Okay, since we're headed down memory lane, this was the noble steed that carried us on vacation and all around the greater Metro Montgomery area. I give you, the 1968 Impala Station Wagon. Exact same color, style, the works.
Typical vacation scenario. Montgomery to Panama City Beach for a few days at the luxurious Fontainebleau resort. Before Chevy was ever loading up the luggage in Vacation, Dad had everything strapped down to the luggage rack up top. They had a mattress that fit perfectly throughout the whole back, so all the seats were laid down and we three kids 10, 8 and 4, roamed around freely. Dad and Mom were up front, furiously puffing on Salem Menthols and mixing Canadian Club and Ginger Ales. They had their own travel kit. Probably needed several on the way down to deal with:
He's putting his feet on me.
Stay on your side, this is my side.
I gotta' pee. Me too. Yeah, I do too.
She won't give me my comic back. GIVE IT!!!
My job was always to hold the beat up old Rand McNally map and announce each town we got to and what town was coming up next. Good times!