poison are still flowing strong throughout campus, by the way.) Greene will be lucky to run a YMCA in Yazoo City, Mississippi once this is done.
Not willing to go there yet.  He's going to meet resistance especially if Harsin struggles.  There IS NO NCAA HAMMER coming.  That's wishful thinking.  Yeah, Leath was a disastrous choice.  But so was Obama. So is Biden. I'm not completely sold on Greene because he let that asinine social justice shit go way farther than it should have.  But he could have caved here and let AU continue to just be AU. He could have sucked up to the pine barons and titty babies and insulated himself (like Jacobs did).  

4. Auburn is a mediocre football program. Glimpses of more always fool the fools. Cam and Cecil Newton are the worst things that ever happened to us. I want more than anything for Cam to go away and never darken Lee County's boarder again. Charlatan. We are more like those 2004 & 2013 teams. Tons of heart and guts and always just a bit short.
This is wrong on 180,000 different levels. Cam's not a charlatan. He's an oddball but he's one of the single greatest talents to ever set foot on a college field. I truly thought I was going to die without ever seeing Auburn reach the top of the mountain (same with Red Sox and Cubs). Cam and the rest of that talented team gave me something I never thought I'd see.  I got to be a grown man, crying tears of joy in the desert because of Cam and no matter what came after, that is a memory I will hold on to forever.  Auburn has never been mediocre.  We're a good program. Top 15ish historically. But you're right it always seems like there's that one trip-wire that keeps us from being truly remembered as truly great.  LSU in 1988. Miami in 1993. Unbeaten USC and OU in 2004. And so on.  That's why the gift that Cam and that crew gave us, that opportunity to stand alone is and will forever be worth it.  Cam, the man, fully embraced Auburn. Would have been easy for him to turn his back when he left, but he didn't.  For better or worse, he's one of us and always will be. 

5. Harsin will have the chance to succeed here. Too many power brokers with hurt butts and feelings will conspire to see that his run is ruinous. Shut doors to recruits, lack of funds for capital projects, and the impatient fan base (and willing media to fan the flames) will lead to his downfall in three seasons or less. Once again, JABA will reign and 8-4 will seem like a fresh spring's dream. They'll go back to the "Auburn man" tree and continue the wallowing in mediocre slop all while the price for everything goes up.
This?  It's a concern. There are so many parallels to Trump that it's mind-boggling. The media is against us. So is most of the big money.  And now there are those within our own party who would prefer that we fail so they can retain their illusion of power.  I don't know about Harbert, but Jimmy "Fatass" Rayne wants to be on the sidelines. He proved that when he was on camera tromping around yelling at players during a horrific game in Arkansas with Tuberville. He got his jowly ass relegated to the background where he belonged then. Took him a long time to weasel his way back.  Those guys are cancers, there's no doubt.  But their mirror images were cancers at Bama prior to Saban. They fought him (hard) at the beginning especially when he started kicking them out of the complex. 

I see this as a real chance to change the trends, to reverse some of the insular damage we've done to ourselves for decades.  Harsin has to win, obviously, and it sickens me that our own so-called fans might hamstring that effort.  I heard one Friday say "I don't care about wins and losses, I care about what kind of men our coach makes out of these kids and that's why I can't support us getting rid of Gus..."   

If Harsin wins, though?  Not really even wins, but looks like a fucking football team and not a herd of monkeys brawling over a banana, he can keep the cancers at bay.  

They won't ever go away, you're right.  The minute Saban steps down at Alabama?  Those same clowns that hired Shula and Mike Price will be right back to their meddling ways and will bring that program to its knees.  You watch.  

6. It's not fun anymore. The corporate feel of the experience, the willingness to try and be everything to everyone while emulating everyone else makes Auburn a cheap facsimile and a dated one. In a decade, no one will remember that Auburn once chased the league's elite as we fight Ole Miss and Arkansas for lower-tier bowl game spots and 3 star problem child recruits the Big Boys didn't want anyways.
Once again, you're wrong in 180,000 ways.  It will take way more than a decade to relegate us to the Ole Miss and Arkansas scrap heap.  Even Tennessee's 20-year wander through the desert hasn't done that to them yet.  Tennessee's problem is they never fought the backstabbing powers. Fulmer?  He's the biggest cancer that program has ever seen and he's still there pulling strings.  That slimy bastard stabbed Johnny Majors in the back and got away with it.  We didn't let Brother Oliver or Steele complete that task.  Both times our people, the core people who don't have all the money, but are the heart of what Auburn really is (or can be) collectively joined to prevent that.  Everything you're talking about in this point is traced back to Jay fucking Jacobs.  The giant screen, the stupid white tents, the blaring rap, the shitting on lifelong fans by fucking with their traditional seats... everything has his prints on it.  That one man is at the swirling center of most of my dissatisfaction with the direction AU took.  I didn't expect that to be any different once he got that ball rolling, but maybe -- just maybe -- it can be.  I've got to take that chance, because I've loved Auburn for too long and too hard to quit if there's even a small chance that the trends can be reversed.  A week ago I didn't think they could.  Now, there's that tiny spark of hope.  I want to give it a chance to grow into a flame again.  

