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The mind of the Biden voter


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The mind of the Biden voter
« on: November 06, 2020, 12:06:41 PM »
Just finished a national conference planning call with a group in which I am involved. Hundreds of locations across the US.  Lots of liberals, muh beard bros (one even wearing the trademark knit cap),  Karens, LGBR549s and other assorted fucktards in the group.  

Conversation turned to staffing and product plans for next year.  This group: 

1) Celebrated the coming $15 an hour wage.  LONG overdue.  Great that the working class was going to be lifted up and that the "rich" were going to finally be held accountable.  Much virtual high-fiving.  
2) IMMEDIATELY pivoted to a discussion of current salaries which are an average of $10.50 across the board.  In order to raise that these clueless cucks began talking about what percentage to raise the standard monthly rate to customers in order to offset the higher wages. The consensus was 15-25% across the board.  
3) IMMEDIATELY pivoted to the need to "tighten" staff and that almost every location could probably cut at least one staff member without a significant loss in the ability to serve.  

I'd had enough.  So I stopped the entire meeting and said I needed to ask a simple question.  

"How is the $15 an hour minimum wage such a good thing if we're going to raise our prices and cut our staff? Don't you think every single other company in America will do the exact same thing?  The television that costs you $400 will cost you $550 in order to cover the inflated labor costs. The milk you get at the store will go from $4 a gallon to $6 because it costs more.  If we're laying people off, don't you think everybody else is going to do the same?  If they do, who's going to pay them the $15 that nobody can afford?  Unemployment is going to go up tremendously.  

I think that as a business, we should oppose the minimum wage hike, because it's going to have the exact opposite effect of what you think.  This discussion proved that."  

Blank looks all around.  Extended silence.  

Finally some douche hipster with a multi-colored beard goes: 

"What are you not seeing about people having more money?  How is that not a good thing?"  

Heads began nodding all around.  

Fuck it.  
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If you want free cheese, look in a mousetrap.


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Re: The mind of the Biden voter
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2020, 01:01:23 PM »
you left out non functioning glasses and sweet but overused thesaurus or trendy words/phrases

You are so like, Draconian Boomer. Ok bro, like, you soooo worship your orange Oligarch. 
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Re: The mind of the Biden voter
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2020, 01:53:22 PM »
Just finished a national conference planning call with a group in which I am involved. Hundreds of locations across the US.  Lots of liberals, muh beard bros (one even wearing the trademark knit cap),  Karens, LGBR549s and other assorted fucktards in the group. 

Conversation turned to staffing and product plans for next year.  This group:

1) Celebrated the coming $15 an hour wage.  LONG overdue.  Great that the working class was going to be lifted up and that the "rich" were going to finally be held accountable.  Much virtual high-fiving. 
2) IMMEDIATELY pivoted to a discussion of current salaries which are an average of $10.50 across the board.  In order to raise that these clueless cucks began talking about what percentage to raise the standard monthly rate to customers in order to offset the higher wages. The consensus was 15-25% across the board. 
3) IMMEDIATELY pivoted to the need to "tighten" staff and that almost every location could probably cut at least one staff member without a significant loss in the ability to serve. 

I'd had enough.  So I stopped the entire meeting and said I needed to ask a simple question. 

"How is the $15 an hour minimum wage such a good thing if we're going to raise our prices and cut our staff? Don't you think every single other company in America will do the exact same thing?  The television that costs you $400 will cost you $550 in order to cover the inflated labor costs. The milk you get at the store will go from $4 a gallon to $6 because it costs more.  If we're laying people off, don't you think everybody else is going to do the same?  If they do, who's going to pay them the $15 that nobody can afford?  Unemployment is going to go up tremendously. 

I think that as a business, we should oppose the minimum wage hike, because it's going to have the exact opposite effect of what you think.  This discussion proved that." 

Blank looks all around.  Extended silence. 

Finally some douche hipster with a multi-colored beard goes:

"What are you not seeing about people having more money?  How is that not a good thing?" 

Heads began nodding all around. 

Fuck it. 
Were you naked in the zoom call?
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Re: The mind of the Biden voter
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2020, 04:47:51 PM »
Eventually when their employees hate them, it will be Trump’s fault. 
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.