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The Abyss


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The Abyss
« on: December 20, 2020, 05:37:00 PM »
We are staring directly into it.  

The world has gone completely insane.  

In England, the PM essentially canceled Christmas for millions.  They can't leave their homes. They can't visit family. They can't go to stores because all must be closed.  

Why? There's a "new strain" of this virus someone noticed in mink.  Fucking mink.  The animals.  The "new strain" is less lethal and symptoms are lesser than the "original" virus.  

So we are destroying entire communities over what amounts to a mild cold for 99.99% of the population.  

Here's some reality for you: 

We're ALL going to die at some point.  That was a given from the day we took our first breath.  Part of this life is living in the perpetual knowledge that at any point in time we could breathe in some particle that will unleash a chain reaction that will kill us; we could slide off the road and die in a car accident; a drunk driver could slam into us; a cell in our body could blow a fuse and morph into a fatal cancer. Knowing that we are going to die is that fruit of the tree of life, that morbid knowledge we weren't really supposed to have.  But we know. And it haunts us.  

Nothing the Prime Minister of England, the Pope, President Trump, that assclown Fauci, Dead Biden (fuck him and the whore he rode in on), or anyone else can change that.  Immortality cannot be mandated, it cannot be masked, it cannot be vaccinated, it cannot be controlled or created by government.  People are going to get sick. Forever. People will die of that sickness. Forever.  Maybe it's strep, diabetes, cholera, some STD, TB, the flu, a cold, pneumonia, whatever. SOMETHING is going to get everybody.  

The fear paranoia -- which the WHO now admits is just that since more than 90% of "COVID diagnoses" are probably just another common ailment such as a cold or bronchitis or strep -- is out of hand.  

Somebody is going to have to stand up or we are on the brink of losing this country forever.  

I will NOT 

It's ride or die time.  I'm serious.  
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Re: The Abyss
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2020, 05:43:43 PM »
You are scaring me with this “we are all going to die” talk.

Remember, if you’re planning on offing a bunch of libs before you slash your own throat, I was kidding in that post about being conflicted with my vote, from before the election.

I was just kidding. I love the Donald with all of my heart, myself. Always.
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Buzz Killington

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Re: The Abyss
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2020, 08:05:41 AM »
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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.