Maybe it can't. 

Here's the thing, though.  Maybe it can. 

I don't necessarily want championships. Alabama fans have plenty and are some of the most miserable people I've ever met. It's never enough. All I really want is for Auburn to "be Auburn."  I want our guys to play with heart, to be prepared, to win the ones they're supposed to win and occasionally -- through preparation, guts and determination -- win some they aren't.  Auburn hasn't "looked" like a football team for almost ten years.  We've been a top ten program with a bottom ten staff for a very long time.  Talent is there, but it's wasted or sent packing.  I'm tired of Auburn ruining guys careers (Kerryon, Tre, Duke come to mind) because our coaches aren't college caliber.  I'm tired of apologizing.  

In an image, here's what I think is Auburn's football future.

I could be totally wrong about all of the outcomes above, but I don't think I'm wrong about why I think that's the course and causes.

Nobody's been a harsher critic than me. Nobody's been more disgusted and disillusioned than me over the last few years.  I've done things I never thought I'd do because I thought it was too late to save the AU I loved.  I could be wrong and I'm no fucking pollyanna, but today, at this moment, I have that small flicker of hope again.  That's worth something.  It could all play out like you suggest, and then I will grieve because at that point it will be over for me forever.  The guy who expected to be buried wearing an AU pin, will go unadorned.  But maybe there's a chance.  Might as well wait and see. 
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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2020, 11:09:27 AM »
I watched the entire press conference.  I like the cut of his jib.  He comes across as a no nonsense type of person which as some others have already said and I agree with, Auburn needs.  I think some folks are underestimating the larger body of Auburn people.  Auburn people want to win but more importantly they don't want to be bullshitted.

  There are a lot of fan bases that are fine swallowing the same ole shit that is shoveled down their throats.  I believe (and I hope that I am right) that the larger sect of Auburn folks are willing to give him a chance to be successful as long as we are not treated like mushroom fans.  What's a mushroom fan?  It is a fan that is kept in the dark and shit on.  I understand there is a part of the coach speak game that everyone has to play but what we need (and have needed for quite some time) is a fire breather that calls a spade a spade and owns the program, good and bad and then works like hell to correct the problems, through personnel, coaching, perception, or whatever else. 

Count me as one on the train.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2020, 12:19:06 PM »
I watched the entire press conference.  I like the cut of his jib.  He comes across as a no nonsense type of person which as some others have already said and I agree with, Auburn needs.  I think some folks are underestimating the larger body of Auburn people.  Auburn people want to win but more importantly they don't want to be bullshitted.

  There are a lot of fan bases that are fine swallowing the same ole shit that is shoveled down their throats.  I believe (and I hope that I am right) that the larger sect of Auburn folks are willing to give him a chance to be successful as long as we are not treated like mushroom fans.  What's a mushroom fan?  It is a fan that is kept in the dark and shit on.  I understand there is a part of the coach speak game that everyone has to play but what we need (and have needed for quite some time) is a fire breather that calls a spade a spade and owns the program, good and bad and then works like hell to correct the problems, through personnel, coaching, perception, or whatever else. 

Count me as one on the train.
Always about race with you.  Oh there's no doubt the majority of fans will give him a chance.  With the exception of a couple of fan bases like those of Bama and The Ohio State University, where anything less than a champeenship is a failure, Auburn fans are pretty much like any other Power 5 school's fan base.  Expectations will differ somewhat from one program to another, but for the most part, if you win more than you lose and the program looks as if it's consistently moving in the right direction, a coach is going to get a fair shake.  

We're no different.  Pat Dye got 12 years, but his time was up due to a declining record and NCAA problems.  Tuberville got 10 years but his record was headed straight down and he had some personal issues.  It was time.  Gus got 8 and a shit ton of money.  I think he earned enough good will from a good bit of the fan base with the MNC run and holding his own for the most part with Saban.  But in my view, the fans and PTB finally accepted the fact that he is what he is and $7 million a year is too much to pay for 4-6 losses every single year. And yes, I believe it is absolutely NOT unrealistic to expect more than that.

 I truly don't think AU fans are unrealistic. And I don't recall any torches and pitch forks involved in any of our coaching changes with the exception of Chizik.  That was an intolerable situation and had to get fixed, sharpish. Hell, if you listen to Finebaum,(And I do catch some of his show) the majority of callers have been far more up in arms about Jeremy Pruitt than Gus.  If you do think our fan base is unrealistic, take a quick look outside the Auburn bubble.  Spurrier and Meyer won at Florida.  Ron Zook, Charlie Skrong, Will Muschamp and Jim Baby Shark McElwain didn't. Fulmer won at Tennessee.  He retired just 12 years ago and they're on their 4th head coach and this one is on the hot seat.  Morehead lasted what, 2 years at Miss. State?  How about that turnstile at Arkansas, huh?

Bottom line, if you win more than you lose, keep out of trouble and keep the program headed in a positive direction, you'll get your shot to build the program.  Unless he's a total bust, Harsin will get his shot too.    
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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2020, 03:04:29 PM »
I watched the entire press conference.  I like the cut of his jib.  He comes across as a no nonsense type of person which as some others have already said and I agree with, Auburn needs.  I think some folks are underestimating the larger body of Auburn people.  Auburn people want to win but more importantly they don't want to be bullshitted.

  There are a lot of fan bases that are fine swallowing the same ole shit that is shoveled down their throats.  I believe (and I hope that I am right) that the larger sect of Auburn folks are willing to give him a chance to be successful as long as we are not treated like mushroom fans.  What's a mushroom fan?  It is a fan that is kept in the dark and shit on.  I understand there is a part of the coach speak game that everyone has to play but what we need (and have needed for quite some time) is a fire breather that calls a spade a spade and owns the program, good and bad and then works like hell to correct the problems, through personnel, coaching, perception, or whatever else. 

Count me as one on the train.
I’m onboard. We all have to commit to helping Coach Haversham in order for this to work.
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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2020, 03:11:14 PM »
I’m onboard. We all have to commit to helping Coach Haversham in order for this to work.
You know, you're really showing your ignorance here.  On board is not a compound word.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Buzz Killington

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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2020, 03:58:30 PM »
 Count Buzz in on the Harsherthanyou train as well. Got the vibe from his presser that he's got no time for bullshit.  He really needs to get some assistants with experience recruiting and coaching in the SEC...but I have seen no reason to doubt that he can be successful in Auburn long-term.

The one thing that the firing of Gus, the process of looking for and hiring the new coarch and the new coarch himself have given me is hope.  That's all you can ask for at this point...couldn't really say that at the beginning of any season since 2014.
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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.


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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2020, 04:38:06 PM »
Count Buzz in on the Harsherthanyou train as well. Got the vibe from his presser that he's got no time for bullshit.  He really needs to get some assistants with experience recruiting and coaching in the SEC...but I have seen no reason to doubt that he can be successful in Auburn long-term.

The one thing that the firing of Gus, the process of looking for and hiring the new coarch and the new coarch himself have given me is hope.  That's all you can ask for at this point...couldn't really say that at the beginning of any season since 2014.
This is a big step for you.  I'm sure you're aware that Coach Haberdashery has never run a double fakey twirly bird play with the fullback in the wildcat in his entire career.  Is that something you can live with, because you may never see that awesomeness again at Auburn.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Buzz Killington

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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2020, 04:55:18 PM »
This is a big step for you.  I'm sure you're aware that Coach Haberdashery has never run a double fakey twirly bird play with the fullback in the wildcat in his entire career.  Is that something you can live with, because you may never see that awesomeness again at Auburn.
RIP Twirlybird.  Coarch Haliburton has killed you.
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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.


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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2020, 07:22:57 PM »
RIP Twirlybird.  Coarch Haliburton has killed you.
Not so fast, my friend. I saw video evidence of  3 stack receiver set doing a syncopated 360 before they said hut. You do not know what you are talking about, again.

However, I agree that Coach Hawkins seems like he don’t put up with the bullshit. I like that.
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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2020, 10:16:35 PM »
I'm onboard with Coach Heisenberg. Don't know that I can say much more. Seems like a no- nonsense kind of guy. Can only hope the transition goes smoothly.

Might get a top twenty recruiting class based on his reputation and the positive draw of Auburn. 
I'm preparing for a 6-6 regular season. Could turn out better.
Just have to wait and see.

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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2020, 10:25:00 PM »
I'm onboard with Coach Heisenberg. Don't know that I can say much more. Seems like a no- nonsense kind of guy. Can only hope the transition goes smoothly.

Might get a top twenty recruiting class based on his reputation and the positive draw of Auburn.
I'm preparing for a 6-6 regular season. Could turn out better.
Just have to wait and see.
Coach Heidlebum will do much better than that. You’ll see.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: And a Harsin New Year
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2020, 10:53:42 PM »
Coach Heidlebum will do much better than that. You’ll see.
Agree. Coach harbertstein also likes Bruce. Birds of a feather....
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